
Dominion Energy Brings Weatherization Program to Housing Authority Communities in Charleston

Dominion Energy Brings Weatherization Program to Housing Authority Communities in Charleston

Dominion Energy將氣候化計劃引入查爾斯頓的住房管理機構社區
道明尼資源 ·  09/09 12:00

Eligible residents receive energy efficiency upgrades


CAYCE, S.C. (Sept. 9, 2024) – More than 1,800 Dominion Energy customers who live in Housing Authority of the City of Charleston units will receive free energy-saving products and services with the goal of reducing their energy consumption and monthly bills. This is the first Neighborhood Energy Efficiency Program (NEEP) project the company has undertaken in housing authority properties.

南卡羅來納州凱西(2024年9月9日)——居住在查爾斯頓市住房管理局單位的1,800多名Dominion Energy客戶將獲得免費的節能產品和服務,目標是減少能耗和月度賬單。這是該公司在住房管理局物業中開展的第一個鄰里能源效率計劃(NEEP)項目。

NEEP provides income-qualified customers conservation education and in-home energy assessments. Program participants are also eligible for free, direct installation of low-cost energy saving measures, such as LED light bulbs, faucet aerators, HVAC filter replacements, door and window weatherstripping and more.

NEEP爲符合收入條件的客戶提供節能教育和家庭能源評估。計劃參與者還有資格免費直接安裝低成本節能措施,例如 LED 燈泡、水龍頭曝氣器、更換 HVAC 過濾器、門窗防水條等。

"Dominion Energy is excited to offer this program on such a large scale," said Derek McDaniel, program manager for Dominion Energy's Neighborhood Energy Efficiency Program. "This marks the first time NEEP has worked with a housing authority in South Carolina. Our representatives have spent the past several weeks going door to door to help customers find ways to reduce the amount of electricity they use in their homes, which in return, will help them better manage their bill."


Since beginning work in June, the program has completed energy efficiency upgrades in hundreds of units across more than 20 properties on the Charleston peninsula, including Cooper River Court, Gadsden Green, Meeting Street Manor and Wraggborough Homes. The project is scheduled to be completed in the coming weeks.

自6月份啓動以來,該項目已經完成了查爾斯頓半島20多處房產的數百個單元的能效升級,包括庫珀河法院、加茲登格林、會議街莊園和Wraggborough Homes。該項目計劃在未來幾周內完成。

"On behalf of the Housing Authority of the City of Charleston and its residents, I thank Dominion Energy for these energy-efficient upgrades," said Art Milligan, CEO of Housing Authority of the City of Charleston. "Our residents will benefit immensely. These thoughtful modifications will go a long way to improving our residents' quality of life and energy education."

查爾斯頓市住房管理局首席執行官阿特·米利根說:「我代表查爾斯頓市住房管理局及其居民,感謝Dominion Energy的這些節能升級。」「我們的居民將受益匪淺。這些深思熟慮的修改將大大改善我們居民的生活質量和能源教育。」

Since the program's launch in 2013, Dominion Energy customers in South Carolina have reduced electricity usage by more than 1 billion kilowatt hours – that's enough energy to power approximately 92,000 homes for a year.

自該計劃於2013年啓動以來,南卡羅來納州的Dominion Energy客戶已減少了超過10千瓦時的用電量,這足以爲大約92,000戶家庭提供一年的電力。

Dominion Energy offers a comprehensive portfolio of EnergyWise programs that work together to increase overall energy efficiency and reduce energy usage. For more information about these programs, visit or call toll-free at 877-510-7234.

Dominion Energy提供全面的EnergyWise計劃組合,這些計劃共同提高整體能源效率並減少能源消耗。有關這些計劃的更多信息,請訪問或撥打免費電話877-510-7234。

About Dominion Energy
More than 4.5 million customers in 13 states energize their homes and businesses with electricity or natural gas from Dominion Energy (NYSE: D), headquartered in Richmond, Va. The company is committed to providing reliable, affordable, and increasingly clean energy every day and to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050. Please visit to learn more.

來自13個州的超過450萬客戶使用總部位於弗吉尼亞州里士滿的Dominion Energy(紐約證券交易所代碼:D)的電力或天然氣爲家庭和企業供電。該公司致力於每天提供可靠、負擔得起且越來越清潔的能源,併到2050年實現淨零排放。請訪問 了解更多信息。

