
Solaris Submits Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction of Warintza; Announces Initial Steps to Emigrate to Ecuador

Solaris Submits Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction of Warintza; Announces Initial Steps to Emigrate to Ecuador

Solaris Resources Inc ·  09/09 12:00

Solaris Submits Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction of Warintza; Announces Initial Steps to Emigrate to Ecuador


September 9, 2024 – Quito, Ecuador – Solaris Resources Inc. (TSX: SLS; NYSE: SLSR) ("Solaris" or the "Company") is pleased to report that it has submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment ("EIA") to the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition ("MAATE") for the construction of the Warintza Project ("Warintza" or "the Project") in southeastern Ecuador.

2024年9月9日——厄瓜多爾基多——Solaris資源公司(TSX:SLS;紐約證券交易所代碼:SLSR)(「Solaris」 或 「公司」)欣然報告說,它已向環境、水利和生態轉型部(「MAATE」)提交了環境影響評估(「EIA」),用於建設瓦林扎項目(「Warintza」 或 「項目」)厄瓜多爾東南部。

The EIA spans over 3,000 pages and represents the culmination of more than three and a half years of dialogue, traditional learning, baseline environmental monitoring, data collection and studies. It is compliant with Ecuadorean regulations, leading international practices, and aligns with the globally recognized Equator Principles framework and Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability promulgated by the International Finance Corporation.


This report builds on prior permitting, including an EIA and community consultations resulting in the granting of an environmental license for advanced exploration in 2023 which facilitated significant site infrastructure and Project development. To date, over US$170 million1 has been invested in the Project, with nearly 100% procurement through Ecuadorean supply chains and 55% from local cantons. The Project employs over 500 people and is the only significant source of formal employment available locally and one of the largest job creators in the region.

該報告建立在事先許可的基礎上,包括環境影響評估和社區協商,最終在2023年頒發了高級勘探環境許可證,爲重要的場地基礎設施和項目開發提供了便利。迄今爲止,該項目已投資超過1.7億美元1,其中近 100% 通過厄瓜多爾供應鏈採購,55% 來自當地州。該項目擁有500多名員工,是當地唯一重要的正規就業來源,也是該地區最大的就業創造者之一。

The EIA was prepared by ESSAM Cía. Ltda. ("ESSAM"), an accredited Ecuadorean environmental consulting firm that has successfully completed several EIAs for mining projects in Ecuador, including the Mirador copper mine 40km south of Warintza, and a series of Environmental Compliance Audits for the Fruta del Norte gold mine south of that. ESSAM used input and technical data prepared by respected international firms, particularly Knight Piésold Consulting, a recognized expert in tailings, waste, water and closure design, and Ausenco, an expert in metallurgical studies and process plant design.

環境影響評估由Essam Ciía. Ltda編寫。(「ESSAM」),一家經認證的厄瓜多爾環境諮詢公司,已成功完成了厄瓜多爾採礦項目的多個環境影響評估,包括位於瓦林扎以南40公里處的米拉多銅礦,以及對該礦以南的Fruta del Norte金礦進行的一系列環境合規審計。ESSAM使用了知名國際公司提供的資料和技術數據,尤其是尾礦、廢物、水和封閉設計領域公認的專家奈特·皮索爾德諮詢公司和冶金研究和工藝廠設計專家Ausenco。

With the successful completion of this milestone, the Company has confirmed with its lender that the second tranche of US$15 million will be drawn on its previously announced Offtake Credit Facility in the coming days and remains well-funded with available liquidity of US$84 million. The next update on permitting is expected with the technical approval of the EIA in H1/25.


Mr. Antonio Goncalves, Minister of Energy and Mines, commented, "The steady progress of the Warintza Project is positive for Ecuador. The Project is advancing in compliance with all legal regulations and will soon generate thousands of jobs and major economic growth in the Province of Morona Santiago. The administration of President Daniel Noboa supports this type of mining Project – one that has the support of the communities in its direct area of influence and is designed to meet high social, environmental, and technical standards."


Mr. Sixto Cóndor, Governor of Morona Santiago, commented, "Warintza is a project that will bring great opportunities and impetus to the development of the province. Like the Mirador project, which I recently visited, and its positive impacts in Zamora-Chinchipe, Warintza will be an engine for growth in Morona Santiago, with more generation of local employment sources, revitalization of the economy, social benefits, support for entrepreneurship, businesses and local suppliers. With Warintza, we will have a better province, with greater wealth to be distributed and better opportunities. We are ready to move forward."


Mr. Antonio Castillo, Mayor of Limón Indanza, commented, "The people of Limón Indanza have benefited and will continue to benefit significantly through the creation of local employment and opportunities for the canton's suppliers with the Warintza Project. The communities of Warints and Yawi decided to sign an agreement with the Company, through the Strategic Alliance, for the advancement of the Project and, as a Municipality, we respect and support this decision to work together."


Mr. Javier Toro, Chief Operating Officer of Solaris, commented, "The submission of the EIA and commencement of permitting for construction is a major milestone for the Warintza Project. We are very grateful to all our supporters, and in particular to our host communities and the Advisory Board of the Strategic Alliance of the Warintza Project who have been integral to the socialization of this EIA, the Mayor of Limón Indanza, the Governor of the Province of Morona Santiago, and the diligent professionals at MAATE."


