
科创板晚报|奥特维子公司签订9亿元光伏设备合同 思看科技科创板IPO注册生效

Star Evening News | Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of wuxi autowell technology co., ltd., has signed a 0.9 billion yuan contract for photovoltaic equipment. The IPO registration of Think Tech on the Star market has taken effect. ·  Sep 11 20:54

① Ningde Times plans to adjust the lithium carbonate production schedule in Yichun; ② Qianxin's controlling shareholders promised not to reduce their holdings within 6 months; ③ Oriental Biotech and related parties jointly invested 1.2 million US dollars to establish a Philippine holding company.

“Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily”, September 11 — The main contents of today's Science and Technology Innovation Board Evening Report include: Ningde Times plans to adjust the lithium carbonate production schedule in Yichun; Qianxin's controlling shareholders promised not to reduce their shares within 6 months; and Oriental Biotech and related parties jointly invested 1.2 million US dollars to establish a Philippine holding company.

[Focus on hot topics]


State Council: Leveraging the long-term investment advantages of insurance funds to increase investment in strategic emerging industries, advanced manufacturing, and new infrastructure

The State Council issued “Certain Opinions on Strengthening Supervision and Risk Prevention and Promoting High-Quality Development of the Insurance Industry”. Give full play to the long-term investment advantages of insurance funds. Cultivate true patient capital and promote a virtuous cycle of capital, capital, and assets. Increase investment in strategic emerging industries, advanced manufacturing, and new infrastructure to serve the development of new quality productivity. Guide insurance funds to support scientific and technological innovation, venture capital, rural revitalization, and the development of green and low-carbon industries.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Accelerating the development of the mobile Internet of Things from “Internet of Everything” to “Internet of Everything”

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the “Notice on Promoting the Development of the Mobile IoT “Internet of Everything”. The “Notice” clarifies the development goals of the mobile IoT based on the development pace of the mobile IoT industry and the current state of mobile IoT applications in various industries. By 2027, a comprehensive mobile IoT ecosystem based on the combination of 4G (including LTE-Cat1, that is, 4G network with rate category 1) and 5G (including NB-IoT, narrowband IoT; REDCap, lightweight), ubiquitous smart connectivity, and safe and reliable mobile IoT will be further improved. 5G NB-IoT networks achieve deep coverage of key scenarios. 5G REDCap achieves large-scale coverage of cities above the county level across the country and extends coverage to key townships and rural areas. The number of mobile IoT terminal connections is striving to exceed 3.6 billion, of which 4G/5G IoT terminal connections account for 95%. Support the construction of more than 5 mobile IoT industry clusters and more than 10 mobile IoT industry demonstration bases across the country. Cultivate a number of billion-level connection application fields, and create a batch of 10-million-level connection application fields.

Securities Regulatory Commission: China's capital market mergers, acquisitions and restructuring have entered an “active period”

We learned from the Securities Regulatory Commission that with the support of various policies, mergers, acquisitions and restructuring of China's capital market are entering an “active period.” According to the data, since May 2024, A-share listed companies have disclosed a total of 46 major asset restructuring projects, and 7 single-issue restructuring projects have been submitted to the Securities Regulatory Commission for registration. The head of the relevant department of the Securities Regulatory Commission said that overall, the market-based reform of mergers, acquisitions, and restructuring has achieved positive results. Iconic mergers and acquisitions have emerged one after another, showing the characteristics of “hard technology” mergers and acquisitions of “hard technology” enterprises being active, helping technological innovation and resource integration.

Existing companies have declared the “Send Now, Review, and Send Now” green channel

Recently, according to market news, the relevant departments issued a notice requesting that eligible technology-based enterprises breaking through the “stuck neck” field of key core technology be sorted out and reported. According to the “Memorandum of Cooperation on Promoting the Application of the Green Channel Policy for Technology Enterprises under the Cross-Ministerial Cooperation Mechanism” signed with the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission will work with the China Securities Regulatory Commission to open a “green channel” for technology-based enterprises that have passed the audit to achieve “immediate submission and immediate review, immediate issuance after approval” in areas such as initial listing (IPO). According to information, at present, enterprises have submitted relevant materials to apply for the green channel for listing under the guidance of relevant local departments. Since June 28 of this year, the Shanghai and Shenzhen North Exchanges have not accepted new IPO projects for more than two months.

