
Intrepid Metals Appoints Ken Engquist as CEO

Intrepid Metals Appoints Ken Engquist as CEO

Intrepid Metals任命Ken Engquist爲首席執行官
newsfile ·  09/09 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 9, 2024) - Intrepid Metals Corp. (TSXV: INTR) (OTCQB: IMTCF) ("Intrepid" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that in a strategic move to drive continued growth, the Company has appointed Mr. Ken Engquist as the new Chief Executive Officer ("CEO"). Intrepid's CEO of the last two years, Mr. Ken Brophy, has transitioned into the role of President and Chief Operating Officer ("COO") of Intrepid.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省--(新聞資訊通訊社 - 2024年9月9日) - 鐵杉金屬公司(TSXV:INTR)(OTCQB:IMTCF)("鐵杉金屬"或"公司")很高興地宣佈,公司已任命肯恩奎斯特(Ken Engquist)先生爲新任首席執行官("CEO"),以推動持續增長的戰略舉措。過去兩年的鐵杉首席執行官肯·布羅菲(Ken Brophy)先生將過渡到鐵杉的總裁和首席運營官("COO")的角色。

"We are very fortunate to have Ken Engquist join us as our new CEO, adding his extensive experience and visionary leadership to our team," said Mark Morabito, Chairman of Intrepid. "As we advance our exciting portfolio of Arizona-based projects, having someone with Ken's technical and executive experience from Western Copper and Gold, First Mining Gold, Nevsun, Rio Tinto and several others will be invaluable. I look forward to working with Ken as we continue to make significant strides in growing our Company."


"I am honoured to join Intrepid as the CEO," said Ken Engquist, CEO of Intrepid. "This is an exciting time for the Company, and I look forward to working closely with Mark, Ken Brophy and the rest of the Intrepid team as we build on the success they've already achieved. Together, we will continue to add value for our shareholders and continue to move our projects in Arizona forward."


"It has been a busy and successful two years as we assembled our impressive project portfolio and executed a successful initial drill campaign at our Corral Copper project," said Ken Brophy. "It is now time we build out our dedicated corporate team and I look forward to working with Ken to achieve the common goals of continued growth and delivering value to shareholders."


Mr. Engquist brings over 30 years of leadership and extensive development experience overseeing the de-risking and advancement of numerous mining projects from early-stage exploration through start-up and operations of surface and underground mines located in various jurisdictions all over the world. He has extensive experience in a wide range of indigenous and community relations and government relations and an in-depth technical knowledge and understanding of project evaluation, market sensitivities, economics, and strategic drivers.


Mr. Engquist has led operations, technical studies, work programs, permitting, and stakeholder relations most recently as COO of Western Copper and Gold ("WRN") following a similar role at First Mining Gold ("FF"). He is experienced in negotiation and financing structures, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic partnership agreements. Some recent development projects of his include WRN's Casino project in the Yukon and FF's Springpole gold project, South32's Hermosa zinc project, and Zijin Mining's Timok copper project in Serbia. Mr. Engquist also led various other projects within Oxygen Capital's managed group of companies where he was responsible for advancing a portfolio of assets through various stages of development and into the start of production. He's previously held key management roles on large capital projects and operations within AngloGold Ashanti and Rio Tinto. Mr. Engquist serves as a Director on Silver One Resources and has served on the board of several other public and private organizations. He holds a B.Sc. in Engineering from Michigan Technological University.

恩奎斯特先生最近擔任Western Copper and Gold("WRN")的首席運營官,在此之前擔任First Mining Gold("FF")的類似職務。 他在談判和融資結構、兼併收購以及戰略合作協議方面經驗豐富。 他的一些最近的開發項目包括了WRN在育空地區的賭場項目、FF的Springpole金礦項目、South32的Hermosa鋅礦項目以及紫金礦業在塞爾維亞的Timok銅礦項目。 恩奎斯特先生還領導了氧氣資本管理的一些其他項目,他負責推動資產組合通過各個發展階段並開始投產。 他此前在AngloGold Ashanti和力拓擔任重大資本項目和運營中的關鍵管理角色。 恩奎斯特先生擔任Silver One Resources的董事,並曾在其他幾家公共和私人組織的董事會任職。 他擁有密歇根科技大學的工程學學士學位。

Effective September 11, 2024, the Company will make a grant of 325,000 stock options to Mr. Engquist at an exercise price equal to the closing market price of the Company's common shares on the day prior to the date of grant, and with vesting periods to be determined by the Company subject to the terms and conditions of the Company's stock option plan.


About Intrepid Metals Corp.