Initial Emigration Steps – Solaris is also pleased to announce initial steps towards aligning the Company and its management with stakeholders and regulators in Ecuador as Warintza enters the permitting stage. The Company is transitioning its head office to Quito, Ecuador, where certain of Solaris' senior management team will work from. Solaris is continuing to evaluate further steps to complete a greater transition to Ecuador. The Company does not currently anticipate that any such further steps will pose adverse tax consequences for the Company or require a change of stock exchange listings.

最初的移民步驟 — 隨着Warintza進入許可階段,Solaris還很高興地宣佈,隨着Warintza進入許可階段,Solaris還很高興地宣佈了使公司及其管理層與厄瓜多爾的利益相關者和監管機構保持一致的初步措施。該公司正在將其總部遷至厄瓜多爾基多,Solaris的某些高級管理團隊將在那裏工作。Solaris正在繼續評估進一步的措施,以完成向厄瓜多爾的更大過渡。該公司目前預計任何此類進一步措施都不會對公司造成不利的稅收後果或要求更改證券交易所的上市情況。



  1. Refer to Management's Discussion and Analysis for the six months ended June 30, 2024 on the Company's website.
  1. 請參閱公司網站上管理層對截至2024年6月30日的六個月的討論和分析。

On behalf of the Board of Solaris Resources Inc.

代表 Solaris Resources Inc. 董事會

"Daniel Earle"
President & CEO, Director


For Further Information


Jacqueline Wagenaar, VP Investor Relations
Direct: 416-366-5678 Ext. 203

直線:416-366-5678 分機 203

About Solaris Resources Inc.

關於 Solaris 資源公司

Solaris is advancing a portfolio of copper and gold assets in the Americas, which includes a world class copper resource with expansion and discovery potential at its Warintza Project in Ecuador; a series of grass roots exploration projects with discovery potential in Peru and Chile; and significant leverage to increasing copper prices through its 60% interest in the La Verde joint-venture project with a subsidiary of Teck Resources in Mexico.

Solaris正在推進美洲的銅和黃金資產組合,其中包括其位於厄瓜多爾的Warintza項目具有擴張和發現潛力的世界級銅資源;秘魯和智利的一系列具有發現潛力的基層勘探項目;以及通過其與墨西哥泰克資源子公司在La Verde合資項目中佔60%的權益,爲提高銅價提供了重大槓桿作用。

Cautionary Notes and Forward-looking Statements


This document contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities legislation (collectively "forward-looking statements"). The use of the words "will" and "expected" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements include statements that the second tranche of US$15 million will be drawn on its previously announced Offtake Credit Facility in the coming days and the Company remains well-funded with available liquidity of US$84 million, The next update on permitting is expected with the technical approval of the EIA in H1/25, the Company is transitioning its head office to Quito, Ecuador, where certain of Solaris' senior management team will work from, Solaris is continuing to evaluate further steps to complete a greater transition to Ecuador, the Company does not currently anticipate that any such further steps will pose adverse tax consequences for the Company or require a change of stock exchange listings. Although Solaris believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements and/or information are reasonable, readers are cautioned that actual results may vary from the forward-looking statements. The Company has based these forward-looking statements and information on the Company's current expectations and assumptions about future events including assumptions regarding the exploration and technical programs, permitting, that further emigration steps will be taken, and steps to emigrate to Ecuador. These statements also involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements, including with respect to the Company's future strategic plans, and the risks, uncertainties and other factors identified in the Solaris Management's Discussion and Analysis, for the year ended December 31, 2023 available at . Furthermore, the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as at the date of this news release and Solaris does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

本文件包含適用證券立法所指的某些前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述(統稱爲 「前瞻性陳述」)。使用 「將」 和 「預期」 這兩個詞以及類似的表述旨在識別前瞻性陳述。這些聲明包括關於第二批1500萬美元將在未來幾天內從其先前宣佈的承購信貸額度中提取的聲明,公司資金充足,可用流動性爲8400萬美元。許可的下一次更新預計將在25年下半年獲得環境影響評估的技術批准後,該公司正在將其總部遷至厄瓜多爾基多,Solaris的某些高級管理團隊將在那裏工作,Solaris將繼續這樣做該公司正在評估進一步採取的措施,以完成向厄瓜多爾的更大過渡目前預計任何此類進一步措施都不會對公司造成不利的稅收後果或要求更改證券交易所的上市情況。儘管Solaris認爲此類前瞻性陳述和/或信息中反映的預期是合理的,但請讀者注意,實際業績可能與前瞻性陳述有所不同。該公司的這些前瞻性陳述和信息基於公司當前對未來事件的預期和假設,包括對勘探和技術計劃的假設、許可、將採取進一步的移民措施以及移民到厄瓜多爾的措施。這些陳述還涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際業績或事件與此類前瞻性陳述中的預期存在重大差異,包括公司的未來戰略計劃,以及截至2023年12月31日止年度的Solaris管理層討論與分析中確定的風險、不確定性和其他因素,可在以下網址查閱。此外,本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述是截至本新聞稿發佈之日作出的,除非適用的證券法有要求,否則Solaris不承擔任何義務公開更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述。

