
Dynagas LNG Partners LP Common Units (DLNG) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Dynagas LNG Partners LP Common Units (DLNG) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

dynagas lng partners lp普通股(dlng)2024年第2季度業績會成績單摘要
富途資訊 ·  09/10 23:44  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Dynagas LNG Partners LP Common Units (DLNG) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Q2 2024 net income was $10.7 million; adjusted net income reached $12.4 million.

  • Q2 revenue stood at $37.6 million; operating income decreased by 2.6%.

  • 2024年第二季度淨收入爲1,070萬美元;調整後的淨收入達到1,240萬美元。

  • 第二季度收入爲3,760萬美元;營業收入下降了2.6%。

Business Progress:


  • All six LNG carriers operated on long-term charters with international gas firms.

  • Strategic refinancing reduced debt from $675 million to $345 million.

  • 所有六艘液化天然氣運輸船都與國際天然氣公司簽訂了長期租約。

  • 戰略再融資使債務從6.75億美元減少到3.45億美元。



  • Contracted backlog of $1.04 billion ensures stable future income.

  • No vessel availability until 2028, providing strategic growth flexibility.

  • 10.4億美元的合同積壓確保了穩定的未來收入。

  • 直到2028年才有船舶可用,這爲戰略增長提供了靈活性。



  • Global fleet expansion could lead to excess capacity relative to shipping demand by 2028.

  • 到2028年,全球船隊擴張可能導致相對於航運需求的運力過剩。

Financial Performance:


  • Dynagas LNG Partners LP reported Q2 2024 net income of $10.7 million and earnings per common unit of $0.20.

  • Adjusted net income was $12.4 million with adjusted earnings per common unit of $0.25.

  • Adjusted EBITDA reached $28.6 million.

  • Revenue for Q2 2024 stood at $37.6 million.

  • Operating income was $18.8 million, a 2.6% decrease compared to the first quarter.

  • Completed a new lease financing deal, repaying a previous credit facility of $408.6 million, reducing debt levels significantly.

  • Current total debt stands at $345 million with improved leverage metrics.

  • 戴納加斯液化天然氣合作伙伴有限責任公司報告稱,2024年第二季度淨收入爲1,070萬美元,普通單位收益爲0.20美元。

  • 調整後的淨收入爲1,240萬美元,調整後的每普通單位收益爲0.25美元。

  • 調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤達到2860萬美元。

  • 2024年第二季度的收入爲3,760萬美元。

  • 營業收入爲1,880萬美元,與第一季度相比下降了2.6%。

  • 完成了一項新的租賃融資協議,償還了之前的4.086億美元信貸額度,大幅降低了債務水平。

  • 隨着槓桿率指標的提高,目前的債務總額爲3.45億美元。

Business Progress:


  • All six LNG carriers in the fleet operated on long-term charters with esteemed international gas companies.

  • Established a new lease financing agreement enhancing financial flexibility.

  • Achieved 100% scheduled fleet utilization and a contracted backlog amounting to approximately $1.04 billion.

  • Strategic refinancing reduced the debt burden substantially, from $675 million in September 2019 to $345 million now.

  • Two of the six LNG carriers are completely debt-free, contributing to a marked reduction in the company's overall debt levels.

  • Commercial strategy focused on securing long-term charters to ensure stable revenue streams.

  • 船隊中的所有六艘液化天然氣運輸船都與受人尊敬的國際天然氣公司簽訂了長期租約。

  • 制定了新的租賃融資協議,增強了財務靈活性。

  • 實現了 100% 的預定機隊利用率,合同積壓總額約爲10.4億美元。

  • 戰略再融資大幅減輕了債務負擔,從2019年9月的6.75億美元減至現在的3.45億美元。

  • 六艘液化天然氣運輸船中有兩艘完全沒有債務,這促使公司的總體債務水平顯著下降。

  • 商業戰略側重於確保長期租約,以確保穩定的收入來源。



  • The fleet's contracted backlog and robust charter profile position the partnership for stable and predictable income ahead.

  • With no contractual vessel availability until 2028 and new financing providing strategic flexibility, the company is well positioned for future growth initiatives.

  • 該機隊的合同積壓和穩健的包機狀況使該合作伙伴關係爲未來帶來穩定和可預測的收入奠定了基礎。

  • 由於直到2028年才有合同船舶可用,而且新的融資提供了戰略靈活性,因此該公司爲未來的增長計劃做好了充分的準備。



  • The global fleet expansion, with new builds scheduled for delivery between now and 2028, could potentially exceed shipping demand in the short to medium term.

  • 全球船隊擴張,新船計劃在現在至2028年之間交付,在短期至中期內可能會超過航運需求。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


