
Edible Garden Setting a New Standard in Sports Nutrition Industry With Kick Sports Nutrition Product Line

Edible Garden Setting a New Standard in Sports Nutrition Industry With Kick Sports Nutrition Product Line

Edible Garden在體育營養行業中通過Kick Sports Nutrition產品線樹立了新的標準。
GlobeNewswire ·  09/09 21:00

Kick Sports Nutrition delivers clean, effective, and better-for-you nutrition solutions for athletes at all levels across all sports

Kick Sports Nutrition 爲所有運動項目的各個級別的運動員提供清潔、有效且更適合您的營養解決方案

BELVIDERE, NJ, Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Edible Garden AG Incorporated ("Edible Garden" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: EDBL, EDBLW), a leader in controlled environment agriculture (CEA), locally grown, organic, and sustainable produce and products, today announced that it will exhibit its Kick Sports Nutrition product line at ECRM's Vitamin, Weight Management & Sports Nutrition Session at the PGA National Resort & Spa, Palm Beach Gardens September 8th-September 11th.

新澤西州貝爾維迪爾,2024年9月9日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——受控環境農業(CEA)、本地種植、有機和可持續農產品和產品的領導者Edible Garden AG Incorporated(「EDBL」 或 「公司」)(納斯達克股票代碼:EDBL,EDBLW)今天宣佈,將在PRM的維生素、體重管理和運動營養會議上展出其Kick運動營養產品系列 GA 國家度假村及水療中心,棕櫚灘花園 9 月 8 日至 9 月 11 日。

ECRM connects brands and buyers worldwide, matching the right brands with the right buyers at the right time. Specializing in seamless product discovery, ECRM has hosted over 3 million meetings since 1994, helping thousands of brands enter retail chains and foodservice operations. Unlike traditional trade shows, ECRM offers distraction-free, curated 1 on 1 meetings that enhance product visibility and create unique business opportunities. With a high-tech, high-touch approach, ECRM ensures every meeting is productive, generating more leads than conventional trade shows.

eCRM 連接全球品牌和買家,在正確的時間將正確的品牌與正確的買家進行匹配。eCRM專門從事無縫產品發現,自1994年以來已舉辦了超過300萬次會議,幫助成千上萬的品牌進入零售連鎖店和餐飲服務業務。與傳統的貿易展覽會不同,eCRM提供不受干擾的、精心策劃的一對一會議,以提高產品知名度並創造獨特的商機。eCRM 採用高科技、高接觸度的方法,確保每次會議都富有成效,產生比傳統貿易展更多的潛在客戶。

"Kick Sports Nutrition is at the forefront of addressing the changing priorities of athletes who are more conscious than ever about what they consume," stated Jim Kras, CEO of Edible Garden. "The sports nutrition market is projected to grow from $54.8 billion in 2023 to $103.3 billion by 2032, as reported by IMARC Group. The projected growth is driven by health-conscious consumers seeking personalized, clean-label products that support athletic performance, align with dietary preferences, emphasize natural ingredients, and offer convenient, on-the-go options."

食用園首席執行官吉姆·克拉斯表示:「Kick Sports Nutrition站在解決運動員不斷變化的優先事項的最前沿,他們比以往任何時候都更了解自己的食物。」「根據IMARC集團的報告,運動營養市場預計將從2023年的548億美元增長到2032年的1033億美元。預計增長是由注重健康的消費者所推動,他們尋求個性化、帶有清潔標籤的產品,這些產品可以支持運動表現,符合飲食偏好,強調天然成分,並提供便捷的便捷選擇。」

"Building on the long-standing success of our Vitamin Whey advanced whey and plant protein powder line—designed to support muscle recovery and provide daily vitamins and minerals, first introduced over a decade ago at a major retailer—we continue to innovate at the intersection of taste and functionality. Our Kick Sports Nutrition products—ranging from protein powders and plant-based proteins to pre-workout, post-workout, and hydration solutions—are designed to deliver premium performance without the premium price tag. Whether you are into weight training, muscle building, basketball, pickleball, CrossFit, or cross-country running, Kick Sports Nutrition makes elite sports nutrition accessible to competitors at every level and in every sport. Moreover, in collaboration with Nutracom, we are innovating exciting new flavors that not only redefine taste but also nutritional excellence, staying true to our reputation as 'The Flavor Maker.'"

「我們的維生素乳清高級乳清和植物蛋白粉系列在十多年前在一家主要零售商首次推出,旨在支持肌肉恢復並提供每日維生素和礦物質,在此基礎上,我們繼續在口味和功能的交匯處進行創新。我們的 Kick Sports Nutrition 產品——從蛋白粉和植物基蛋白質到鍛鍊前、鍛鍊後和補水解決方案——旨在提供卓越的性能而又不花高昂的價格。無論您是重量訓練、肌肉鍛鍊、籃球、泡菜球、CrossFit 還是越野跑步,Kick Sports Nutrition 都能讓各個級別和每項運動的參賽者都能獲得精英運動營養。此外,我們與Nutracom合作,正在創新令人興奮的新口味,這些口味不僅重新定義了口味,而且還重新定義了卓越的營養,忠實於我們作爲'風味製造商'的聲譽。」

"With more than 25 years of experience in the sports nutrition industry, including launching well-known brands like Body Fortress, Met-Rx, and Nature's Bounty, I am confident that Kick Sports Nutrition's mission goes beyond just selling products. We are pioneering new benchmarks for the industry and our vision is to revolutionize the category with innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of the athletes we support."

