
What's Going On With GameStop Stock Ahead Of Earnings?

What's Going On With GameStop Stock Ahead Of Earnings?

Benzinga ·  09/10 00:00

GameStop Corporation (NYSE:GME) shares are trading higher Monday. The company is set to report its second-quarter financial results after Tuesday's closing bell.


The Details:


Analysts expect GameStop to report quarterly losses of 9 cents per share on revenue of $895.67 million, according to estimates from Benzinga Pro. GameStop shares have experienced volatility surrounding earnings, historically, and Tuesday's release may also drive price movements and volume in the stock.

根據Benzinga Pro的估計,分析師預計,GameStop將報告季度每股虧損9美分,收入爲8.9567億美元。從歷史上看,GameStop的股票經歷了圍繞收益的波動,週二的發佈也可能推動該股的價格走勢和成交量。

GameStop shares gained nearly 7% Friday after Roaring Kitty returned to the X social media platform and posted an image of characters from "Toy Story" with a dog's face superimposed. Some investors are speculating that the post could be a reference to Keith Gill potentially closing his position in Chewy, Inc. (NYSE:CHWY).

週五,GameStop股價上漲了近7%,此前Roaring Kitty重返X社交媒體平台,併發布了一張疊有狗臉的《玩具總動員》中角色的照片。一些投資者推測,該帖子可能指基思·吉爾有可能關閉他在Chewy, Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:CHWY)的頭寸。

According to data from Unusual Whales, someone bought $2 million in GameStop call options at 11:42 a.m. ET on Friday. Roaring Kitty then tweeted at 12:00 p.m. ET, and the options trader exited the trade fully for a 35% gain. As traders look towards the upcoming earnings report, the implied move for GameStop is 14.42% which is creating a lot of premium in GameStop options.

根據不尋常的鯨魚的數據,美國東部時間週五上午11點42分,有人購買了200萬美元的GameStop看漲期權。Roaring Kitty隨後在美國東部時間中午12點發推文,期權交易員完全退出交易,漲幅爲35%。在交易者展望即將發佈的收益報告時,GameStop的隱含走勢爲14.42%,這爲GameStop期權帶來了大量溢價。

How To Buy GME Stock:

如何購買 GME 股票:

By now you're likely curious about how to participate in the market for GameStop – be it to purchase shares, or even attempt to bet against the company.


Buying shares is typically done through a brokerage account. You can find a list of possible trading platforms here. Many will allow you to buy 'fractional shares,' which allows you to own portions of stock without buying an entire share. For example, some stock, like Berkshire Hathaway, can cost thousands of dollars to own just one share. However, if you only want to invest a fraction of that, brokerages will allow you to do so.

購買股票通常通過經紀帳戶完成。您可以在此處找到可能的交易平台列表。許多股票允許您購買 「部分股票」,這使您無需購買整股即可擁有部分股票。例如,某些股票,例如伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司,僅擁有一股股票可能要花費數千美元。但是,如果您只想投資其中的一小部分,經紀公司將允許您這樣做。

If you're looking to bet against a company, the process is more complex. You'll need access to an options trading platform, or a broker who will allow you to 'go short' a share of stock by lending you the shares to sell. The process of shorting a stock can be found at this resource. Otherwise, if your broker allows you to trade options, you can either buy a put option, or sell a call option at a strike price above where shares are currently trading – either way it allows you to profit off of the share price decline.

如果你想對一家公司下注,這個過程會更加複雜。您需要訪問期權交易平台或經紀商,該經紀人將允許您 「空頭」 一股股票,將股票借給您。可以在此資源中找到做空股票的過程。否則,如果您的經紀人允許您交易期權,您可以買入看跌期權,也可以以高於當前股票交易價格的行使價賣出看漲期權——無論哪種方式,它都允許您從股價下跌中獲利。

GME Price Action: According to Benzinga Pro, GameStop shares are up 2.68% at $24.55 at the time of publication Monday.

GME價格走勢:根據Benzinga Pro的數據,週一發佈時,GameStop的股價上漲了2.68%,至24.55美元。

Read Also:


  • Roaring Kitty Posts Again: What's Going On With GameStop, AMC, Chewy Stocks?
  • Roaring Kitty 又發帖了:GameStop、AMC、Chewy Stocks 怎麼了?

Image: Shutterstock


