
Sleep Apnea Pill: Quantum Research Survey Shows Sleep Apnea Patients Seeking CPAP Alternatives

Sleep Apnea Pill: Quantum Research Survey Shows Sleep Apnea Patients Seeking CPAP Alternatives

newsfile ·  09/09 20:00

A new survey conducted by Quantum Research Group, LLC finds that more than half of patients diagnosed with sleep apnea are not satisfied with their current treatment. Nearly 70 percent of patients express a willingness to switch to a prescribed pill-form treatment.

量子研究集團(Quantum Research Group,LLC)進行的一項新調查發現,超過一半被診斷爲睡眠呼吸暫停的患者對目前的治療不滿意。近70%的患者表示願意轉而使用處方藥治療。

New York, New York--(Newsfile Corp. - September 9, 2024) - Quantum Research Group, LLC just published the results of a new survey entitled "Understanding Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment Experiences and Patient Perspectives." According to the data gathered May 28-29, 2024, 69 percent of patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are willing to switch to a pill-form treatment, with ease of use being cited as the top reason to switch by 84 percent of patients willing to switch.

紐約,紐約 - (Newsfile Corp. - 2024年9月9日) - 量子研究集團(Quantum Research Group,LLC)剛剛發佈了一項名爲"了解阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停治療經驗和患者觀點"的新調查結果。根據2024年5月28日至29日收集的數據,69%的阻塞型睡眠呼吸暫停(OSA)患者願意轉而使用藥丸治療,其中84%的願意轉換的患者選擇這麼做的最主要原因是使用方便。

Sleep apnea lacks an FDA-approved, medicated treatment. Currently, 60 percent of OSA patients use a positive airway pressure (PAP) device, of which a CPAP is the most common type. However, patient satisfaction around these machines is mixed, with more than half of patients reporting that they are either dissatisfied or neutral about their treatment.


The survey also found that 61 percent of OSA patients who use a CPAP or other PAP machine report multiple disruptions to their sleep every week, with almost 70 percent of patients reporting that the machine is uncomfortable. Additionally, 37 percent of patients said their current treatment either had no change or worsened their overall quality of life, with another 31 percent reporting similar results on their sleep quality.


"The U.S. market for sleep apnea devices is expected to substantially increase from $2.02 billion in 2023 to $3.76 billion by 2032," said Ari Zoldan, CEO of Quantum Research Group, LLC. "That staggering compound annual growth rate of 7.12 percent over such a short time frame demonstrates not only the size of the market for sleep apnea treatments but also the significant unmet need evident in the lack of an FDA-approved, medicated treatment for this condition."

"睡眠呼吸暫停設備的美國市場預計從2023年的20.2億美元增長到2032年的37.6億美元," 量子研究集團(Quantum Research Group,LLC)的首席執行官Ari Zoldan說。 "這種驚人的年複合增長率爲7.12%,在如此短的時間內不僅顯示出睡眠呼吸暫停治療市場的規模,還顯示出在該病症缺乏經FDA批准的藥物治療的顯著需求。"

For example, Incannex (NASDAQ: IXHL)is developing a pill-form treatment for OSA. The Phase 2/ 3 FDA IND-enabling RePOSA pivotal trial is underway after dosing began in May. This trial follows closely on the heels of positive Phase 2 data that demonstrated IHL-42X reduced the Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI), which measures obstructive sleep apnea, by an average greater than 50 percent at the low dose. The study also found that 25 percent of patients' AHI score declined by more than 80 percent.

例如,Incannex (NASDAQ: IXHL) 正在開發一種針對OSA的藥丸治療。RePOSA關鍵試驗,該試驗爲FDA IND(Investigational New Drug)申請做準備的二/三期臨床試驗,於5月開始給藥。該試驗緊隨正面的二期數據之後,該數據表明IHL-42X低劑量可將阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停指數(AHI)降低50%以上。該研究還發現,25%的患者AHI得分下降幅度超過80%。

IHL-42X is a fixed-dose combination of dronabinol, an FDA-approved form of synthetic delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, with the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide. Both have individually shown promise in treating obstructive sleep apnea in off-label use via previous studies, but are now shown to work synergistically together.


