
Clear Blue Technologies to Provide Renewable Energy Solutions for Telecom Sites in Rural South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Clear Blue Technologies to Provide Renewable Energy Solutions for Telecom Sites in Rural South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Clear Blue Technologies將爲南蘇丹和剛果民主共和國的偏遠地區的電信站提供可再生能源解決方案。
GlobeNewswire ·  09/11 22:57
  • Clear Blue Technologies to implement renewable energy solutions, bringing sustainable power to rural, off-grid telecommunications sites in South Sudan and the DRC.
  • Clear Blue Technologies將實施可再生能源解決方案,爲南蘇丹和剛果民主共和國的農村離網電信站點提供可持續電力。
  • Hybrid renewable energy-battery systems will ensure market-leading 99.97% uptime for Clear Blue's telecom partners, enabling wireless connectivity for underserved communities.
  • Modular and decentralized energy systems from Clear Blue Technologies will drive the expansion of critical telecom infrastructure in both nations.
  • 混合可再生能源電池系統將確保Clear Blue的電信合作伙伴的正常運行時間達到市場領先的99.97%,從而爲服務不足的社區提供無線連接。
  • Clear Blue Technologies的模塊化和分散式能源系統將推動兩國關鍵電信基礎設施的擴張。

TORONTO, Sept. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clear Blue Technologies International Inc. ("Clear Blue") (TSXV: CBLU) (FRA:0YA) (OTCQB: CBUTF), a leader in Smart Power, announces that it has entered into an agreement to provide 100% renewable energy solutions for rural telecommunications sites in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This initiative aims to bring wireless connectivity to underserved and off-grid communities by powering telecom infrastructure with renewable energy. The decentralized energy systems will be pivotal in enabling digital communication in areas where traditional energy sources are either unreliable or unavailable.

多倫多,2024年9月11日(環球新聞專線)——智能電力領域的領導者Clear Blue Technologies International Inc.(「Clear Blue」)(FRA: 0YA)(OTCQB:CBUTF)宣佈已達成協議,爲南蘇丹和剛果民主共和國(DRC)的農村電信站點提供100%的可再生能源解決方案。該計劃旨在通過使用可再生能源爲電信基礎設施供電,爲服務不足和離網社區提供無線連接。分散式能源系統將在傳統能源不可靠或不可用的領域實現數字通信方面發揮關鍵作用。

Rik Wuts, Head of Telecom Solutions at CrossBoundary Energy, said "Digital infrastructure is a cornerstone of economic growth and an essential enabler of social progress in communities across the continent. Powering this infrastructure with renewable energy enables increased connectivity in underserved markets. This agreement with iSAT Africa reflects our confidence in providing reliable, cost-effective energy in the most remote and challenging locations desperate for connectivity and we look forward to expanding our collaboration rapidly."

CrossBoundary Energy電信解決方案主管Rik Wuts表示:「數字基礎設施是經濟增長的基石,也是整個非洲大陸社區社會進步的重要推動力。使用可再生能源爲該基礎設施提供動力,可以增強服務不足市場的連通性。與iSat Africa的這項協議反映了我們有信心爲迫切需要連接的最偏遠、最具挑戰性的地區提供可靠、具有成本效益的能源,我們期待着迅速擴大我們的合作。」

Rakesh Kukreja, CEO at iSAT Africa, said, "Our mission, to offer Network as a Service to Mobile Operators that enables them to expand their network coverage to greenfield locations, is made possible through secure, reliable energy solutions. We are thrilled to be partnering with CrossBoundary Energy, whose involvement will allow us to roll out infrastructure to markets that will benefit greatly from better connectivity to bridge the digital divide."

iSat Africa首席執行官拉克什·庫克雷亞表示:「我們的使命是向移動運營商提供網絡即服務,使他們能夠將網絡覆蓋範圍擴展到新建地點,這是通過安全、可靠的能源解決方案實現的。我們很高興能與CrossBoundary Energy合作,後者的參與將使我們能夠向市場推出基礎設施,改善連接以彌合數字鴻溝將使這些市場受益匪淺。」

Miriam Tuerk, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Clear Blue Technologies, said, "Our mission is to provide stable, scalable renewable energy solutions in areas that lack connectivity, so we are fully aligned to this project. Both iSAT and CrossBoundary Energy are key partners in enabling the rollout of smart energy technology to benefit these communities."