Ningde Era: Proposed adjustments to the lithium carbonate production schedule in Yichun

In response to the news that “the Ningde Era has decided to suspend the operation of the lithium industry in Jiangxi” circulating in the market today, Ningde Times responded to the “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily” reporter saying, “According to the recent lithium carbonate market situation, the company plans to adjust the lithium carbonate production schedule in Yichun.”

Another person familiar with the matter told the Financial Federation reporter that the Ningde era's initiatives have not stopped yet, and they will need to be determined after further communication and coordination.


Lithium battery “reverse internal volume”? Ningde Era: Proposed adjustment of lithium carbonate production schedule in Yichun

A quantum computing milestone! Microsoft successfully entangled 12 logical qubits combined with AI to solve scientific problems

The top oncology conference is here! A variety of popular anti-cancer drugs will be unveiled involving these A-share companies

[Science and Technology Innovation Board Company]

Autoway: The subsidiary signed a 0.9 billion yuan monocrystalline furnace and supporting auxiliary equipment sales contract

Altway announced that the company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Wuxi Autoway Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. (“Supply Chain Company”), recently signed a “procurement contract” with a leading overseas photovoltaic company. The supply chain company sells monocrystalline furnaces and supporting auxiliary equipment to the company, with total sales of about 0.9 billion yuan (tax included). Since the average inspection cycle for the company's products is 6 to 9 months, due to the specific delivery batch and inspection time of this contract, there is uncertainty about the impact of contract execution on 2024 results, which will have a positive impact on the company's 2025 business performance.

Qianxin: Controlling shareholders promise not to reduce their holdings within 6 months

Qianxin announced that Qi Xiangdong, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company, promised not to transfer or reduce his direct holdings of the company's shares in any way for the next 6 months from September 22, 2024.

Oriental Biotech: Jointly invested 1.2 million US dollars with related parties to establish a Philippine holding company

Oriental Biotech announced that Oriental Gene International Holdings, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, co-invested with Fang Xiaoliang, the company's actual controller, director, and general manager, and his spouse Li Rongzhen to establish the holding company Philippine Hengjian in the Philippines, which is mainly engaged in the wholesale trade business of medical devices. The total investment amount was 1.2 million US dollars, of which Oriental Gene International Holdings pledged an investment of 19,999,980.00 pesos and held 1,999,998 shares. Fang Xiaoliang and Li Rongzhen each pledged an investment of 10 pesos, each holding 1 share. Fang Xiaoliang and Li Rongzhen are natural persons associated with the company. This foreign investment constitutes a related transaction, but it does not constitute a major asset restructuring. The transaction was reviewed and approved by the company's board of directors and supervisors, and the relevant directors and supervisors avoided voting. The investment is based on the company's global strategic layout and aims to expand the Southeast Asian market.

Tiannai Technology: Application for fixed increase obtained approval from the Securities Regulatory Commission

Tiannai Technology announced that the company recently received the “Approval on Registration of Jiangsu Tiannai Technology Co., Ltd. to issue shares to specific targets” issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, agreeing to the company's registration application to issue shares to specific targets.

[Review News]

Insight Technology Science and Technology Innovation Board IPO registration takes effect

As of press release, a total of 943 companies' applications for listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board have been accepted. Today, 1 company's review status was updated, and I think the technology registration took effect.

id8nws02N0.png[Venture capital weather vane]

The humanoid robot company accelerated its evolution and completed the 100 million yuan Pre-A series financing round

Recently, the humanoid robot company accelerated its evolution and completed the 100 million yuan Pre-A series financing round. This round of financing was jointly funded by Higan Era, CMBC International, Zhongguancun Science City, and iCanX Fund. The old shareholder Inno Angel followed. The funds will mainly be used to build a general purpose platform and enhance software development capabilities.

Jiangsu Wuxi Integrated Circuit Industry Parent Fund was established with an investment of 5 billion

According to the Tianyancha App, Jiangsu Wuxi Integrated Circuit Industry Special Parent Fund (Limited Partnership) was recently established. The executive partner is Wuxi Zhanxin Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd., with an investment amount of 5 billion yuan. The business scope includes equity investment, investment activities with own capital, and private equity funds to engage in equity investment, investment management, and asset management activities. According to partner information, the fund is jointly funded by Wuxi Xichuang Juli Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), Jiangsu Strategic Emerging Industry Parent Fund Co., Ltd., Wuxi Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd., Wuxi Innovation Investment Group Co., Ltd., and Wuxi Zhanxin Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd.

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