
CSE Global Settles Dispute With Subsidiary's Customer for US$8m

CSE Global Settles Dispute With Subsidiary's Customer for US$8m

cse 環球與子公司客戶達成糾紛解決,金額爲800萬美元。
Singapore Business Review ·  09/10 10:32

The settlement is expected to adversely impact its FY2024 earnings.

預計該和解協議將對其 FY2024 收益產生不利影響。

CSE Global has settled arbitration proceedings with a customer of its unit, Hankin. The customer had initiated arbitration proceedings in the United States on 3 September, citing losses resulting from delays in Hankin's performance of its contracted works.

CSE Global已與其子公司漢金的客戶和解了仲裁程序。該客戶於9月3日在美國啓動了仲裁程序,理由是漢金延遲履行合同工程造成了損失。

Hankin was hired by the customer to provide engineering, procurement, and installation services for a United States construction project, where the customer was the general contractor.

客戶聘請 Hankin 爲美國建築項目提供工程、採購和安裝服務,該客戶是該項目的總承包商。

Hankin said that the delays were predominantly caused by supply chain disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the customer's instructions to vary the approved existing design plan.

漢金說,延誤主要是由於 COVID-19 疫情導致的供應鏈中斷以及客戶指示更改已批准的現有設計計劃造成的。

On 8 September, the parties concluded a US$8m settlement, subject to the execution of a written Settlement Agreement and Release by the parties.


The settlement is expected to have a material adverse impact on the company for FY2024.

該和解協議預計將對該公司產生 FY2024 的重大不利影響。

The company advises shareholders and potential investors to exercise caution when dealing and trading in the company's shares and to consult their advisers if they are in doubt of the appropriate actions to take.


