
Modular Medical Announces Finalization of Protocol for GLP-1 Personalized Metabolic Therapy Study Utilizing the MODD1 Platform

Modular Medical Announces Finalization of Protocol for GLP-1 Personalized Metabolic Therapy Study Utilizing the MODD1 Platform

Accesswire ·  09/11 20:00

-Proof of Concept Study in Rapid Acting GLP-1 to commence in October 2024 with data expected in November 2024

-快速反應 GLP-1 的概念驗證研究將於 2024 年 10 月開始,數據預計將於 2024 年 11 月公佈

-Pre-clinical study to explore use of MODD1 pump as a personalized delivery system for people who discontinue long-acting GLP-1 formulations

-臨床前研究旨在探索使用 MODD1 泵作爲針對停用長效 GLP-1 配方的人的個性化輸送系統

-CEO to discuss further details of the program in Tribe Public Webinar on Wednesday, September 11 at 8:30 a.m. Pacific time


SAN DIEGO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / September 11, 2024 / Modular Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:MODD) ("Modular Medical" or the "Company"), an insulin delivery technology company with the first FDA-cleared patch pump designed specifically to target all adult "almost-pumpers" thanks to its user friendly and affordable design, today announced an update on its proof-of-concept study in a high-fat diet-induced obese ("DIO") mouse model to explore the potential future use of the MODD1 pump platform to assist patients who struggle with tolerability, inconsistent efficacy, and cost of long acting GLP-1 therapies. The Company has finalized its protocol for the proof-of concept study, which is now expected to commence in October 2024 with data readout in November 2024.

加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥 /ACCESSWIRE /2024 年 9 月 11 日/Modular Medical, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:MODD)(「模塊化醫療」 或 「公司」)是一家胰島素輸送技術公司,憑藉其人性化且經濟實惠的設計,推出了首款經美國食品藥品管理局批准的貼片泵,專門針對所有成人 「幾乎是吸奶者」,今天宣佈了其針對高脂飲食誘發肥胖(「DIO」)的概念驗證研究的最新情況”) 小鼠模型,探討未來可能使用 MODD1 泵平台來幫助在耐受性、療效不一致和成本方面苦苦掙扎的患者長效 GLP-1 療法。該公司已經完成了概念驗證研究的協議,該研究現在預計將於2024年10月開始,並於2024年11月公佈數據。

"We see the MODD1 as a transformative platform with many different applications outside of diabetes care, and, with our US Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") clearance in hand, we now have the credibility in the market to explore other use cases without distracting from our primary focus of improving care for the "almost pumpers," stated Jeb Besser, CEO of Modular Medical.

模塊化醫療首席執行官傑布·貝瑟表示:“我們將 MODD1 視爲一個變革性平台,在糖尿病護理之外還有許多不同的應用,而且,有了美國食品藥品監督管理局(「FDA」)的批准,我們現在在市場上有信譽地探索其他用例,而不會分散我們改善 「幾乎是抽血者」 護理的主要重點。

"Our first effort in this regard will be the data readout in November of our proof-of-concept study using a rapid acting GLP1 to treat those who are unable to tolerate once weekly shots. This program would require no material changes to our basic MODD1 design, and, if we can demonstrate good glycemic control and weight loss efficacy with fewer GI side effects than the once weekly shots, we believe the market for those who cannot tolerate the one size fits all weekly therapies is potentially as large as our base insulin pump business. If successful, this is a project we would ultimately seek to partner with a drug manufacturer that would take lead on clearance and marketing.

“我們在這方面的第一項努力將是在11月公佈我們的概念驗證研究的數據,該研究使用速效GLP1來治療那些無法耐受每週一次疫苗的人。該計劃無需對我們的基本的 MODD1 設計進行實質性更改,而且,如果我們能夠表現出良好的血糖控制和減肥功效,且胃腸道副作用少於每週一次的注射,那麼我們認爲那些無法耐受每週一刀切療法的人的市場可能與我們的基礎胰島素泵業務一樣大。如果成功,我們最終將尋求與一家在清關和營銷方面起帶頭作用的藥品製造商合作的項目。

"As a reminder, a recent study published by Blue Health Intelligence using data from a national dataset of private insurers found that about half of all patients prescribed a GLP-1 drug for weight loss discontinued after the first 12 weeks. These discontinuations appear to be due to a combination of tolerability, cost, and inconsistent efficacy. We suspect that shorter-acting peptides may mitigate many of these side effects and dosage swings by better modulating dosage, but these therapies have generally been abandoned as "too difficult to use" because they required multiple doses per day to be effective. We see the potential for such dosing regimes to be greatly simplified and even improved by the use of our low cost, easy to learn pump technology to provide both a basal dose and boluses to control hunger. MODD will seek to determine whether an existing FDA approved short-acting peptide delivered from a pump platform can provide a more personalized and more tolerable solution for patients who found long acting GLP-1 drugs too difficult to tolerate, while delivering comparable glycemic control and weight loss, specifically for people with type 2 diabetes and obesity.

