
NXP's New Chip Combines UWB Radar and Secure Ranging for Smarter, Safer Homes and Workplaces

NXP's New Chip Combines UWB Radar and Secure Ranging for Smarter, Safer Homes and Workplaces

Benzinga ·  09/10 15:07

NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ:NXPI) today announced the Trimension SR250, the industry's first single-chip solution that integrates on-chip processing capabilities with both short-range UWB radar and secure ranging. This is the next leap forward in NXP's work to enable a world that anticipates and automates, enabling a wide variety of new user experiences based on location, presence or motion detection across consumer or industrial IoT applications.

恩智浦半導體有限公司(納斯達克股票代碼:NXPI)今天宣佈推出Trimension SR250,這是業界首款將片上處理能力與短程超寬波雷達和安全測距集成在一起的單芯片解決方案。這是恩智浦工作的下一次飛躍,旨在實現一個可預測和自動化的世界,在消費類或工業物聯網應用中基於位置、存在或運動檢測的各種新用戶體驗。

The Trimension SR250 combines low-power short-range UWB radar operating at 6-8.5 GHz, secure ranging and angle-of-arrival (AoA) calculations to enable new use cases based on UWB mapping, human or object detection and secure positioning. This allows it to deliver convenience, efficiency, safety and privacy features in a smart home, such as turning lights or TVs on or off based on presence, enabling secure home access capabilities, or even monitoring the safety of an elderly person living alone without intrusive cameras. It also supports safety, security and productivity applications in industrial environments, being capable of tracking location for workers, goods or assets, access control, collision avoidance, danger zone detection and more.

Trimension SR250 將工作頻率爲 6-8.5 GHz 的低功率短程超寬波雷達、安全測距和到達角 (AoA) 計算相結合,支持基於 uWB 測繪、人體或物體檢測以及安全定位的新用例。這使其能夠在智能家居中提供便利、高效、安全和隱私功能,例如根據存在情況打開或關閉燈光或電視,啓用安全的家庭訪問功能,甚至在沒有侵入式攝像頭的情況下監控獨居老人的安全。它還支持工業環境中的安全、安保和生產力應用程序,能夠跟蹤員工、貨物或資產的位置、訪問控制、防撞、危險區域檢測等。

