
Air Serbia to Drive the Future of Travel Retailing With Sabre's NDC IT Capabilities

Air Serbia to Drive the Future of Travel Retailing With Sabre's NDC IT Capabilities

PR Newswire ·  09/10 20:30

SOUTHLAKE, Texas, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sabre Corporation (NASDAQ: SABR), a leading software and technology provider that powers the global travel industry, today announced a strategic partnership with Air Serbia, Serbia's national carrier. This agreement establishes Sabre as Air Serbia's NDC (New Distribution Capability) IT provider, empowering the airline to deliver a more personalized travel experience and unlock new revenue opportunities.

德克薩斯州南湖,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/ — 爲全球旅遊業提供動力的領先軟件和技術提供商Sabre公司(納斯達克股票代碼:SABR)今天宣佈與塞爾維亞國家航空公司塞爾維亞航空建立戰略合作伙伴關係。該協議將Sabre確立爲塞爾維亞航空的NDC(新分銷能力)IT提供商,使該航空公司能夠提供更加個性化的旅行體驗並解鎖新的收入機會。

Sabre is a leader in supporting both NDC airline IT and NDC aggregation. This enables Air Serbia to not only create and manage their NDC content but also make it seamlessly available through third-party channels. Sabre's cloud-based solutions are built for agility and modularity, which means that Air Serbia can easily add new features and functionalities as their NDC strategy evolves. Additionally, Sabre boasts powerful performance with NDC air shopping response times between 0.5 and 1.5 seconds, helping to ensure a smooth shopping experience for travel agencies and travelers.

Sabre在支持NDC航空公司It和NDC聚合方面處於領先地位。這使塞爾維亞航空不僅可以創建和管理其 NDC 內容,還可以通過第三方渠道無縫提供這些內容。Sabre 基於雲的解決方案專爲靈活性和模塊化而構建,這意味着隨着其 NDC 戰略的發展,塞爾維亞航空可以輕鬆添加新特性和功能。此外,Sabre 性能強勁,NDC 空中購物響應時間在 0.5 到 1.5 秒之間,有助於確保旅行社和旅客享受流暢的購物體驗。

"As we continue to embark on our journey to further modernize our retailing strategies, Air Serbia is proud to partner with Sabre," said Jiri Marek, CEO of Air Serbia. "We are committed to providing real-time content and personalized experiences to our customers, and Sabre's innovative technology serves as a foundational enabler of our offer and order ecosystem. With Sabre's solutions we can extend our reach to third-party channels including travel agencies and aggregators, ensuring seamless access to our products and services. Together, we are shaping the future of travel retailing and delivering enhanced value to our passengers."

塞爾維亞航空首席執行官吉里·馬雷克表示:「隨着我們繼續踏上零售戰略的進一步現代化之旅,塞爾維亞航空很榮幸能與Sabre合作。」「我們致力於爲客戶提供實時內容和個性化體驗,而Sabre的創新技術是我們報價和訂單生態系統的基礎推動力。藉助 Sabre 的解決方案,我們可以將業務範圍擴展到包括旅行社和聚合商在內的第三方渠道,確保無縫訪問我們的產品和服務。我們共同塑造旅遊零售的未來,爲乘客提供更高的價值。」

Sabre's NDC airline IT solutions are a fundamental building block of SabreMosaic, a recently announced intelligent, modular and open technology platform that is built to transform the way airlines retail. Powered by Google's industry-leading artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, SabreMosaic allows airlines to create and deliver a wider range of content in real-time, unlocking new revenue opportunities. The platform's modular and open architecture provides airlines with the flexibility to choose the specific API-based Offer and Order solutions that best suit their business needs, helping to ensure a smooth integration with their existing infrastructure.


"With the shift to Offers and Orders at its core, we believe SabreMosaic has the potential to bring about a far-reaching transformation in the travel industry. For innovative carriers like Air Serbia, embracing this approach is not just about staying ahead, it's about taking a big step forward for the entire industry," said Mike Reyes, Senior Vice President, Product Management at Sabre Travel Solutions. "We're honored to partner with such a forward-thinking airline and believe together we can revolutionize travel retailing, creating a more personalized and dynamic experience for travelers."

