
Eluvio Launches European Business Expansion and Full Stack Solution for Premium Video Streaming and Monetization at IBC 2024

Eluvio Launches European Business Expansion and Full Stack Solution for Premium Video Streaming and Monetization at IBC 2024

Eluvio推出歐洲業務擴張和全套解決方案,用於高級視頻流媒體和貨幣化,參加IBC 2024
PR Newswire ·  09/09 13:00

- Launches commercial and operations team in Europe to support regional expansion and highlights newest Content Fabric users and partner initiatives with Telstra, Bedrock, EPCR, Videon and more
- Showcases the new Casablanca Release for transformational streaming, monetization, and AI discovery in Hall 8, stand MS5 and the AI Tech Zone in Hall 14
- Demonstrates new C2PA-Compliant Content Provenance and verification in the IBC Accelerator Project "Design Weapons Fight Against Disinformation"

- 在歐洲成立商業和運營團隊,以支持區域型擴張,並重點介紹與Telstra,Bedrock,EPCR,Videon等合作伙伴合作的最新Content Fabric用戶和合作項目
- 在第8展廳的MS5號展位和第14展廳的AI Tech Zone展示了轉型流媒體、貨幣化和AI發現的新Casablanca Release
- 在IBC Accelerator Project「Design Weapons Fight Against Disinformation」中展示了符合C2PA標準的內容來源及驗證

AMSTERDAM, Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Following last week's full commercial launch of the Eluvio Content Fabric - Casablanca Release and the announcement of new strategic partner and Content Fabric user Bedrock, Eluvio today announced the expansion of its European business and unveiled its comprehensive plans for IBC 2024.

2024年9月9日,阿姆斯特丹 / PRNewswire - 在上週Casablanca Release全面商業推出和新的戰略合作伙伴和Content Fabric用戶Bedrock的公告之後,Eluvio今天宣佈擴大在歐洲的業務,並公佈了其對IBD 2024的全面計劃。

Eluvio is demonstrating its full stack solution for live streaming, PVOD, FAST channels, and video archive monetization at scale, and new customers and partners worldwide. Today, Eluvio announced the expansion of its European business with the appointment of Glenn Broere as EMEA Commercial Director and the launch of its Content Fabric operations team in Europe to support its growing streaming and archive monetization business. Eluvio also disclosed European Professional Club Rugby (EPRC) as a new customer, and a new solution partnership with Videon focused on Eluvio's growing business of live sports streaming through the Content Fabric. Eluvio will showcase the Casablanca release, and its latest customer use cases at its stand in Hall 8 and in the AI Zone. Its new C2PA-Compliant Content Provenance and verification will also be a key technology in the IBC Accelerator Project "Design Weapons Fight Against Disinformation."

Eluvio正在展示其用於大規模現場直播、點播、FASt頻道和視頻存檔貨幣化的全套解決方案,以及其全球範圍內的新客戶和合作夥伴。今天,Eluvio宣佈任命Glenn Broere爲EMEA商業總監,並在歐洲成立Content Fabric運營團隊,以支持其不斷增長的流媒體和存檔貨幣化業務。Eluvio還披露歐洲職業俱樂部橄欖球(EPRC)是其中一位新客戶,並與Videon達成新的解決方案合作伙伴關係,重點關注Eluvio通過Content Fabric進行體育直播的不斷增長的業務。Eluvio將在第8展廳的展臺和AI Zone展示Casablanca Release以及其最新的客戶應用案例。其新的符合C2PA標準的內容來源和驗證技術也將成爲IBC Accelerator Project「Design Weapons Fight Against Disinformation」的關鍵技術。

The Eluvio Content Fabric - Casablanca Release is a next-generation content distribution and storage protocol providing ultra-fast, efficient, tamper-proof streaming, download and monetization of video at scale. It provides advanced streaming and AI discovery features that solve the biggest problems facing media companies by dramatically reducing investments in clouds and CDNs and opening new engagement and revenue opportunities. The software protocol significantly simplifies distribution by replacing file workflows with a hyper-efficient streaming and delivery pipeline in protocol. This dramatically reduces the bandwidth and storage compared to clouds and CDNs and slashes cost and carbon, and enables unlimited re-use of the same content (no files/egress), personalization without compromising scale, and built-in security, authenticity and rights. The latest Casablanca release, Creator Studio App, Media Wallet, Video Editor, Embeddable Player, Content Analytics & Reporting App and AI Content Understanding Apps are built on the Eluvio Content Fabric

Eluvio Content Fabric - Casablanca Release是下一代內容分發和存儲協議,可提供超快速、高效、防篡改的大規模視頻流式傳輸、下載和貨幣化。它提供先進的流媒體和AI發現功能,通過大幅減少在雲和CDN中的投資,並開闢新的參與和收入機會,解決了媒體公司面臨的最大問題。該軟件協議通過用超高效的流媒體和傳送管道取代文件工作流程,極大地簡化了分發過程。與雲和CDN相比,它顯著減少了帶寬和存儲需求,降低了成本和碳排放,並實現了相同內容的無限重用(無文件/出口),在不犧牲規模的情況下進行個性化,並具備內置的安全性、真實性和權益保護。最新的Casablanca Release,Creator Studio App,Media Wallet, 視頻編輯器、嵌入式播放器、內容分析與報告應用以及人工智能內容理解應用是基於Eluvio Content Fabric構建的。

"At IBC 2024, we'll demonstrate how the Content Fabric is solving the generational problems of legacy video delivery in terms of complexity, cost, and innovation," said Michelle Munson, CEO and co-founder of Eluvio. "Together, with some of our newest customers and partners, we'll showcase our business momentum with new streaming, monetization, and AI discovery solutions being deployed across the globe.

