
This Canadian Utility Stock Is Positioned for Long-Term Growth

This Canadian Utility Stock Is Positioned for Long-Term Growth

The Motley Fool ·  09/09 22:30

Looking for a top Canadian utility stock with robust long-term growth potential? Brookfield Renewable Partners (TSX:BEP.UN) might be just what you need, especially if green energy is on your radar. Specializing in renewable energy assets and decarbonization solutions, Brookfield Renewable is strategically positioned to benefit from global sustainability trends.

正在尋找具有強勁長期增長潛力的加拿大頂級公用事業股?布魯克菲爾德可再生能源合作伙伴(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BEP.UN)可能正是你所需要的,尤其是在你關注綠色能源的情況下。Brookfield Renewable專注於可再生能源資產和脫碳解決方案,其戰略定位是受益於全球可持續發展趨勢。

A global leader in renewable energy


Brookfield Renewable boasts a globally diversified portfolio encompassing hydroelectric, wind, solar, distributed energy, and sustainable solutions. Operating across approximately 30 power markets in 20 countries, the company taps into diverse opportunities and mitigates regional risks. With a portfolio weighted towards developed markets (75% of cash flows from North America and Europe) and low-cost renewable technologies, Brookfield Renewable minimizes risk while maximizing returns.

Brookfield Renewable 擁有全球多元化的投資組合,包括水力發電、風能、太陽能、分佈式能源和可持續解決方案。該公司在20個國家的約30個電力市場開展業務,利用各種機遇並降低地區風險。Brookfield Renewable的投資組合側重於發達市場(來自北美和歐洲的現金流的75%)和低成本的可再生能源技術,可最大限度地降低風險,同時實現回報最大化。

Currently, the company's operational capacity stands at around 32,500 megawatts (MW), distributed as follows: 26% in hydro, 35% in wind, 22% in utility-scale solar, and 18% in distributed energy and storage. The firm also sees substantial growth potential, with 157,000 MW of development opportunities globally. Beyond traditional renewables, Brookfield Renewable is involved in biofuel production and operates a global nuclear services business.

目前,該公司的運營能力約爲32,500兆瓦(MW),分佈如下:26%爲水電,35%爲風能,22%爲公用事業規模太陽能,18%爲分佈式能源和存儲。該公司還看到了巨大的增長潛力,全球擁有15.7萬兆瓦的開發機會。除了傳統的可再生能源,Brookfield Renewable還參與生物燃料生產並經營全球核服務業務。

Strong performance and attractive valuation


Brookfield Renewable has consistently outperformed its sector. Over the past decade, according to YCharts, an investment in TSX:BEP.UN would have grown to approximately $35,360, reflecting annualized total returns of nearly 13.5%, significantly outperforming the Canadian utility sector's return of just over 7% (using iShares S&P/TSX Capped Utilities Index ETF as a proxy).


BEP.UN and XUT 10-Year Total Return Level data by YCharts

YCharts 提供的 BEP.UN 和 xUT 10 年總回報水平數據

After a 39% stock correction from its 2021 peak, the current valuation presents a compelling buying opportunity. The stock offers a generous cash distribution yield of about 5.8%, with a track record of increasing payouts. Brookfield Renewable has raised its cash distribution for 14 consecutive years, achieving a 10-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.7%.


Financial strength and future growth


Brookfield Renewable's ability to consistently raise its dividend is supported by steady cash flows from long-term contracts, with an average contract duration of 13 years and approximately 70% of revenues linked to inflation protection. With about 90% of its cash flows contracted, the company is well-positioned to sustain dividend growth and provide stable returns for investors.

Brookfield Renewable持續提高股息的能力得到了長期合同中穩定的現金流的支持,其平均合同期限爲13年,約70%的收入與通貨膨脹保護有關。隨着約90%的現金流萎縮,該公司完全有能力維持股息增長併爲投資者提供穩定的回報。

The top utility maintains a strong financial position, with an investment-grade balance sheet and an S&P credit rating of BBB+. Notably, 95% of its debt is fixed-rate, with an average maturity of 12 years, ensuring predictable interest expenses.


Looking ahead, Brookfield Renewable is set to benefit from the increasing annual investments needed for the energy transition, electrification, and net-zero objectives. From 2023 to 2028, the company forecasts FFO per unit growth exceeding 10% annually, driven by inflation escalation, margin enhancement, and strategic mergers and acquisitions. Analysts also suggest that shares are currently trading at a discount of about 19% from the recent quotation of $32.98 per unit.

展望未來,Brookfield Renewable將受益於能源轉型、電氣化和淨零目標所需的年度投資不斷增加。該公司預測,從2023年到2028年,在通貨膨脹上升、利潤率提高和戰略併購的推動下,每單位FFO的年增長將超過10%。分析師還表示,股票目前的交易價格較最近每單位32.98美元的折扣約爲19%。

The Foolish investor takeaway


In summary, Brookfield Renewable Partners stands out as a prime candidate for long-term growth, offering a strong combination of income, growth potential, and financial stability.

總而言之,Brookfield Renewable Partners脫穎而出,是長期增長的主要候選者,它提供了收入、增長潛力和財務穩定的強大組合。

