Atacama Resources International Inc. Announces New Officers and Director and Discusses Current Plans Regarding the Tannahill Project
Atacama Resources International Inc. Announces New Officers and Director and Discusses Current Plans Regarding the Tannahill Project
Orlando, Florida--(Newsfile Corp. - September 10, 2024) - Atacama Resources International Inc. (OTC Pink: ACRL) (the "Company") is pleased to announce its new executive team. It has always been the plan to replace the founding fathers with executives with experience, special skills, commitment to Atacama, an appropriate education, and the right age demographics. We believe that the new Atacama Board of Directors and Officers will be a great fit for the Company and drive innovation and growth moving forward.
佛羅里達奧蘭多 - (新聞稿件 corp. - 2024年9月10日) - Atacama Resources International Inc. (場外交易粉紅單: ACRL)("公司")很高興宣佈新的執行團隊。一直計劃用具有經驗、特殊技能、致力於Atacama的、具有適當教育和適合年齡結構的高管人員取代創始人。我們相信,新的Atacama董事會和高管團隊將對公司產生積極影響,並推動創新和增長。
Our board members have skill and experience in the mining exploration industry in Canada. Our US-based CEO has financial experience and skills at the highest level with both IBM and Deloitte & Touche. The new team is a serious resource for the company. They are committed to taking Atacama to the next level.
Here are the resumes for the Board of Directors and Officers:
Thomas (Buddy) Moynihan - Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, Chief Financial Officer
Thomas(巴迪)莫伊尼漢 - 首席執行官、董事會主席、首席財務官
Thomas Moynihan has 40 years' experience in accounting, auditing, fund-raising experience, and financial consulting with major US companies as well as experience heading his own companies. Mr. Moynihan can overcome any financial challenge that Atacama might face. Mr. Moynihan is expecting big things to happen with this company and has his eye on future growth and strategies. He has also built strong investor networks that can help fuel Atacama's growth. Mr. Moynihan is a CPA with an MS in taxation and an MBA in accounting from Pace University.
Thomas Moynihan在會計、審計、籌款經驗和金融諮詢方面擁有40年經驗,曾在美國知名公司以及自己創立的公司擔任要職。莫尼漢先生可以克服Atacama可能面臨的任何財務挑戰。莫伊尼漢先生期待這家公司會有大的進展,並着眼於未來的增長和戰略。他還建立了強大的投資者網絡,可以助力Atacama的增長。莫伊尼漢先生是註冊會計師,畢業於佩斯大學,擁有稅務碩士和會計碩士學位。
Don Swartz - Director
唐·施瓦茨 - 董事
Don Swartz has been an important director for years. Mr. Swartz had a distinguished career as the head of a professional consultant company helping organizations increase effectiveness. Mr. Swartz set up the required Atacama board committees that ensure appropriate oversight of corporate activities. The committees' descriptions have become an important part of the Atacama By-laws. Previously he has worked with Boeing, Microsoft, Intel and the Federal Government to name a few. Mr. Swartz has a BS with honors in Mechanical Engineering at Lehigh University.
Greg Praver - Chief Operating Officer, Director and Corporate Secretary.
格雷格·普拉弗 - 致富金融首席運營官、董事和公司秘書。
Greg Praver has held the Chief Operating Officer position since April 2024 and has proven his capabilities by exceeding expectations with every new challenge. He has always looked to the company's future growth and always thinks outside of the box. Being the Chief Operating Officer of an emerging public company requires working with all team members and interfacing with outside accountants, auditors, attorneys, transfer agents, vendors, and shareholders. The overall result is that Mr. Praver has operationally become the voice of Atacama to the outside world. Mr. Praver has a BA degree with honors from the University of Tampa.
自2024年4月起,Greg Praver擔任首席運營官一職,並通過超越每一個新挑戰的期望來證明了自己的能力。他一直致力於公司未來的增長,並始終超越常規思維。作爲新興上市公司的首席運營官,需要與所有團隊成員合作,並與外部會計師、核數師、律師、過戶代理、供應商和股東進行溝通。總的結果是普拉弗先生在操作層面已成爲Atacama公司對外傳達意見的聲音。 Praver先生畢業於坦帕大學,獲得榮譽學士學位。
William MacRae - Director and Geologist Consultant
威廉·麥克萊 - 董事和地質顧問。
William MacRae manages the mineral claims exploration and development process for the company. He has been in the mining industry for over 43 years, involved primarily in gold exploration from grass roots to bulk sampling of underground mineralization. Mr. MacRae has a good working relationship with all levels of government and a long working history with the Ontario Minister of Mines. Mr. MacRae oversees the drilling process and prepares the company's 43-101 reports submitted to the Ontario government and acts as the company's Qualified Person. Mr. MacRae has an Honors BSc from Lakeland University and a postgraduate degree in Geology from McMaster University.
