
Haivision StreamHub and MoJoPro Now on AWS Enabling Instant 5G Mobile Contribution

Haivision StreamHub and MoJoPro Now on AWS Enabling Instant 5G Mobile Contribution

Haivision StreamHub和MoJoPro現在在AWS上,實現即時的5g概念移動投稿
GlobeNewswire ·  09/11 21:00

Pioneering a mobile contribution revolution, the solution provides a cost-effective way for journalists and video professionals to cover breaking news, sports and live events with the simplicity and freedom of smartphones


MONTREAL, Sept. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Haivision Systems Inc. ("Haivision") (TSX: HAI), a leading global provider of mission-critical, real-time video networking and visual collaboration solutions, today announced the availability of Haivision StreamHub with Haivision MoJoPro on the AWS Marketplace, bringing an instantly available mobile broadcast contribution solution for journalists, video professionals, and broadcasters to cover breaking news, sports, and live events with smartphones using 4G and 5G networks.

蒙特利爾,2024年9月11日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——全球領先的任務關鍵型實時視頻網絡和視覺協作解決方案提供商Haivision Systems Inc.(「Haivision」)(「Haivision」)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:HAI)今天宣佈在AWS市場上推出帶有Haivision MojoPro的Haivision StreamHub,爲記者、視頻專業人員和廣播公司提供即時可用的移動廣播投稿解決方案,以報道突發新聞、體育,以及使用4G和5G網絡的智能手機直播活動。

Whether a user needs a single camera for a few hours, or multiple cameras spanning multiple days or weeks, Haivision's pay-as-you-go solution on AWS helps broadcasts go live quicker and easier than ever before.

無論用戶需要一臺攝像機幾個小時,還是需要跨越多天或幾周的多臺攝像機,Haivision 在 AWS 上的即用即付解決方案都能幫助廣播比以往任何時候都更快、更輕鬆地上線。

Leveraged across the summer's biggest sporting events to capture the action from up close and transmit live video feeds over public and private 5G, the free-to-download MoJoPro professional camera app contributes high-quality HD video to live production workflows from anywhere by bonding multiple cellular network connections. StreamHub on AWS receives live video feeds from MoJoPro, transcodes and synchronizes the feeds in real-time, and outputs to SRT, NDI, RTMP, and other IP protocols to ensure downstream compatibility for cloud or on-prem production workflows.

這款免費下載的 MojoPro 專業攝像機應用程序通過綁定多個蜂窩網絡連接,隨時隨地爲現場製作工作流程提供高質量的高清視頻,通過公共和私有 5G 傳輸實時視頻源,可在夏季最大的體育賽事中近距離捕捉精彩的精彩畫面。AWS 上的 StreamHub 接收來自 MojoPro 的實時視頻源,對源進行實時轉碼和同步,並輸出到 sRT、NDI、RTMP 和其他 IP 協議,以確保雲或本地生產工作流程的下游兼容性。

"Haivision StreamHub and the MoJoPro mobile app have transformed mobile content contribution, becoming indispensable tools for broadcasters at the world's most significant sports and news events," said Peter Maag, Chief Strategy Officer and EVP Strategic Partnerships for Haivision. "Now, with its launch on AWS Marketplace, broadcast professionals have instant access to a powerful, high-quality mobile video contribution solution."

Haivision首席戰略官兼戰略合作伙伴關係執行副總裁彼得·馬格表示:「Haivision StreamHub和MojoPro移動應用程序改變了移動內容的貢獻,成爲廣播公司在世界上最重要的體育和新聞活動中不可或缺的工具。」「現在,隨着它在AWS Marketplace的推出,廣播專業人員可以即時訪問強大、高質量的移動視頻貢獻解決方案。」

To access StreamHub with MoJoPro on the AWS Marketplace, visit the AWS Marketplace or

要在 AWS Marketplace 上使用 MojoPro 訪問 StreamHub,請訪問 AWS Marketplace 或。

Haivision will be exhibiting the combined StreamHub and MoJoPro solution at IBC2024. To book a one-on-one meeting with a Haivision video expert at the event, visit:

Haivision 將在 IBC2024 上展出 StreamHub 和 MojoPro 的組合解決方案。要在活動中預訂與海威視視頻專家的一對一會面,請訪問。

About Haivision
Haivision is a leading global provider of mission-critical, real-time video networking and visual collaboration solutions. Our connected cloud and intelligent edge technologies enable organizations globally to engage audiences, enhance collaboration, and support decision making. We provide high quality, low latency, secure, and reliable live video at a global scale. Haivision open sourced its award-winning SRT low latency video streaming protocol and founded the SRT Alliance to support its adoption. Awarded four Emmys for Technology and Engineering from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Haivision continues to fuel the future of IP video transformation. Founded in 2004, Haivision is headquartered in Montreal and Chicago with offices, sales, and support located throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia. To learn more, visit Haivision at

關於 Haivision
Haivision是全球領先的任務關鍵型實時視頻網絡和視覺協作解決方案提供商。我們的互聯雲和智能邊緣技術使全球組織能夠吸引受衆,增強協作並支持決策。我們在全球範圍內提供高質量、低延遲、安全和可靠的實時視頻。Haivision 開源了其屢獲殊榮的 sRT 低延遲視頻流協議,併成立了 sRT 聯盟以支持其採用。Haivision 榮獲美國國家電視藝術與科學學院頒發的四項技術與工程艾美獎,繼續推動未來的 IP 視頻轉型。Haivision成立於2004年,總部位於蒙特利爾和芝加哥,在美洲、歐洲和亞洲設有辦事處、銷售和支持部門。要了解更多信息,請訪問Haivision.com上的Haivision。

Jennifer Gazin
514.334.5445 ext 8309

514.334.5445 分機 8309

