
Aurora Spine to Host ZOOM Call With Alpha Wolf Trading CEO Tim Weintraut

Aurora Spine to Host ZOOM Call With Alpha Wolf Trading CEO Tim Weintraut

Aurora Spine將與Alpha Wolf Trading的CEO Tim Weintraut舉辦ZOOm視頻通話
GlobeNewswire ·  09/11 19:30

CARLSBAD, CA, Sept. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aurora Spine Corporation ("Aurora Spine" or the "Company") (TSXV: ASG) (OTCQB: ASAPF), a designer and manufacturer of innovative medical devices that improve spinal surgery outcomes, is excited to announce a recorded ZOOM call on September 13, 2024 with Trent Northcutt, CEO of Aurora Spine, and Tim Weintraut, CEO of Alpha Wolf Trading/Blog. The conversation will focus on Aurora's latest innovations, exciting clinical results, and the company's continued financial success.

CARLSBAD,CA,2024年9月11日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-Aurora Spine Corporation(「Aurora Spine」或「公司」)(TSXV: ASG)(OTCQB: ASAPF)是一家設計製造創新醫療設備以改善脊柱手術結果的公司,非常高興地宣佈將於2024年9月13日與Aurora Spine的CEO Trent Northcutt和Alpha Wolf Trading / Blog的CEO Tim Weintraut進行記錄的ZOOm會議。 討論將集中在Aurora Spine的最新創新、令人興奮的臨床結果以及公司的持續財務成功。

Key Discussion Points Include:


  • DEXA Technology – Aurora's cutting-edge, patient-specific interbody implant technology designed to optimize spinal surgery outcomes.
  • New Product Launches – Introducing the New Hydra and Osteo-Onyx Lumbar Screw Systems (Degen, Scoli/Deformity, and MIS), advancing the precision and reliability of spinal fixation with proprietary HYDRA RST (Roughened Surface Technology). Pioneering complex spine, trauma, deformity, and minimally invasive spinal systems.
  • ZIP Multi-Center Study Results – Showcasing the impressive outcomes from the ZIP study, further validating Aurora's ZIP technology as a breakthrough in minimally invasive spine procedures.
  • SiLO TFX SI Joint Fusion System – Now the fastest-growing product in Aurora's portfolio, the SiLO TFX system continues to gain traction within the pain management market.
  • DEXA技術——Aurora的尖端、特定患者的椎間融合植入技術,旨在優化脊柱手術結果。
  • 新產品推出——推出新的Hydra和Osteo-Onyx腰椎螺釘系統(Degen,Scoli/Deformity和MIS),通過專有的HYDRA RSt(粗糙表面技術)推進了脊柱固定的精度和可靠性。開創性地應用於複雜脊柱、創傷、畸形和微創脊柱系統。
  • ZIP多中心研究結果——展示了ZIP研究的令人印象深刻的成果,進一步驗證了Aurora的ZIP技術作爲微創脊柱手術的突破。
  • SiLO TFX髂骨關節融合系統——現在是Aurora產品組合中增長最快的產品,SiLO TFX系統在疼痛管理市場繼續獲得增長。

Financial and Business Highlights:


  • Continued Positive EBITDAC – Q2 2024 EBITDAC stood at $105,522, a significant improvement from ($163,660) in Q2 2023, marking a positive swing of $269,182. This achievement represents the fourth consecutive quarter of positive EBITDAC, underscoring Aurora's sustained profitability.
  • Robust Sales Growth – Q2 2024 sales reached $4,079,543, an increase of $510,960 or 14.3% compared to $3,568,583 in Q2 2023. This marks the third consecutive quarter with revenue surpassing $4 million, driven by demand for Aurora's advanced spine solutions.
  • Enhanced Profit Margins – Q2 gross margin improved to 62.4%, a 5.5% increase from the 56.9% margin in Q2 2023. This growth was fueled by the increased sales of higher-margin implants, alongside lower distributor commissions.
  • Surge in SiLO Sales – The SiLO TFX SI joint fusion system and allograft implants generated $1.7 million in sales, accounting for 41.7% of Q2 revenue, a significant jump from $795K (22.3% of revenue) in Q2 2023. Sales of the SiLO TFX system grew by 20.4% from Q1 to Q2 2024, marking Aurora's expansion into the pain management market.
  • ZIP 51 Sales Double – The ZIP 51 implant sales nearly doubled in Q2 2024, reaching $669,316, a 93.7% increase from $345,505 in Q2 2023, driven by strong marketing efforts and increased surgeon adoption.
  • Expanding Sales Force – Aurora continues to scale its sales team, which contributed to its sales growth. New additions to the sales force are expected to onboard more surgeons into Aurora's expanding ecosystem.
  • Advanced Training Initiatives – Aurora remains committed to excellence by hosting advanced training sessions and cadaver labs for top orthopedic, neurosurgical, and pain management physicians, demonstrating the clinical advantages of the ZIP and SiLO systems.
  • 持續的正向EBITDAC - 2024年第二季度EBITDAC爲105,522美元,相比2023年第二季度的(163,660美元)顯着改善,正向擺動了269,182美元。這一成就代表了連續第四個季度的正向EBITDAC,彰顯了Aurora持續盈利能力。
  • 強勁的銷售增長 - 2024年第二季度銷售額達到4,079,543美元,比2023年第二季度的3,568,583美元增加了510,960美元,增長了14.3%。這是連續第三個季度營業收入突破400萬美元,主要受到對Aurora先進脊柱解決方案的需求推動。
  • 利潤率提升 - 2024年第二季度毛利率提高至62.4%,比2023年第二季度的56.9%增長了5.5%。這一增長是由於銷售高利潤率植入物的增加,以及降低了經銷商佣金。
  • SiLO銷售激增 - SiLO TFX SI關節融合系統和異體植入物的銷售額達到170萬美元,佔第二季度營收的41.7%,顯著增加了22.3%的790,500美元(佔營收的百分之二十二點三)。 SiLO TFX系統的銷售額從2024年第一季度到第二季度增長了20.4%,標誌着Aurora進軍疼痛管理市場。
  • ZIP 51銷售量翻倍 - 2024年第二季度ZIP 51植入物銷售額達到669,316美元,比2023年第二季度的345,505美元增長了93.7%,受到強大的市場營銷和醫生採用的推動。
  • 擴大銷售團隊 - Aurora繼續擴大銷售團隊,這促進了其銷售額的增長。 新成員預計將帶動更多外科醫生加入Aurora不斷擴大的生態系統。
  • 高級培訓計劃 - Aurora通過舉辦面向頂尖骨科、神經外科和疼痛管理醫生的高級培訓課程和屍體實驗室,展示了ZIP和SiLO系統的臨床優勢,表現出對卓越的承諾。

