
美股异动|极氪盘前涨超1% 新车将于9月20日正式上市

US stocks are moving | Ji Ke pre-market rose more than 1%, with the new car officially launching on September 20th.

Gelonghui Finance ·  16:14

September 9th, Geelong | Jike (ZK.US) pre-market rose by 1.24%, to $15.51. Jike officially announced the order data for Jike 7X, with orders exceeding 20,000 units in the first week. The new car will be officially launched on September 20th, with mass delivery upon launch. The officially announced starting price is 2.399 million yuan, and pre-orders before the new car's launch will enjoy a limited-time exclusive ordering privilege of 1000 yuan discount for 4000 yuan final payment.

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