“以向優惠和訂單的轉變爲核心,我們相信Sabremosaic有可能爲旅遊行業帶來深遠的變革。Sabre Travel Solutions產品管理高級副總裁邁克·雷耶斯說,對於像塞爾維亞航空這樣的創新航空公司來說,採用這種方法不僅是保持領先地位,而且是整個行業向前邁出一大步。「我們很榮幸能與這樣一傢俱有前瞻性的航空公司合作,並相信我們可以共同革新旅行零售業,爲旅客創造更加個性化和更具活力的體驗。」

This strategic partnership builds upon Air Serbia's existing foundation with Sabre. The airline already utilizes SabreSonic, a comprehensive passenger service system, for efficient operations and a streamlined passenger experience. In addition, the airline has deployed Sabre's Pricing and Revenue Optimization suite, which equips it with powerful tools to manage dynamic availability and pricing. Sabre Air Price IQ, a solution powered by AI, helps Air Serbia to optimize the pricing of offers in real time.

這種戰略伙伴關係建立在塞爾維亞航空與Sabre的現有基礎之上。該航空公司已經利用全面的旅客服務系統SabreSonic來實現高效運營和簡化乘客體驗。此外,該航空公司還部署了Sabre的定價和收入優化套件,該套件爲其配備了管理動態可用性和定價的強大工具。Sabre Air Price IQ是一款由人工智能提供支持的解決方案,可幫助塞爾維亞航空實時優化報價定價。

About Sabre

關於 Sabre

Sabre Corporation is a software and technology company that takes on the biggest opportunities and solves the most complex challenges in travel. The Company connects travel suppliers and buyers around the globe and across the ecosystem through innovative products and next-generation technology solutions. Sabre harnesses speed, scale and insights to build tomorrow's technology today – empowering airlines, hoteliers, agencies and other partners to retail, distribute and fulfill travel worldwide. Headquartered in Southlake, Texas, USA, Sabre serves customers in more than 160 countries around the world. For more information visit .

Sabre Corporation是一家軟件和技術公司,它抓住了最大的機遇,解決了旅行中最複雜的挑戰。該公司通過創新產品和下一代技術解決方案將全球和整個生態系統的旅遊供應商和買家聯繫起來。Sabre 利用速度、規模和洞察力打造當今未來的技術,使航空公司、酒店經營者、代理商和其他合作伙伴能夠在全球範圍內零售、分銷和完成旅行。Sabre總部位於美國德克薩斯州紹斯萊克,爲全球160多個國家的客戶提供服務。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Air Serbia


Air Serbia is the proud successor of the first national airline Aeroput, established on 17 June 1927, and of JAT and Jat Airways. The company ranks eighth on the list of the oldest airlines in the world that are still operating. The company has been among the leaders of civil aviation from the start and since 1961 a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). In passenger and cargo traffic, Air Serbia serves over 80 destinations in scheduled and charter traffic in Europe, the Mediterranean, North America and Asia. In cooperation with partner airlines, the company also offers flights to international destinations in Asia, Australia, North America, and Africa. Air Serbia's fleet currently consists of wide-body aircraft Airbus A330-200s, narrow-body aircraft from the Airbus A320 family, as well as turboprop ATR 72-600 aircraft for regional flights In addition to the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, Air Serbia also flies from Niš Constantine the Great Airport, and the International Airport "Morava" near Kraljevo.

塞爾維亞航空榮幸地繼承了成立於1927年6月17日的第一家國家航空公司Aeroput以及Jat和Jat航空公司。該公司在世界上仍在運營的最古老的航空公司名單中排名第八。該公司從一開始就一直是民航的領導者之一,自1961年以來一直是國際航空運輸協會(IATA)的成員。在客運和貨運方面,塞爾維亞航空公司以定期和包機運輸方式爲歐洲、地中海、北美和亞洲的80多個目的地提供服務。該公司還與合作伙伴航空公司合作,提供飛往亞洲、澳大利亞、北美和非洲國際目的地的航班。塞爾維亞航空的機隊目前包括寬體飛機空中客車A330-200,空中客車A320系列的窄體飛機,以及用於區域航班的渦輪螺旋槳飛機ATR 72-600飛機除貝爾格萊德尼古拉·特斯拉機場外,塞爾維亞航空還從尼斯康斯坦丁大機場和克拉列沃附近的 「摩拉瓦」 國際機場起飛。



Media Contacts:


Kristin Hays
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Investor Contact:


Brian Roberts
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SOURCE Sabre Corporation

來源 Sabre 公司

