
Frontken Offers Lucrative Opportunity For Investors: Maybank

Frontken Offers Lucrative Opportunity For Investors: Maybank

Business Today ·  09/11 13:53

Frontken Corp. Bhd (FRCB) is anticipated to see a strong rebound in its earnings for the second half of 2024, following a recent correction in its share price. The stock has declined by 23% since 10 July 2024, providing a potentially lucrative opportunity for investors. Despite maintaining earnings projections for FY24-26, broking house Maybank has upgraded its recommendation to BUY from HOLD, reflecting an improved risk-reward ratio and more attractive valuations. The target price remains at RM4.20, based on a 35x FY25E price-to-earnings ratio, aligned with the long-term average.

繼最近股價調整之後,Frontken Corp. Bhd(FRCB)預計其2024年下半年的收益將強勁反彈。自2024年7月10日以來,該股已下跌23%,這爲投資者提供了潛在的豐厚機會。儘管維持了對 FY24-26 的收益預期,但經紀公司馬來亞銀行已將其建議從持倉上調至買入,這反映了風險回報率的提高和更具吸引力的估值。根據35倍的 FY25E 市盈率,目標價格保持在4.20令吉,與長期平均水平一致。

Analysts have responded positively to this outlook. According to the latest updates, Frontken's oil and gas (O&G) segment, which is a significant contributor to its turnover, is expected to perform well in the latter part of the year. The O&G segment, predominantly based in Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines, has faced a minor setback in 2Q24. However, management is confident in a rebound, forecasting improved turnover in 3Q24. The Malaysian operations, affected by a fire at its Kulim plant in May 2024, are now operating above breakeven, with full recovery anticipated by 4Q24. The company also expects to recover around RM1 million of the fire-related losses through insurance claims in the second half of 2024.

分析師對這一前景做出了積極回應。根據最新消息,Frontken的石油和天然氣(O&G)板塊是其營業額的重要貢獻者,預計將在今年下半年表現良好。主要位於馬來西亞、新加坡和菲律賓的石油和天然氣板塊在24年第二季度遇到了輕微的挫折。但是,管理層對反彈充滿信心,預計24年第三季度的營業額將有所改善。馬來西亞的業務受到 2024 年 5 月居林工廠火災的影響,目前運營水平已超過盈虧平衡,預計到 24 年第四季度將全面復甦。該公司還預計將在2024年下半年通過保險索賠追回約1億令吉的火災相關損失。

In Singapore, Frontken's semiconductor operations are showing promising signs, with a significant volume increase in 3Q24 compared to earlier quarters. The company's Taiwan operations are performing exceptionally well, setting monthly records in volume production, driven by its leading foundry customer's expansion into next-generation 3nm process nodes. The foundry's projected 25-36% revenue increase from 3nm technology, spurred by the recent launch of a major North American smartphone, further enhances Frontken's positive outlook for 2H24.


