
Kintara Therapeutics Provides Update On REM-001 Clinical Study, Has Enrolled 4 Of The 10 Patients Needed To Reach The Minimum Patient Enrollment To Assess Safety And Appropriate Phase 3 Dose With Several Other Patients Identified As Study Candidates...

Kintara Therapeutics Provides Update On REM-001 Clinical Study, Has Enrolled 4 Of The 10 Patients Needed To Reach The Minimum Patient Enrollment To Assess Safety And Appropriate Phase 3 Dose With Several Other Patients Identified As Study Candidates...

kintara therapeutics就REm-001臨床研究提供了最新報道,已經招募了10名病患中的4名患者,以達到對安全性和適當的3期劑量進行評估所需的最低病人錄取標準,並有其他幾名患者被確定爲研究候選人...
Benzinga ·  09/11 20:34

Kintara Therapeutics Provides Update On REM-001 Clinical Study, Has Enrolled 4 Of The 10 Patients Needed To Reach The Minimum Patient Enrollment To Assess Safety And Appropriate Phase 3 Dose With Several Other Patients Identified As Study Candidates At Kintara's Clinical Sites, No Treatment-Related Safety Issues Have Been Identified To-Date, And Assessment Of The Appropriate Phase 3 Dose Is Ongoing

Kintara Therapeutics提供了REM-001臨床研究的最新情況,已招募了達到最低患者入學人數以評估安全性和適當的3期劑量所需的10名患者中的4名,Kintara臨床場所的其他幾名患者被確定爲研究候選人,迄今尚未發現與治療相關的安全問題,對適當的3期劑量的評估正在進行中

REM-001 Clinical Study Update

rem-001 臨床研究更新

  • As of September 10, 2024, the REM-001 study in patients with cutaneous metastatic breast cancer (CMBC) has enrolled four of the 10 patients needed to reach the minimum patient enrollment to assess safety and appropriate Phase 3 dose with several other patients identified as study candidates at Kintara's clinical sites, the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and the Montefiore Medical Center, the University Hospital for Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
  • Consistent with REM-001's safety profile, no treatment-related safety issues have been identified to-date, and assessment of the appropriate Phase 3 dose is ongoing.
  • CMBC represents an unmet medical need, as there currently are no approved or effective therapies. REM-001 may potentially offer these patients a much needed treatment option. The majority of the cost associated with the REM-001 study is being covered by a $2.0 million Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant Kintara was awarded previously from the National Institutes of Health.
  • 截至2024年9月10日,針對皮膚轉移性乳腺癌(CMBC)患者的rem-001研究已招收了達到最低患者入組人數以評估安全性和適當的3期劑量所需的10名患者中的4名,其他幾名患者被確定爲Kintara臨床地點,紀念斯隆·凱特琳癌症中心和蒙特菲奧雷醫學中心,即阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦醫學院大學醫院。
  • 與rem-001的安全性概況一致,迄今尚未發現任何與治療相關的安全問題,對適當的3期劑量的評估正在進行中。
  • CMBC代表了未得到滿足的醫療需求,因爲目前尚無經批准或有效的療法。rem-001有可能爲這些患者提供急需的治療選擇。與rem-001研究相關的大部分費用由國立衛生研究院先前發放的200萬美元小型企業創新研究(SBIR)補助金支付。

Without the completion of the proposed Merger with TuHURA, Kintara may not have adequate financial resources to continue the REM-001 study or operate its business and may be required to seek the protection of the bankruptcy courts. Kintara stockholders are urged to vote their shares before the Special Meeting on September 20, 2024.


