
DeSantis Vs. Trump Over Florida Cannabis Legalization: Guess Who's Winning

DeSantis Vs. Trump Over Florida Cannabis Legalization: Guess Who's Winning

Benzinga ·  09/11 00:14

Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis continue to square off over cannabis legalization, with the former supporting and the latter opposing.


"As a Floridian, I will be voting YES on Amendment 3 this November," Trump wrote Sunday in a Truth Social post. "As President, we will continue to focus on research to unlock medical uses of marijuana to a schedule 3 drug, and work with Congress to pass common sense laws."


Shortly before Trump's remarks hit the wires, DeSantis told a gathering at City Church Tallahassee that the cannabis legalization initiative, known as Amendment 3, was "coming because of one weed company, Trulieve who basically has a de facto monopoly" or a "weed cartel." He proceeded to accuse the CEO of Florida medical marijuana giant, Trulieve Cannabis Corp (OTC:TCNNF) of having personally written the ballot amendment.

在特朗普的言論上線前不久,德桑蒂斯在塔拉哈西城市教堂的一次聚會上說,被稱爲第3號修正案的大麻合法化倡議 「之所以出臺,是因爲一家大麻公司,即Trulieve基本上擁有事實上的壟斷地位」 或 「大麻卡特爾」。他接着指責佛羅里達醫用大麻巨頭Trulieve Cannabis Corp(場外交易代碼:TCNNF)的首席執行官親自起草了投票修正案。

But when it comes to Trump's newly-found support of legal cannabis, both in Florida and on a national level, DeSantis is still not commenting or casting aspersions.


Casey DeSantis Takes Up The Anti-Weed Battle


However, Casey DeSantis isn't shy about sharing her thoughts on the matter, even if she's echoing her husband's views — and that's fine.


"Amendment 3 creates a permanent, constitutional right to possess over 100 joints at a time and SMOKE ANYWHERE in Florida—even public places where it could more easily fall into the hands of children," she posted on X.


Read Also: Top Dem Congressman Calls Trump's Cannabis Support A 'Powerful Signal' To GOP: 'When Even Donald Trump Can Get On Board...'

另請閱讀:民主黨最高國會議員稱特朗普對大麻的支持是共和黨的 「強有力信號」:「當連唐納德·特朗普也能加入時...」

Amendment 3 creates a permanent, constitutional right to possess over 100 joints at a time and SMOKE ANYWHERE in Florida—even public places where it could more easily fall into the hands of children.
What's more, it creates a monopoly & blanket legal immunity for big weed...

— Casey DeSantis (@CaseyDeSantis) September 9, 2024


— 凱西·德桑蒂斯 (@CaseyDeSantis) 2024 年 9 月 9 日

The DeSantis couple are not the only Republicans fuming over Trump's endorsement of legal weed in the Sunshine state.


Stuart Stevens, chief strategist for Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign, told MSNBC that the former president was essentially a hypocrite who'd say anything to get ahead. "Donald Trump, he's on both sides of so many of these issues. I mean, within an hour he reversed himself on what position he was going to take on the abortion referendum in Florida. It's because there's nothing there except this desire to be president, this desire to be in control ... so he'll say anything."

米特·羅姆尼2012年總統競選首席策略師斯圖爾特·史蒂文斯告訴MSNBC,這位前總統本質上是一個僞君子,爲了取得成功,他會說任何話。「唐納德·特朗普,他在許多問題上都站在兩邊。我的意思是,不到一小時他就改變了自己在佛羅里達州墮胎公投中將採取的立場。這是因爲除了當總統的願望、控制權的願望... 所以他什麼都不會說。」

Several other GOP stalwarts joined Stevens in his criticism of the former president, reported Newsweek.


Actually, the Republicans' comments were not unlike those made by Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential campaign team, which referred to Trump's cannabis announcement as "blatant pandering."

實際上,共和黨的言論與副總統卡馬拉·賀錦麗的總統競選團隊的言論沒有什麼不同,後者稱特朗普的大麻聲明是 「公然的拉皮條」。

Read more on that:


  • Harris Campaign Accuses Trump Of 'Blatant Pandering' And Lying About His Cannabis Support Announcement
  • 賀錦麗競選活動指責特朗普 「公然拉皮條」 並對他的大麻支持聲明撒謊

Photo: Benzinga edit with images by Shaleah Craighead and Gage Skidmore on Wikimedia Commons and Kindel Media on Pexels

照片:本辛加使用維基共享資源上的 Shaleah Craighead 和 Gage Skidmore 以及 Pexels 上的 Kindel Media 的圖片進行編輯