「憑藉在運動營養行業超過25年的經驗,包括推出Body Fortress、Met-Rx和Nature's Bounty等知名品牌,我相信Kick Sports Nutrition的使命不僅僅是銷售產品。我們正在爲該行業開創新的基準,我們的願景是通過創新的解決方案徹底改變這一類別,以滿足我們所支持的運動員不斷變化的需求。」

A copy of the Company's Kick Sports Nutrition video is available here.

該公司的 Kick Sports Nutrition 視頻的副本現已發佈 這裏

Edible Garden AG Incorporated is a leader in controlled environment agriculture (CEA), locally grown, organic, and sustainable produce and products backed by Zero-Waste Inspired next generation farming. Offered at over 5,000 stores in the US, Edible Garden is disrupting the CEA and sustainability technology movement with its safety-in-farming protocols, use of sustainable packaging, patented GreenThumb software and self-watering in-store displays. The Company currently operates its own state-of-the-art greenhouses and processing facilities in Belvidere, New Jersey and Grand Rapids, Michigan, and has a network of contract growers, all strategically located near major markets in the U.S. Its proprietary GreenThumb 2.0 patented (US Nos.: US 11,158,006 B1, US 11,410,249 B2 and US 11,830, 088 B2) software optimizes growing in vertical and traditional greenhouses while seeking to reduce pollution-generating food miles. Its proprietary patented (U.S. Patent No. D1,010,365) Self-watering display is designed to increase plant shelf life and provide an enhanced in-store plant display experience. Edible Garden is also a developer of ingredients and proteins, providing an accessible line of plant and whey protein powders under the Vitamin Way and Vitamin Whey brands. In addition, the Company's Kick Sports Nutrition line features premium performance products that cater to today's health-conscious athletes. Furthermore, Edible Garden offers a line of sustainable food flavoring products such as Pulp gourmet sauces and chili-based products.

Edible Garden AG Incorporated是受控環境農業(CEA)、本地種植、有機和可持續農產品及產品的領導者,其背後是零廢棄物啓發的下一代農業。Edible Garden在美國的5,000多家門店上市,憑藉其農業安全協議、可持續包裝的使用、獲得專利的GreenThumb軟件和店內自動澆水的陳列櫃,顛覆了CEA和可持續發展技術運動。該公司目前在新澤西州貝爾維迪爾和密歇根州大急流城經營自己最先進的溫室和加工設施,並擁有合同種植者網絡,均位於美國主要市場附近。其專有的GreenThumb 2.0專利(美國編號:11,158,006 B1、美國11,410,249 B2和美國11,830、088 B2)軟件優化了垂直和傳統溫室的生長,同時力求減少造成污染的食物里程。其專有專利(美國專利號D1,010,365) 自動澆水展示架旨在延長植物保質期並提供增強的店內植物陳列體驗。Edible Garden還是原料和蛋白質的開發商,以維生素之路和維生素乳清品牌提供一系列可獲得的植物和乳清蛋白粉。此外,該公司的Kick Sports Nutrition系列還提供高性能產品,可滿足當今注重健康的運動員的需求。此外,Edible Garden還提供一系列可持續的食品調味產品,例如紙漿美味醬汁和辣椒類產品。

For more information on Pulp products go to . For more information on Vitamin Whey products go to . For more information on Edible Garden go to . A copy of the Company's latest corporate video is also available here.

有關紙漿產品的更多信息,請訪問 。有關維生素乳清產品的更多信息,請訪問 。有關可食用花園的更多信息,請訪問 。公司最新企業視頻的副本也可提供 這裏

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements, including with respect to the Company's growth strategies, ability to expand its distribution network and distribution relationships, and performance as a public company. The words "believe," "expect," "intend," "look forward," "objective," "plan," "seek," "strategy," "will," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, including market and other conditions and the Company's ability to achieve its growth objectives. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any such forward-looking statements after the date hereof to conform to actual results or changes in expectations, except as required by law.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,包括與公司的增長戰略、擴大分銷網絡和分銷關係的能力以及上市公司的業績有關的前瞻性陳述。「相信」、「期望」、「打算」、「向前看」、「目標」、「計劃」、「尋求」、「戰略」、「意願」 等詞語以及類似的表述旨在識別前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述受許多風險、不確定性和假設的影響,包括市場和其他條件以及公司實現增長目標的能力。除非法律要求,否則公司沒有義務在本文發佈之日之後更新任何此類前瞻性陳述以符合實際業績或預期變化。

Investor Contacts:
Crescendo Communications, LLC


