
Tesla Robotaxi Event To Be Held In Los Angeles On 10/10, Says Senior Company Exec: Existing Shareholders Stand To Win A Chance To Attend In Person

Tesla Robotaxi Event To Be Held In Los Angeles On 10/10, Says Senior Company Exec: Existing Shareholders Stand To Win A Chance To Attend In Person

Benzinga ·  15:56

Tesla Inc.'s (NASDAQ:TSLA) highly anticipated robotaxi unveiling event will be held in Los Angeles on Oct. 10, company investor relations head Travis Axelrod said on Tuesday.


What Happened: Axelrod revealed the location while announcing a random draw event for shareholders to attend the event in person. Shareholders can make their entry into the draw by Sept. 17 and the results of the draw will be announced in the week of Sept. 23, Axelrod said. However, only a few shareholders will win the chance to attend the event in person, the IR chief said.


"Make sure to sign up for the $TSLA stockholder platform for a chance to attend our event on 10/10 in LA!," Axelrod wrote, without confirming the venue.

「一定要註冊$TSLA股東平台,有機會參加我們於10月10日在洛杉磯舉行的活動!,」 阿克塞爾羅德在沒有確認地點的情況下寫道。

Make sure to sign up for the $TSLA stockholder platform for a chance to attend our event on 10/10 in LA! Upon sign up, each share you own will be an entry into our random drawing. We expect to begin communicating results the week of 9/23 and will provide more details when we...

— Travis Axelrod (@travisraxelrod) September 10, 2024

一定要註冊$TSLA股東平台,有機會參加我們於10月10日在洛杉磯舉行的活動!註冊後,您擁有的每份股票都將成爲我們隨機抽獎的入口。我們預計將在9月23日當週開始公佈結果,並將在我們... 時提供更多細節

— 特拉維斯·阿克塞爾羅德 (@travisraxelrod) 2024 年 9 月 10 日

Why It Matters: Late last month, Tesla was reportedly looking to hold the robotaxi event at Warner Bros. Discovery's movie studio in Burbank, California. However, neither Tesla nor Warner Bros. confirmed the news to Benzinga.


The robotaxi unveiling event was initially slated for Aug. 8. The company delayed it to Oct. 10 to make a few important changes aimed at improving the robotaxi and to give itself time to prepare a "couple of other things" to showcase at the event, company CEO Elon Musk said in July.

機器人出租車發佈會最初定於8月8日舉行。該公司首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克在7月表示,該公司將其推遲到10月10日,以做出一些旨在改進機器人出租車的重要變革,並讓自己有時間準備 「其他一些東西」 在活動中展示。

Musk is currently looking to convert Tesla from an EV manufacturer to an AI and robotics company with an increased focus on developing autonomous driving technology and humanoid robots.


While the unveiling event is slated for October, it is "difficult" to say when the first unsupervised Tesla robotaxi ride would be, Musk said during Tesla's second-quarter earnings call in July. However, the CEO, known for ambitious timelines, hinted at the possibility of it happening by the end of 2024.

馬斯克在7月的特斯拉第二季度業績電話會議上表示,雖然發佈會定於10月舉行,但 「很難」 說何時會有第一次無人看管的特斯拉自動駕駛出租車。但是,這位以雄心勃勃的時間表而聞名的首席執行官暗示有可能在2024年底之前實現這一目標。

"It's difficult, obviously, my predictions on this have been overly optimistic in the past," Musk said. "...based on the current trend... you could do [it] unsupervised possibly by the end of this year. I would be shocked if we cannot do it next year."

馬斯克說:「顯然,這很困難,我過去對此的預測過於樂觀。... 根據目前的趨勢... 你可能可以在今年年底之前在沒有監督的情況下完成。如果我們明年做不到,我會感到震驚。」

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  • Tesla CEO Elon Musk Considers Making Steering Yoke Stationary While Cybertruck Parks Itself
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