
Fosun International Received HSI ESG Rating of AA- for Two Consecutive Years

Fosun International Received HSI ESG Rating of AA- for Two Consecutive Years

PR Newswire ·  09/10 10:33

Selected as a Constituent Stock of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index for Five Consecutive Years


HONG KONG, Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hang Seng Indexes Company recently announced its latest Sustainability Ratings of listed companies. Fosun International Limited (HKEX stock code: 00656, "Fosun International") with its outstanding sustainability performance, has received its rating of AA- for two consecutive years, reflecting the high recognition of Fosun International's performance in the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) field by the market.

香港,2024年9月9日 /PRNewswire/--恒生指數公司最近公佈了其最新的上市公司可持續發展評級。復星國際有限公司(香港交易所股份代號:00656,「復星國際」)憑藉其出色的可持續發展表現,已連續兩年獲得AA-評級,反映出市場對復星國際在ESG(環境、社會和治理)領域的表現的高度認可。

The Hang Seng Sustainability Rating utilizes the sustainability rating framework of the independent professional assessment body, the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) and selects outstanding companies in the field of sustainability by evaluating listed companies on seven core indicators, including corporate governance, environment, and fair operating practices.


Leveraging on years of continuous cultivation and efforts in the ESG field, Fosun International has received its rating of AA- for two consecutive years, boasting scores that outperformed 90% of global enterprises in four core areas: Corporate Governance, Environment, Consumer Issues, and Community Involvement and Development. Fosun International has also been selected as a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index for five consecutive years.


Since its establishment, Fosun remains steadfast in upholding its core values of "Self-improvement, Teamwork, Performance and Contribution to Society", continually bolsters its ESG framework and investment. Fosun has established a sound ESG governance structure and management system and integrated the principles of sustainable development into every facet of its operations. Fosun actively responded to national strategies, ensured information security, promoted technology innovation, participated in public welfare, protected the rights and interests of employees to promote sustainable management and value creation. Additionally, Fosun has committed to society - "strive to peak carbon emissions by 2028 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050" and released the Climate Information Disclosures Report for two consecutive years, underscoring its commitment to climate action and rallying global cooperation towards carbon neutrality.

自成立以來,復星一直堅定不移地維護其 「自我完善、團隊合作、績效和貢獻社會」 的核心價值觀,不斷加強其ESG框架和投資。復星建立了健全的ESG治理結構和管理體系,並將可持續發展原則融入其運營的方方面面。復星積極響應國家戰略,確保信息安全,促進技術創新,參與公益,保護員工權益,促進可持續管理和價值創造。此外,復星對社會做出了承諾—— 「努力在2028年之前達到碳排放峯值,到2050年實現碳中和」,並連續兩年發佈了《氣候信息披露報告》,強調了其對氣候行動的承諾,並加強全球合作以實現碳中和。

In recent years, Fosun has shown outstanding performance in various aspects of ESG. Presently, Fosun International is the only conglomerate in Greater China rated AA by MSCI ESG Ratings. Fosun International outperformed 94% of its global peers in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, and was included in the Sustainability Yearbook 2024 by S&P Global. Fosun International was also ranked top 1% in S&P Global's Sustainability Yearbook 2024 (China Edition) and recognized as an "Industry Mover". Furthermore, Fosun International's FTSE Russell ESG score was consistently higher than the global industry average and it has been continuously selected as a constituent stock of the FTSE4Good Index Series.

近年來,復星在ESG的各個方面都表現出色。目前,復星國際是大中華區唯一一家被摩根士丹利資本國際ESG評級評爲AA的企業集團。在標普全球企業可持續發展評估中,復星國際的表現優於全球同行 94%,並被標普全球收錄在《2024年可持續發展年鑑》中。復星國際在標普全球2024年可持續發展年鑑(中國版)中也名列前1%,並被公認爲 「行業推動者」。此外,復星國際的富時羅素ESG評分一直高於全球行業平均水平,並連續被選爲富時社會責任指數系列的成分股。

In the future, Fosun will continue to deepen its businesses, strengthen innovation and globalization, and continue to drive long-term and sustainable business development, thereby creating long-term value for all stakeholders and fulfilling its mission of "Creating Happier Lives for Families Worldwide".

未來,復星將繼續深化業務,加強創新和全球化,繼續推動長期和可持續的業務發展,從而爲所有利益相關者創造長期價值,實現其 「爲全球家庭創造更幸福的生活」 的使命。


來源 Fosun