Clear Blue Technologies聯合創始人兼首席執行官米里亞姆·圖爾克表示:「我們的使命是在缺乏連接的地區提供穩定、可擴展的可再生能源解決方案,因此我們完全支持該項目。iSat和CrossBoundary Energy都是推動智能能源技術推廣以造福這些社區的關鍵合作伙伴。」

About CrossBoundary Energy


CrossBoundary Energy is a leading developer, owner, and operator of distributed renewable energy solutions for businesses, providing cheaper and cleaner energy through power purchase and lease agreements. CrossBoundary Energy is currently delivering a portfolio of over $470 million of renewable energy and storage assets for clients including Unilever, Diageo, Rio Tinto, Heineken, and AB InBev, and was recognized by Africa Solar Industry Association as "Solar Company of the Year" in 2022. CrossBoundary Energy is a member company of the CrossBoundary Group, a mission-driven investment firm founded in 2011 and committed to unlocking the power of capital for sustainable growth and strong returns in underserved markets. Learn more at .

CrossBoundary Energy是企業分佈式可再生能源解決方案的領先開發商、所有者和運營商,通過購電和租賃協議提供更便宜、更清潔的能源。CrossBoundary Energy目前爲聯合利華、帝亞吉歐、力拓、喜力啤酒和百威英博等客戶提供超過4.7億美元的可再生能源和存儲資產組合,並於2022年被非洲太陽能行業協會評爲 「年度太陽能公司」。CrossBoundary Energy是CrossBoundary Group的成員公司。CrossBoundary Group是一家以使命爲導向的投資公司,成立於2011年,致力於釋放資本的力量,在服務不足的市場中實現可持續增長和豐厚的回報。要了解更多信息,請訪問。

About iSAT Africa

關於 iSat Africa

iSAT Africa is an integrated communications services provider specializing in Network as a Service (NaaS), Backhaul as a Service, and Energy as a Service. These services are transforming the connectivity landscape in Africa by offering scalable, cost-effective solutions that bridge the digital divide. iSAT Africa's NaaS model leverages cutting-edge technology and a flexible financial framework, enabling seamless network deployment across both urban and rural areas without the need for upfront investments. With support for LTE, 5G, and high-speed satellite services, NaaS enhances communication and operational efficiency even in the most underserved regions. All services are powered by renewable energy, promoting environmental sustainability while making telecom sites commercially viable.

iSat Africa是一家綜合通信服務提供商,專門從事網絡即服務(NaaS)、回程即服務和能源即服務。這些服務通過提供可擴展、具有成本效益的解決方案來彌合數字鴻溝,正在改變非洲的連接格局。iSAT Africa的NaaS模式利用尖端技術和靈活的財務框架,無需前期投資即可在城市和農村地區實現無縫網絡部署。NaaS 支持 LTE、5G 和高速衛星服務,即使在服務最差的地區,也能提高通信和運營效率。所有服務均由可再生能源提供動力,促進環境可持續性,同時使電信站點具有商業可行性。

About Clear Blue Technologies International


Clear Blue Technologies International, the leader in Smart Power, was founded on a vision of delivering clean, managed, "wireless power" to meet the global need for reliable, low-cost, solar and hybrid power for lighting, telecom, security, Internet of Things devices, and other mission-critical systems. Today, Clear Blue is working with its customers "On the Road to Zero Diesel". Only through massive cloud, data, predictive analytics and AI, can Telecom customers wean themselves off of dirty fuel generators. Clear Blue's leading technology helps its customers achieve their Netzero objectives. Clear Blue has thousands of systems under management across 45 countries, including across Africa, the U.S. and Canada. (TSXV: CBLU) (FRA: 0YA) (OTCQB: CBUTF) .