"We're extremely proud of the innovations we've brought to market, including our SiLO TFX system and the exciting new developments in our Hydra and Osteo-Onyx lumbar screw systems", said Trent Northcutt, President and CEO of Aurora Spine. "Our consistent financial growth, along with the strong clinical outcomes of our products, reflects the hard work and dedication of our entire team. We're committed to continuing this momentum and delivering cutting-edge solutions to improve patient care and outcomes in the spine and pain management markets."

「我們對我們推向市場的創新感到非常自豪,包括我們的SiLO TFX系統以及在Hydra和Osteo-Onyx腰椎螺釘系統中激動人心的新發展」,Aurora Spine的總裁兼首席執行官特倫特·諾斯卡特說。「我們持續增長的財務業績,以及我們產品的強大臨床結果,反映出我們整個團隊辛勤工作和奉獻精神。我們致力於繼續這一勢頭,並提供尖端解決方案,改善脊柱和疼痛管理市場中的患者護理和結果。」

This ZOOM call is a must-watch for investors, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in Aurora Spine's future trajectory. The recorded session will be available on Alpha Wolf Trading's blog shortly after the event. Visit Alpha Wolf Trading's blog for more details

這次ZOOm電話是投資者、醫療保健專業人士以及對Aurora Spine未來軌跡感興趣的人必看的。 活動結束後不久,錄製的會議將在Alpha Wolf Trading的博客上公開。 訪問Alpha Wolf Trading的博客了解更多詳情

About Aurora Spine


Aurora Spine is focused on bringing new solutions to the spinal implant and pain markets through a series of innovative, minimally invasive, regenerative spinal implant technologies. Aurora Spine is an emerging growth company focused on bringing new solutions to the spinal implant and pain care markets through a series of screwless, innovative, minimally invasive, regenerative spinal implant technologies. Additional information can be accessed at or .

Aurora Spine專注於通過一系列創新的、微創的、再生的脊柱植入技術,爲脊柱植入物和疼痛市場帶來新的解決方案。Aurora Spine是一家新興的增長型公司,專注於通過一系列無螺絲、創新的、微創的、再生的脊柱植入技術,爲脊柱植入物和疼痛護理市場帶來新的解決方案。更多信息請訪問網站或。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX tsx Venture交易所及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture交易所的政策中所定義的那樣)不承擔此發佈的充分性或準確性的責任。

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains forward-looking information that involves substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties, most of which are beyond the control of Aurora Spine, including, without limitation, those listed under "Risk Factors" and "Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information" in Aurora Spine's final prospectus (collectively, "forward-looking information"). Forward-looking information in this news release includes information concerning the proposed use and success of the company's products in surgical procedures. Aurora Spine cautions investors of Aurora Spine's securities about important factors that could cause Aurora Spine's actual results to differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements included in this news release. Any statements that express, or involve discussions as to, expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not historical facts and may be forward-looking and may involve estimates, assumptions and uncertainties which could cause actual results or outcomes to differ unilaterally from those expressed in such forward-looking statements. No assurance can be given that the expectations set out herein will prove to be correct and, accordingly, prospective investors should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. These statements speak only as of the date of this press release and Aurora Spine does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances.

本新聞稿包含涉及重大已知或未知風險和不確定性的前瞻性信息,其中大部分超出了Aurora Spine的控制範圍,包括但不限於Aurora Spine的最終招股書中列出的「風險因素」和「有關前瞻性信息的警示性聲明」(統稱「前瞻性信息」)。本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息包括關於公司產品在手術中的擬議使用和成功的信息。 Aurora Spine提醒投資者注意,這些前瞻性信息可能導致Aurora Spine的實際結果與包含在本新聞稿中的任何前瞻性聲明所述的結果大不相同。任何表達、或涉及對期望、信念、計劃、目標、假設或未來事件或績效的討論的陳述都不是歷史事實,可能是前瞻性的,可能涉及估計、假設和不確定性,這些估計、假設和不確定性可能導致實際結果或結果與這些前瞻性陳述所表達的結果單邊不同。不能保證這裏設定的期望會被證明是正確的,因此,潛在投資者不應過度依賴這些前瞻性陳述。這些陳述僅適用於本新聞稿的發佈日期,Aurora Spine不承擔任何更新或修訂這些陳述以反映新事件或新情況的義務。



Aurora Spine Corporation
Trent Northcutt
President and Chief Executive Officer
(760) 424-2004

(760) 424-2004

Chad Clouse
Chief Financial Officer
(760) 424-2004

(760) 424-2004

