
Reported Monday, September 9, 2024, "How Actelis' Cyber Aware Networking Could Change the Game for IoT Security and Redefine the Future of Connected Systems" - Infotech Magazine

Reported Monday, September 9, 2024, "How Actelis' Cyber Aware Networking Could Change the Game for IoT Security and Redefine the Future of Connected Systems" - Infotech Magazine

2024年9月9日星期一報道:「Actelis的網絡關注度轉變可能改變物聯網安全並重新定義連接系統的未來」 - 信息技術雜誌
Benzinga ·  09/10 23:51
In today's rapidly digitizing world, the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is transforming industries. However, with this technological advancement comes a significant rise in cybersecurity challenges. Recognizing the pressing need for more robust security measures, Actelis Networks, a leader in cyber-hardened, rapid-deployment networking solutions, recently announced a strategic partnership aimed at developing an AI-powered Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform. This initiative forms a critical part of Actelis' forward-thinking "Cyber Aware Networking" strategy.
在當今快速數字化的世界中,物聯網 (IoT) 設備的普及正在改變行業。但是,隨着技術的進步,網絡安全挑戰顯著增加。網絡強化、快速部署網絡解決方案的領導者Actelis Networks認識到迫切需要更強大的安全措施,最近宣佈建立戰略合作伙伴關係,旨在開發人工智能驅動的軟件即服務(SaaS)平台。該計劃構成了Actelis前瞻性的 「網絡感知網絡」 戰略的關鍵部分。
The Growing Need for 'Cyber Aware Networking'
對 「網絡感知網絡」 的需求日益增長
As IoT devices become more embedded in everyday operations, the network environments they...