William MacRae管理公司的礦產索賠勘探和開發過程。 他在礦業行業工作超過43年,主要參與黃金勘探,從草根勘探到地下礦體大規模取樣。麥克萊先生與政府各級部門保持良好工作關係,長年與安大略礦業部長合作。麥克萊先生負責監督鑽井過程,並準備提交給安大略政府的公司43-101報告,並擔任公司的合格人員。 麥克萊先生擁有來克蘭大學的榮譽理學士學位和麥克馬斯特大學的地質研究生學位。
John Grant - Director and Exploration Consultant
約翰·格蘭特 - 董事和勘探顧問。
John Grant has 47 years of experience in managing exploration mining projects with both major and junior mining companies. He has been involved in successful exploration and follow-up of gold deposits in Ontario during his career. His experience at Atacama includes the planning and interpretations of the Induced Polarization and Total Field magnetic surveys on Atacama's holdings. Mr. Grant is currently involved in the development of the company's Tannahill property in Northern Ontario. Mr. Grant is a fellow of the Geological Association of Canada and a member of the Certified Engineering Technologies of Ontario and a 40+ member of the PDAC. Grant has a three-year honors diploma in Applied Arts and Technology from Cambrian College.
John Grant在管理主要和初級礦業公司的勘探礦業項目方面擁有47年的經驗。在職業生涯中,他參與了安大略黃金礦牀的成功勘探和後續工作。在Atacama的經歷包括規劃和解讀對Atacama持有的感應極化和全磁場磁測調查。Grant先生目前參與了公司在安大略北部Tannahill物業的開發。 Grant先生是加拿大地質協會的會士,是安大略認證工程技術協會的成員,也是PDAC的40多年會員。 Grant擁有坎布里亞學院的應用藝術技術三年榮譽文憑。
Brian Praver - President of Atacama Resources International and Business Development
Brian Praver - Atacama Resources International總裁和業務發展
Brian Praver has experience in leading, coaching, and recruiting high-performance teams and individuals who consistently exceed company goals. The President's primary job is to make sure that the best interests of the company are served by the entire management team and Mr. Praver's leadership style suits the needs of the company very well. With the Atacama team spread over two countries from coast to coast, Mr. Praver has proven to be an effective leader in managing this virtual company since his arrival in April. His primary focus is Business Development, building strategic partnerships, assessing local and national mining trends, and will always focus on increasing shareholder value. Mr. Praver has a BA in Economics from CUNY at Queens College and an MBA in International Business from Adelphi University
Brian Praver在領導,指導和招募高績效團隊和個人方面具有經驗,他們始終超越公司目標。總裁的主要工作是確保整個管理團隊爲公司的最佳利益服務,Praver先生的領導風格非常適合公司的需要。Atacama團隊橫跨兩個國家,自海岸到海岸,自普拉維爾先生四月到任以來,他已證明是這家虛擬公司的有效領袖。他的主要關注點是業務發展,建立戰略合作伙伴關係,評估當地和全國的礦業趨勢,並始終專注於增加股東價值。Praver先生擁有紐約市立大學皇后學院的經濟學學士學位和阿德爾菲大學的國際商務碩士學位
CEO Buddy Moynihan adds: "I look at the skills, experience, education, and commitment of our leadership team and I am proud to be the Chief Executive Officer of Atacama Resources International."
CEO巴迪·莫伊尼漢表示:「我看重我們領導團隊的技能,經驗,教育和承諾,我爲成爲Atacama Resources International首席執行官感到自豪。」
Tannahill Project
Atacama Resources International looks forward to the release of the Tannahill assay results and is currently conducting a thorough analysis.
Atacama Resources International期待Tannahill測定結果的發佈,並目前正在進行徹底分析。
Atacama Resources International remains committed to maintaining transparency, delivering shareholder value, and advancing its position as an innovative force in mineral exploration.
Atacama Resources International致力於保持透明度,提供股東價值,並在礦產勘探領域推進其創新力量地位。
About Atacama Resources International ()
關於Atacama Resources International(1,196,421,162
Atacama Resources International is a publicly traded OTC Pink company with significant mining claims in the greater Kirkland Lake area of Northern Ontario. Metals and minerals under potential exploration include gold, silver, lithium, graphite, cobalt, and diamonds. Please visit the company's website at for more information.
Atacama Resources International是一家場外交易的股票Ticker是OTC Pink的公司,擁有安大略北部Kirkland Lake地區的重要採礦權。潛在探礦的金屬和礦物包括黃金、白銀、鋰礦、石墨、鈷和鑽石。更多信息請訪問該公司的網站。
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain information outlined in this news announcement may contain forward-looking statements that involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond the control of Atacama Resources International. Such forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates, and projections about the Company's industry, management beliefs, and certain assumptions made by its management. Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise, and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements. Information concerning factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those contained in these forward-looking statements can be found in the Company's periodic reports filed with OTC Markets. Unless required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise to reflect future events or circumstances or reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
本新聞公告中概述的某些信息可能包含涉及大量已知和未知風險和不確定性的前瞻性聲明。這些前瞻性聲明受Atacama Resources International無法控制的許多風險和不確定性的影響。這些前瞻性聲明基於當前對公司所在行業、管理信仰以及其管理層所做的某些假設的期望、估計和預測。讀者應當注意,準備此類信息所使用的假設,儘管在準備時被認爲是合理的,但可能被證明是不精確的,因此不應過度依賴前瞻性聲明。有關可能導致公司實際結果與這些前瞻性聲明所包含的結果大不相同的因素的信息可以在公司向場外交易市場提交的週期性報告中找到。除非法律要求,否則Atacama Resources International無義務公開更新任何前瞻性聲明,無論是因爲有關新信息、未來事件還是其他原因引起的,以反映未來事件或情況或反映出現了意外事件。
For more information, please contact Greg Praver, Chief Operating Officer, at (770) 733-3017.
如需更多信息,請聯繫首席運營官Greg Praver,電話:(770)733-3017。