"Despite being the standard treatment, studies show that there is low compliance with CPAP machines, and this survey further confirms the need for treatment alternatives," said Joel Latham, president and CEO of Incannex. "We look forward to advancing our clinical program in the hopes of bringing a medicated treatment option to market, a solution that we believe patients will find more convenient and comfortable."


The Quantum Research survey also found that 37 percent of OSA patients either don't use their PAP device every night or sometimes remove it overnight. The most common annoyances with these devices include mask discomfort (69 percent), dry mouth or throat (53 percent) and air leaks (47 percent).

Quantum Research的調查還發現,37%的阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停症患者要麼每晚不使用他們的PAP設備,要麼有時在夜間取下設備。這些設備最常見的問題包括口罩不適(69%)、口乾喉嚨幹(53%)和氣泄漏(47%)。

The complete data is available here via Quantum Research Group's website.

有關完整數據可通過 Quantum Research Group 的網站查詢。

About Quantum Research Group, LLC

關於 Quantum Research Group, LLC

Quantum Research Group, LLC is a global consultancy firm that integrates investor relations, public relations and equity research into a unique hybrid approach to deliver measurable results to publicly traded companies on the NASDAQ, NYSE and AMEX stock exchanges. Their distribution partners include dozens of leading financial platforms.

Quantum Research Group, LLC是一家全球性的諮詢公司,將投資者關係、公共關係和股權研究整合爲一體,以獨特的混合方法爲納斯達克、紐交所和美交所的上市公司提供可衡量的結果。他們的分銷合作伙伴包括數十家領先的金融平台。



Quantum Research Group, LLC is being compensated by Incannex for providing media coverage and research materials regarding them and their securities. Investors can find company-specific and/ or macro-related risk factors in the respective financial filings of Incannex.

Quantum Research Group, LLC 因提供關於 Incannex 及其證券的媒體報道和研究材料而獲得報酬。投資者可以在相關的財務文件中找到針對公司特定或宏觀相關的風險因素。

Statements within this report may constitute forward-looking statements involving many uncertainties and risk factors around the named businesses, industry and macroeconomic environment. All data covered in this report is based on a survey conducted by Quantum Research Group, LLC on behalf of Incannex in April 2024, and no investment recommendations are made within the resulting report on that survey or this press release.

本報告中的聲明可能構成涉及所述企業、行業和宏觀經濟環境的許多不確定性和風險因素的前瞻性聲明。本報告中涵蓋的所有數據均基於Quantum Research Group,LLC於2024年4月代表Incannex進行的調查,調查結果或本新聞發佈中對該調查的投資建議。

This report and press release do not take into account individual investor circumstances or preferences. Investors must do their due diligence and be aware of the high degree of risk in biotechnology stocks and small-cap equities, including the potential for a complete loss of their investment.


Quantum Research Group, LLC may be compensated for non-research-related services, including issuing press releases and securing media coverage, writing articles, and providing investor relations services and other additional services. The costs associated with non-research-related services are dependent on the terms of the contract with each individual company. Issuers are not required to engage us for these additional services.

Quantum Research Group, LLC 可能會獲得非研究性服務的報酬,包括髮行新聞稿和獲取媒體報道,撰寫文章,並提供投資者關係服務和其他額外服務。與非研究性服務相關的成本取決於與每家公司的合同條款。發行者不必僱傭我們提供這些附加服務。

Quantum Research Group's research is based on publicly available information and no investment recommendations are made within this report.

Quantum Research Group的研究基於公開信息,本報告中不做出任何投資建議。

Jessica Daitch

Jessica Daitch

