
SpaceX Set To Launch All-Civilian Polaris Dawn Mission On September 10 After Multiple Delays

SpaceX Set To Launch All-Civilian Polaris Dawn Mission On September 10 After Multiple Delays

Benzinga ·  09/09 15:36

Elon Musk's spacecraft manufacturing company SpaceX said on Sunday that it is now looking to launch its all-civilian Polaris Dawn mission after multiple delays on Sept. 10.


What Happened: SpaceX is now planning to launch the mission to space from Florida on Tuesday at 3:38 a.m. ET. There are two additional launch opportunities at 5:23 a.m. ET and 7:09 a.m. on the same day, the company said.


"Weather is currently 40% favorable for liftoff, and conditions at the possible splashdown sites for Dragon's return to Earth remain a watch item," SpaceX said on Sunday, hinting that the mission might be delayed yet again if the weather conditions are deemed not favorable.

「目前天氣對發射有40%的可能性,而對於龍飛船返回地球的可能着陸點的條件仍然是觀察項目,」 spacex(臨時代碼)在週日表示,暗示如果天氣條件不利,任務可能再次推遲。

The Polaris Dawn mission was initially slated to launch in late August but has been postponed multiple times since owing to a helium leak and unfavorable weather forecast. SpaceX is prioritizing crew safety given the increased risk associated with the mission, Musk previously explained.


Why It Matters: Polaris Dawn is the first of up to three human spaceflight missions planned under the Polaris program founded by Shift4 Payments CEO Jared Isaacman.

爲什麼重要:Polaris Dawn是由shift4 payments首席執行官賈裏德·伊薩克曼創立的Polaris計劃下計劃中的最多三次載人太空飛行任務中的第一次。

SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft and the all-civilian Polaris Crew composed of four including its mission commander Isaacman, Kidd Poteet, Sarah Gillis, and Anna Menon will spend up to five days in orbit. While Isaacman and Poteet work together at Shift4, Gillis and Menon are SpaceX engineers.

SpaceX的Dragon飛船和全民航天任務的Polaris機組由四位成員組成,包括任務指揮官Isaacman,Kidd Poteet,Sarah Gillis和Anna Menon,他們將在軌道上停留最多五天。Isaacman和Poteet在Shift4公司共事,而Gillis和Menon則是SpaceX的工程師。

The key objective of the mission is to conduct a spacewalk nearly 435 miles above the Earth — marking the first-ever spacewalk by a commercial company. While space agency NASA routinely conducts extravehicular activities, no private player has attempted it before, making this a landmark mission for SpaceX and commercial spaceflight companies.


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Photo courtesy: SpaceX