鮭魚股份有限公司是一家加拿大公司,專注於探索與美國亞利桑那州東南部已建立採礦地區接壤的高品位重要金屬,如銅、銀和鋅礦物項目。該公司已收購或達成協議收購數個待鑽探的項目,包括Corral Copper Project(一個區域規模的先進勘探和開發機會,具有重要的淺層歷史鑽井結果)、Tombstone South Project(位於歷史悠久的湯姆斯頓(Tombstone)礦區內,具有與Taylor Deposit相似的地質特徵,Taylor Deposit 在2018年以13億美元的價格被購買4,但Taylor Deposit的礦化不一定說明Tombstone South Project的礦產潛力),這兩個項目均位於亞利桑那州柯奇斯縣,以及Mesa Well Project(位於亞利桑那州Laramide Copper Porphyry Belt)。Intrepid已組建了一個具有持續在北美探索、開發和許可新項目經驗的卓越團隊。Intrepid在TSX Venture Exchange(TSXV)下列爲「INTR」,在OTCQb Venture Market下列爲「IMTCF」。

Intrepid Metals Corp. is a Canadian company focused on exploring for high-grade essential metals such as copper, silver, lead, and zinc mineral projects in proximity to established mining jurisdictions in southeastern Arizona, USA. The Company has acquired or has agreements to acquire several drill ready projects, including the Corral Copper Project (a district scale advanced exploration and development opportunity with significant shallow historical drill results), the Tombstone South Project (within the historical Tombstone mining district with geological similarities to the Taylor Deposit, which was purchased for $1.3B in 2018, though mineralization at the Taylor Deposit is not necessarily indicative of the mineral potential at the Tombstone South Project) both of which are located in Cochise County, Arizona and the Mesa Well Project (located in the Laramide Copper Porphyry Belt in Arizona). Intrepid has assembled an exceptional team with considerable experience with exploration, developing, and permitting new projects within North America. Intrepid is traded on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) under the symbol "INTR" and on the OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol "IMTCF". For more information, visit .

Intrepid Metals Corp.是一家加拿大公司,專注於在美國亞利桑那州東南部的採礦區探索高品位的銅、銀、鉛和鋅等重要金屬礦產項目。 公司已獲取或達成協議以獲取幾個即將開採的項目,包括Corral銅礦項目(一個有着重大淺層歷史鑽探結果的地區規模先進勘探和開發機會)、Tombstone South項目(位於歷史悠久的墓碑礦區,具有與2018年以13億美元購買的Taylor礦牀相似的地質特徵,儘管Taylor礦牀的礦化不一定代表Tombstone South項目的礦產潛力),這兩個項目均位於亞利桑那州的科奇斯縣,以及Mesa Well項目(位於亞利桑那州拉拉米德銅斑岩帶)。 Intrepid組建了一個經驗豐富,具有在北美開發、勘探和獲得新項目許可經驗的傑出團隊。 Intrepid在多倫多證券交易所創業板(TSXV)及OTCQb創業公司交易市場交易,股票代碼分別爲"INTR"和"IMTCF"。 獲得更多信息,請訪問。

On behalf of the Company
"Mark J. Morabito"
Chairman of the Board

「Mark J. Morabito」

For further information regarding this news release, please contact:


Mark Morabito, CEO

Mark Morabito,首席執行官

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information


Certain statements contained in this release constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Such forward-looking statements relate to: (i) the growth of the Company and benefits of Mr. Engquist's appointment as CEO; (ii) the advancement, exploration and developments of the Company's mineral projects; (iii) the creation of shareholder value; (iv) the exploration potential of the Company's mineral properties; and (v) potential future production.

本公告中包含的某些聲明構成適用加拿大證券法的前瞻性信息。這些前瞻性聲明涉及:(i) 公司的增長以及Engquist先生被任命爲首席執行官所帶來的好處;(ii) 公司礦產項目的推進、勘探和開發;(iii) 股東價值的創造;(iv) 公司礦產物業的勘探潛力;以及(v) 潛在的未來生產。

In certain cases, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might", "occur" or "be achieved" suggesting future outcomes, or other expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions, intentions or statements about future events or performance. Forward-looking information contained in this news release is based on certain factors and assumptions regarding, among other things, the Company can raise additional financing to continue operations; the results of exploration activities, commodity prices, the timing and amount of future exploration and development expenditures, the availability of labour and materials, receipt of and compliance with necessary regulatory approvals and permits, the estimation of insurance coverage, and assumptions with respect to currency fluctuations, environmental risks, title disputes or claims, and other similar matters. While the Company considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available to it, they may prove to be incorrect.


Forward looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such factors include risks inherent in the exploration and development of mineral deposits, including risks relating to the ability to access infrastructure, risks relating to the failure to access financing, risks relating to changes in commodity prices, risks related to current global financial conditions, risks related to current global financial conditions on the Company's business, reliance on key personnel, operational risks inherent in the conduct of exploration and development activities, including the risk of accidents, labour disputes and cave-ins, regulatory risks including the risk that permits may not be obtained in a timely fashion or at all, financing, capitalization and liquidity risks, risks related to disputes concerning property titles and interests, environmental risks and the additional risks identified in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's reports and filings with applicable Canadian securities regulators.


Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The forward-looking information is made as of the date of this news release. Except as required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking information.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) has reviewed or accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture 交易所或其監管服務提供商(如 TSX Venture 交易所政策中所定義的那樣)未審查或接受本公告的充分性或準確性。

