PORTLAND, Ore.,Jan. 3, 2020/PRNewswire/ -- SensiML™ Corporation, a leading developer of AI tools for building intelligent IoT endpoints, will be demonstrating itsSensiML Analytics Toolkitand how easy it is to integrate real-world edge AI inference models into existing IoT platform. SensiML offers an IoT AI software program that enables developers to build intelligent endpoints quickly and easily (up to five times faster than hand-coded solutions).
Visit Our Suite and Learn:
How SensiML IoT application customers in manufacturing, health care, consumer wearables, first responders and other markets are using the SensiML Analytics Toolkit to significantly reduce the go-to-market cycle for intelligent sensor-based products and services
How complex ML algorithms and optimized data models can be easily constructed in mere days or weeks without the need for data science or firmware expertise
New processes that maximize the differentiation of IoT devices using the SensiML's Analytics Toolkit to dramatically improve management of sensor algorithm development
Meetings are by invitation only and must be scheduled in advance. Please emailinfo@sensiml.comnow to secure your preferred time slot.
For more information, conference program schedules and exhibit hours, please visit the CES website atwww.ces.tech.
About SensiML
SensiML, a subsidiary of QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), offers cutting-edge software that enables ultra-low power IoT endpoints that implement AI to transform raw sensor data into meaningful insight at the device itself. The company's flagship solution, the SensiML Analytics Toolkit, provides an end-to-end development platform spanning data collection, labeling, algorithm and firmware auto generation, and testing. The SensiML Toolkit supports Arm® Cortex®-M class and higher microcontroller cores, Intel® x86 instruction set processors, and heterogeneous core QuickLogic SoCs and QuickAI platforms with FPGA optimizations. For more information, visitwww.sensiml.com.
SensiML and logo are trademarks of SensiML. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders and should be treated as such.
View original content to download multimedia:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/sensiml-to-showcase-ai-based-algorithms-at-ces-2020-300981016.html
SOURCE SensiML Corporation
俄勒岡州波特蘭,2020年1月3日電智能物聯網端點人工智能工具的領先開發商SensiML™公司將演示它的SensiML分析工具,以及將現實世界邊緣AI推理模型集成到現有物聯網平台中是多麼容易。SensiML提供了一個IoT AI軟件程序,使開發人員能夠快速輕鬆地構建智能端點(比手工編碼解決方案快5倍)。
SensiML是QuickLogic(納斯達克市場代碼:Quik)的子公司,它提供了先進的軟件,使實現AI的超低功耗物聯網端點能夠將原始傳感器數據轉化為設備本身有意義的洞察力。該公司的旗艦解決方案,SensiML分析工具包,提供了一個端到端的開發平台,包括數據收集、標記、算法和固件自動生成和測試。SensiML工具包支持ARM Cortex-M類和更高的微控制器內核、Intel x86指令集處理器以及具有FPGA優化的異構核心QuickLogic SoCs和QuickAI平台。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問www.sensiml.com。