
Peoples Bank of Hazard Partners With Wysh to Offer Innovative Life Insurance Benefit

Peoples Bank of Hazard Partners With Wysh to Offer Innovative Life Insurance Benefit

Peoples Bank of Hazard與Wysh合作,提供創新的人壽保險福利。
newsfile ·  09/10 07:02

Hazard, Kentucky--(Newsfile Corp. - September 9, 2024) - Peoples Bank and Trust Company of Hazard (Peoples B&TC) today announced a groundbreaking partnership with Wysh Life and Health Insurance Company to offer Life Benefit, an innovative built-in life insurance protection for select savings accounts. This new offering provides PBOH customers with up to $10,000 in life insurance coverage at no additional cost.

肯塔基州哈扎德--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年9月9日)——人民銀行和哈扎德信託公司(Peoples B&TC)今天宣佈與Wysh Life and Health Insurance Company建立開創性的合作伙伴關係,爲特定儲蓄帳戶提供創新的內置人壽保險保障。這項新產品爲PBOH客戶提供了高達10,000美元的人壽保險,無需支付額外費用。

The Life Benefit program is now available on Peoples B&TC Statement Savings and the Kasasa Saver accounts. Customers automatically receive life insurance coverage equal to 10% of their deposits, up to a maximum of $10,000. The coverage grows with the account balance, providing customers with increasing financial protection as they save.

人壽福利計劃現已在Peoples B&TC對賬單儲蓄和Kasasa Saver帳戶上可用。客戶自動獲得相當於其存款10%的人壽保險,最高爲10,000美元。承保範圍隨着帳戶餘額的增加而增加,爲客戶的儲蓄提供了越來越多的財務保障。

"We're excited to partner with Wysh to bring this innovative customer benefit to our community. Wysh has allowed us to provide the most inclusive form of life insurance protection to the people of Eastern Kentucky - we're very proud of that" said Jeff Smith, CEO of Peoples Bank and Trust Company. "The implementation process was surprisingly smooth and required little-to-no technological capabilities. Wysh's team made it easy for us to offer this valuable benefit to our customers without disrupting our existing systems."

「我們很高興與Wysh合作,爲我們的社區帶來這種創新的客戶利益。Wysh使我們能夠爲東肯塔基州的人民提供最具包容性的人壽保險保障——我們爲此感到非常自豪。」 人民銀行和信託公司首席執行官傑夫·史密斯說。「實施過程出人意料地順利,幾乎不需要任何技術能力。Wysh 的團隊使我們能夠在不中斷現有系統的情況下輕鬆地爲客戶提供這種寶貴的優勢。」

To celebrate the launch, Peoples B&TC hosted a special event blending Kentucky basketball excitement with financial protection awareness. The event featured meet-and-greet opportunities with UK basketball players and provided information about Peoples B&TC's new financial protection solutions.

爲了慶祝推出,Peoples B&TC舉辦了一場特別活動,將肯塔基州的籃球運動激情與財務保護意識融爲一體。該活動以與英國籃球運動員的見面會爲特色,並提供了有關Peoples B&TC新的財務保護解決方案的信息。

Alex Matjanec, CEO of Wysh, commented, "Our partnership with Peoples Bank and Trust demonstrates how community banks can leverage innovative insurance products to better serve their customers. Life Benefit aligns perfectly with their [Peoples B&TC] commitment to their community's financial well-being."

Wysh首席執行官Alex Matjanec評論說:「我們與人民銀行和信託基金的合作表明了社區銀行如何利用創新的保險產品來更好地爲客戶服務。Life Benefit完全符合他們(Peoples B&TC)對社區財務福祉的承諾。」

Existing qualifying account holders of the aforementioned accounts will automatically receive the Life Benefit, while new customers can open a qualifying account to take advantage of this unique offering. For more information, customers can visit their local Peoples Bank & Trust Company branch or the bank's website at


About Peoples Bank & Trust Company


The Peoples Bank & Trust Company of Hazard was chartered in 1923 and has operated continuously in Perry County since its inception. Since its inception, the Bank's primary mission has been to serve the banking needs of Hazard, as well as Perry County and the surrounding counties, and this mission continues to be the primary driving force behind the Bank today. Being the oldest and most firmly established Bank in the Perry County area, the Bank has built a reputation of conservative soundness that has served it well.


About Wysh Life and Health Insurance Company

關於 Wysh 人壽和健康保險公司

Wysh Life and Health Insurance Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Northwestern Mutual. Wysh offers innovative embedded protection solutions, including Life Benefit, which helps financial institutions attract, retain, and differentiate deposits while providing valuable coverage to members. By integrating seamlessly with banking platforms, Wysh is revolutionizing the way financial institutions approach member protection and deposit growth.

Wysh 人壽和健康保險公司是西北互惠的全資子公司。Wysh提供創新的嵌入式保障解決方案,包括Life Benefit,它可以幫助金融機構吸引、保留和區分存款,同時爲會員提供有價值的保障。通過與銀行平台的無縫集成,Wysh正在革新金融機構處理會員保護和存款增長的方式。

To learn more about Wysh:

要了解有關 Wysh 的更多信息,請執行以下操作:
Edwin Endlich
(718) 673-6455
(718) 673-6455

