
Nutrabolt Strengthens Commitment to Corporate Responsibility by Publishing Its 2023 ESG Report

Nutrabolt Strengthens Commitment to Corporate Responsibility by Publishing Its 2023 ESG Report

PR Newswire ·  09/09 21:04

The 2023 ESG Report gives a comprehensive view into the company's pledge to act responsibly in all areas of business with expanded programs to support its people and the communities it serves

2023 年 ESG 報告全面介紹了公司承諾在所有業務領域採取負責任的行動,擴大計劃以支持其員工和所服務的社區

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nutrabolt, a performance-focused, global active health and wellness company, is proud to announce the release of its latest Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report. The 2023 ESG Report brings attention to the many areas where the company is acting to strengthen its ESG initiatives through awareness of key topics, progress on its ESG strategy, and the advancement of numerous ESG programs and practices.

德克薩斯州奧斯汀,2024年9月9日 /PRNewswire/ — Nutrabolt是一家注重績效的全球活躍健康與保健公司,自豪地宣佈發佈其最新的環境、社會和治理(ESG)報告。2023 年 ESG 報告提請注意公司正在採取行動的許多領域,通過對關鍵主題的認識、其 ESG 戰略的進展以及衆多 ESG 計劃和實踐的推進,加強其 ESG 舉措。

For more than 20 years, Nutrabolt has aspired to be a premier active health and wellness company grounded in its core values, integrity, and mission to innovate, inspire, and make products that maximize human potential accessible to all. In service of its mission, Nutrabolt established a distribution partnership with Keurig Dr Pepper to advance its routes to market in 2023. Further, the company made strategic investments in product research, strong leadership, and a partnership with Auburn University to meet the greatest needs of our dynamic consumers through a portfolio of quality products under category-leading brands.

20 多年來,Nutrabolt 一直立志成爲一家首屈一指的活躍健康和保健公司,其核心價值觀、誠信和使命是創新、激勵和製造讓所有人都能獲得最大限度地發揮人類潛力的產品。爲了履行其使命,Nutrabolt與Keurig Dr Pepper建立了分銷合作伙伴關係,以在2023年推進其上市路線。此外,該公司在產品研究、強有力的領導能力以及與奧本大學的合作方面進行了戰略投資,通過類別領先品牌的優質產品組合來滿足我們充滿活力的消費者的最大需求。

As an award-winning workplace, Nutrabolt serves its own teammates by providing paths to career progression, top-tier benefits, unique perks, and a performance culture built and supported by collaboration. The company also aims to provide a meaningful work experience with volunteer opportunities and other avenues for professional and personal development.


Beyond the company's commitment as a Pledge 1% member, Nutrabolt continues to evolve the way it supports the communities it serves worldwide. In 2023, the company served nearly 2,500 volunteer hours, with 1,490 hours surrounding its inaugural Nutrabolt Service Day where employees and their families served 63 non-profit organizations from Austin, Texas to London, U.K. Nutrabolt teams also continued their holiday service efforts for the 15th year in a row.

除了公司作爲 Pledge 1% 成員的承諾外,Nutrabolt還繼續發展其支持全球社區的方式。2023 年,該公司提供了近 2,500 小時的志願服務時間,其中 1,490 個小時的志願者服務日前後,員工及其家人爲從德克薩斯州奧斯汀到英國倫敦的 63 個非營利組織提供了服務。Nutrabolt 團隊還連續第 15 年繼續提供假日服務。

"I see our ability to pour back into the communities we serve as our reason to be here – our grander purpose for doing the work we do. In fact, furthering our 'Grow and Give Back' mantra is a key component of Nutrabolt's strategic vision," said Doss Cunningham, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nutrabolt.

「我認爲我們能夠重返所服務的社區是我們來到這裏的理由,也是我們完成工作的更宏偉目標。實際上,進一步推進我們的'成長與回饋'的口頭禪是Nutrabolt戰略願景的關鍵組成部分。」 Nutrabolt董事長兼首席執行官多斯·坎寧安說。

In its supply chain, the company prioritizes ethical operational practices – continuing to seek new ways to improve its environmental strategy. In 2023, the company made strides in packaging management to reduce plastic materials, and maintained its plastic net-zero certification with Plastic Bank – diverting 10 million pounds of plastic from our planet's oceans since 2021.


To read more about Nutrabolt's ESG efforts, check out the 2023 ESG Report HERE. The company intends to report ESG progress on a three-year cadence.


About Nutrabolt

關於 Nutrabolt

Nutrabolt is a fast-growing, global active health and wellness company with a portfolio of market leading performance-oriented brands that energize and fuel active lifestyles. The company's disruptive and innovative products compete in the Functional Beverage and Active Nutrition segments, under three consumer-loved brands: C4 (one of the fastest-growing energy drink brands in the United States and the #1 selling global pre-workout brand), XTEND (the #1 post-workout recovery brand in the United States), and Cellucor (an award-winning sports nutrition brand created in 2002).

Nutrabolt是一家快速增長的全球活躍健康和保健公司,擁有一系列市場領先的以績效爲導向的品牌,爲積極的生活方式注入活力和活力。該公司的顛覆性和創新產品在功能性飲料和活性營養領域競爭,旗下有三個深受消費者喜愛的品牌:C4(美國增長最快的能量飲料品牌之一,也是全球最暢銷的鍛鍊前品牌 #1)、XTEND(美國的 #1 鍛鍊後恢復品牌)和Cellucor(創立於2002年的獲獎運動營養品牌)。

Since our founding 20 years ago, our goal has been to meet the discerning needs of performance athletes and fitness enthusiasts, while appealing beyond this core group to include consumers and communities around the globe who are making healthy, active living a daily priority.


Nutrabolt's portfolio, which is distributed in over 125 countries, is sold through company-owned DTC platforms, Amazon, and other third-party marketplaces, and is available at leading retailers across the U.S., including Walmart, Target, 7-Eleven, Walgreens, Kroger, H-E-B, Wawa, Publix, GNC, and the Vitamin Shoppe. For more information about Nutrabolt, please visit

Nutrabolt的產品組合分佈在超過125個國家,通過公司擁有的DTC平台、亞馬遜和其他第三方市場出售,並在美國各地的主要零售商處有售,包括沃爾瑪、塔吉特、7-Eleven、沃爾格林、克羅格、H-e-b、Wawa、Publix、GNC和維生素專櫃。有關 Nutrabolt 的更多信息,請訪問。

SOURCE Nutrabolt

來源 Nutrabolt