智能電源領域的領導者Clear Blue Technologies International成立的願景是提供清潔、可管理的 「無線電力」,以滿足全球對照明、電信、安全、物聯網設備和其他關鍵任務系統對可靠、低成本的太陽能和混合電力的需求。如今,Clear Blue正在與其客戶合作 「走向零柴油之路」。只有通過大規模的雲、數據、預測分析和人工智能,電信客戶才能擺脫骯髒的燃料發電機。Clear Blue 的領先技術可幫助其客戶實現其淨零排放目標。Clear Blue 管理着 45 個國家的數千個系統,包括非洲、美國和加拿大。(TSXV: CBLU) (FRA: 0YA) (OTCQB: CBUTF)。



Clear Blue
Miriam Tuerk, Co-Founder and CEO
+1 416 433 3952

Miriam Tuerk,聯合創始人兼首席執行官
+1 416 433 3952

Nikhil Thadani, Sophic Capital
+1 437 836 9669

Nikhil Thadani,Sophic Capital
+1 437 836 9669

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Forward-Looking Statement


This press release contains certain "forward-looking information" and/or "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-looking information and forward-looking statements are not representative of historical facts or information or current condition, but instead represent only Clear Blue's beliefs regarding future events, plans or objectives, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside of Clear Blue's control. Generally, such forward-looking information or forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or may contain statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "will continue", "will occur" or "will be achieved". The forward-looking information contained herein may include, but is not limited to, the future phases of the project or future value of this project for any mentioned parties.

本新聞稿包含適用證券法所指的某些 「前瞻性信息」 和/或 「前瞻性陳述」。此類前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述不代表歷史事實或信息或當前狀況,而僅代表Clear Blue對未來事件、計劃或目標的信念,其中許多信念本質上是不確定的,不在Clear Blue的控制範圍內。通常,此類前瞻性信息或前瞻性陳述可以通過使用前瞻性術語來識別,例如 「計劃」、「預期」 或 「不預期」、「預算」、「預期」、「估計」、「打算」、「預期」 或 「不相信」,或此類詞語和短語的變體或可能包含某些行爲、事件或結果 「可能」 的陳述, 「可以」, 「將」, 「可能」 或 「將被採取」, 「將繼續」, 「將發生」 或 「將實現」.此處包含的前瞻性信息可能包括但不限於該項目的未來階段或該項目對任何上述各方的未來價值。

By identifying such information and statements in this manner, Clear Blue is alerting the reader that such information and statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Clear Blue to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such information and statements.

通過以這種方式識別此類信息和陳述,Clear Blue提醒讀者,此類信息和陳述受已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致Clear Blue的實際結果、活動水平、績效或成就與此類信息和陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。

An investment in securities of Clear Blue is speculative and subject to several risks including, without limitation, the risks discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Clear Blue's listing application dated July 12, 2018. Although Clear Blue has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking information and forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended.

對Clear Blue證券的投資是投機性的,存在多種風險,包括但不限於Clear Blue於2018年7月12日提出的上市申請中 「風險因素」 標題下討論的風險。儘管Clear Blue試圖確定可能導致實際業績與前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述中包含的結果存在重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致業績與預期、估計或預期不符。

In connection with the forward-looking information and forward-looking statements contained in this press release, Clear Blue has made certain assumptions. Although Clear Blue believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing, and the expectations contained in, the forward-looking information and statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information and statements, and no assurance or guarantee can be given that such forward-looking information and statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information and statements. The forward-looking information and forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release. All subsequent written and oral forward- looking information and statements attributable to Clear Blue or persons acting on its behalf is expressly qualified in its entirety by this notice.

關於本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述,Clear Blue做出了某些假設。儘管Clear Blue認爲準備前瞻性信息和陳述時使用的假設和因素以及其中包含的預期是合理的,但不應過分依賴此類信息和陳述,也不能保證或保證此類前瞻性信息和陳述將被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類信息和陳述中的預期存在重大差異。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述自本新聞稿發佈之日起作出。本聲明明確規定了所有隨後歸因於 Clear Blue 或代表其行事的人的書面和口頭前瞻性信息和陳述。

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities described in this news release. Such securities have not been, and will not be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act, or any state securities laws, and, accordingly, may not be offered or sold within the United States, or to or for the account or benefit of persons in the United States or "U.S. Persons", as such term is defined in Regulation S promulgated under the U.S. Securities Act, unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or pursuant to an exemption from such registration requirements.

本新聞稿不構成出售要約或徵求購買本新聞稿中描述的任何證券的要約。此類證券過去和將來都不會根據《美國證券法》或任何州證券法進行註冊,因此,除非根據《美國證券法》和適用的州證券法註冊或根據豁免註冊,否則不得在美國境內發行或出售,也不得向美國境內個人或 「美國個人」 的帳戶或受益,該術語的定義見根據《美國證券法》和適用的州證券法或根據豁免進行註冊不受此類註冊要求的影響。