“提醒一下,Blue Health Intelligence最近根據來自全國私人保險公司數據集的數據發佈的一項研究發現,在所有患者中,約有一半的患者在最初的 12 周後停用了 GLP-1 減肥藥物。這些停藥似乎是由於耐受性、成本和療效不一致等因素共同造成的。我們懷疑,短效肽可以通過更好的調節劑量來減輕許多副作用和劑量波動,但是這些療法通常因 「難以使用」 而被放棄,因爲它們每天需要多劑量才能有效。我們認爲,通過使用我們低成本、易於學習的泵送技術來提供基礎劑量和丸劑來控制飢餓,這種給藥方案有可能大大簡化甚至改善。MODD 將努力確定通過泵送平台交付的現有 FDA 批准的短效肽能否爲發現長效 GLP-1 藥物難以耐受的患者提供更加個性化和更具耐受性的解決方案,同時提供類似的血糖控制和減肥效果,特別針對 2 型糖尿病和肥胖患者。

"With the recent clearance of our MODD1 pump by the FDA for the delivery of insulin in all adults, which has similar demands to this prospective application in accuracy and volumes to be potentially delivered, we have additional credibility, as we explore other ways to impact care to further our mission of diabetes care for the rest of us."

「美國食品藥品管理局最近批准了我們的 MODD1 泵,用於向所有成年人輸送胰島素,其準確性和可能的交付量與這種潛在應用類似,因此我們的可信度更高,因爲我們正在探索其他影響醫療的方式,以進一步實現我們爲其他人提供糖尿病護理的使命。」

Mr. Besser will further discuss the rationale for this program in a webinar hosted by Tribe Public at 8:30 a.m. Pacific time on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. To register to join the complimentary event, please visit the Tribe Public LLC at

貝瑟先生將在2024年9月11日星期三太平洋時間上午8點30分由Tribe Public主辦的網絡研討會上進一步討論該計劃的理由。要註冊參加免費活動,請訪問 Tribe Public LLC,網址爲

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, trends, and uncertainties that could cause actual results to be materially different from the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. These factors include, but are not limited to, the expected timing of the proof-of concept study for GLP-1 therapies, the expected timing of commercial availability for the Company's MODD1 product, Modular Medical's ability to obtain foreign government approvals for its MODD1 product, whether Modular Medical can successfully develop its proprietary technologies, whether the market will accept Modular Medical's products and services, the future product roadmap and development activities, anticipated consumer demand for its products, whether Modular Medical can successfully manufacture its products at high volumes, general economic, industry or political conditions in the United States or internationally as well as other risk factors and business considerations described in Modular Medical's SEC filings, including its annual report on Form 10-K. Any forward-looking statements in this press release should be evaluated in light of these important risk factors. In addition, any forward-looking statements included in this press release represent Modular Medical's views only as of the date of its publication and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Modular Medical assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

本新聞稿包含根據1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》的安全港條款做出的前瞻性陳述。此類前瞻性陳述受風險、趨勢和不確定性的影響,這些風險、趨勢和不確定性可能導致實際結果與本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述存在重大差異。這些因素包括但不限於:GLP-1 療法概念驗證研究的預期時機、公司 MODD1 產品的預期商業上市時間、模塊化醫療其 MODD1 產品獲得外國政府批准的能力、模塊化醫療能否成功開發其專有技術、市場是否會接受模塊化醫療的產品和服務、未來的產品路線圖和開發活動、消費者對其產品的預期需求、模塊化醫療是否能成功地在美國或國際上大批量生產其產品,包括其10-k表年度報告中所述的總體經濟、行業或政治條件,以及Modular Medical向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件(包括其10-k表年度報告)中描述的其他風險因素和業務考量。本新聞稿中的任何前瞻性陳述都應根據這些重要的風險因素進行評估。此外,本新聞稿中包含的任何前瞻性陳述僅代表Modular Medical截至其發佈之日的觀點,不應以此作爲其後任何日期的觀點。除非法律要求,否則Modular Medical不承擔更新這些前瞻性陳述的義務。

About Modular Medical
Modular Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:MODD) is a development-stage medical device company that intends to launch the next generation of insulin delivery technology. Using its patented technologies, the company seeks to eliminate the tradeoff between complexity and efficacy, thereby making top quality insulin delivery both affordable and simple to learn. Our mission is to improve access to the highest standard of glycemic control for people with diabetes taking it beyond "superusers" and providing "diabetes care for the rest of us."

Modular Medical, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:MODD)是一家處於開發階段的醫療器械公司,打算推出下一代胰島素輸送技術。該公司利用其專利技術,力求消除複雜性和功效之間的權衡,從而使高質量的胰島素輸送既經濟實惠又易於學習。我們的使命是改善糖尿病患者獲得最高標準血糖控制的機會,使其不僅限於 「超級使用者」,並提供 「爲我們其他人提供糖尿病護理」。

Modular Medical was founded by Paul DiPerna, a seasoned medical device professional and microfluidics engineer. Prior to founding Modular Medical, Mr. DiPerna was the founder (in 2005) of Tandem Diabetes and invented and designed its t:slim insulin pump. More information is available at .

模塊化醫療由經驗豐富的醫療器械專業人員和微流控工程師保羅·迪佩爾納創立。在創立模塊化醫療之前,diPerna先生是Tandem Diabetes的創始人(2005年),他發明並設計了其t: slim胰島素泵。更多信息可在以下網址獲得。

All trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.


Jeb Besser
Chief Executive Officer
Modular Medical, Inc.
+1 (617) 399-1741

Jeb Besser
+1 (617) 399-1741

SOURCE: Modular Medical, Inc.