「在IBC 2024上,我們將展示Eluvio Content Fabric如何解決傳統視頻傳輸領域的世代性問題,包括複雜性、成本和創新,」Eluvio的首席執行官兼聯合創始人米歇爾·芒森表示。「與我們一些最新的客戶和合作夥伴一起,我們將展示我們在全球範圍內部署的新的流媒體、變現和人工智能發現方案帶來的業務勢頭。」

Premier Customers Showcased at IBC 2024

IBC 2024展示的首要客戶

Eluvio will showcase some of its newest sports and entertainment customers and their case studies at IBC 2024. Some of these include:

Eluvio將在IBC 2024展示一些最新的體育和娛樂客戶以及他們的案例研究。其中一些包括:

  • Live Sports & Entertainment Streaming and Recording: In partnership with Telstra Broadcast Solutions, Eluvio delivered ultra-low latency HLS streaming of dozens of the largest professional football matches in 2024 with encryption and personalized watermarking and viewing analytics;
  • Whole Business OTT Streaming & Archive: D2C OTT live match streaming & sell through plus archive monetization with European Professional Club Rugby (EPCR);
  • Next-Gen Streaming for Broadcasters and Entertainment Companies: Leading European streaming platform provider Bedrock will leverage the Eluvio Content Fabric to unlock the height of broadcast streaming innovation, including ultra-low-latency, secure, and cost-effective video streaming at scale, for live and on-demand monetization, with AI discovery, tamper-proof content, and end-to-end analytics. Bedrock has 45 million streaming customers and is a JV between M6 and RTL Group (part of Bertelsmann).
  • Low-Latency and Low-Cost Live Streaming for Sports Venues, OB Vans & Broadcaster: Eluvio will also showcase a new solution partnership with industry leader Videon. Videon replaces encoder real estate and laptops with a first-of-its-kind, feature-rich encoder and edge compute environment housed in an array of compact devices and portable form factors. Deployed in 600+ sports venues, OB vans and production packs, Videon's LiveEdge now seamlessly integrates with the Content Fabric to provide an ultra-efficient, cost-effective, and secure alternative to legacy systems and CDNs for high quality and low-latency live streaming at scale. The integration has been successfully piloted with multiple customers and is now available for plug-and-play trials or deployments.
  • Film and TV Library Servicing: Major Hollywood Studio with 200,000 hours / 60,000 titles in the Content Fabric for supply chain single source of truth, and screening, licensing, servicing;
  • TV Archive Monetization: Major US Broadcaster with 250,000 hours of news and sports for online AI tagging, search, clip/image generation, and monetization.
  • 現場體育和娛樂直播與錄製:Eluvio與Telstra Broadcast Solutions合作,在2024年通過超低延遲的HLS技術進行了數十場最大型職業足球比賽的加密直播,並進行了個性化水印以及觀看分析。
  • 整個業務OTT直播與存檔:D2C OTt直播比賽流以及歐洲職業俱樂部橄欖球(EPCR)的銷售和存檔變現,由Eluvio與Telstra Broadcast Solutions合作。
  • 下一代廣播和娛樂公司的直播:領先的歐洲流媒體平台提供商Bedrock將利用Eluvio Content Fabric,實現廣播流媒體創新的高度,其中包括超低延遲、安全、高效的視頻大規模直播和點播變現,以及具備人工智能發現功能、防篡改內容和端到端分析。Bedrock擁有4500萬的流媒體用戶,是M6和RTL Group(隸屬於Bertelsmann)之間的合資企業。
  • Eluvio還將展示與業界領先的Videon公司的新解決方案合作伙伴關係。Videon公司用一種首創的功能豐富型編碼器和邊緣計算環境取代了編碼器實際空間和筆記本電腦,並將其裝在一系列緊湊裝置和便攜式設備中。Videon的LiveEdge已經在600多個體育場館、Ob車以及製作裝置中部署並與內容平台完美集成,爲大規模高質量、低延遲的直播提供了一種極其高效、經濟實惠和安全可靠的替代方法,取代了傳統系統和內容分發網絡。這種集成方案已經與多個客戶成功試點,並已可供即插即用的試用或部署。
  • 電影和電視劇庫務服務:主要的好萊塢製片廠將200,000個小時/ 60,000個節目的內容存儲在內容平台中,用於供應鏈的真實來源,以及篩選、授權、服務。
  • 電視檔案貨幣化:美國主要廣播公司擁有25萬小時的新聞和體育內容,可供在線進行人工智能標記、搜索、剪輯/圖像生成和貨幣化。

Additional partners, including Optikka and 2G Digital, will also be demonstrating in Eluvio's Hall 8 location. Optikka partners with Eluvio to deliver localized and hyper-personalized graphic treatments for content at scale. Optikka's bot-driven design systems allow broadcasters and distributors to dynamically render graphic treatments for their content based on real-time event data, target audience, and destination, and take full advantage of the Fabric's just-in-time composition and delivery of multiple versions from a single source.

其他合作伙伴,包括Optikka和2G Digital,還將在Eluvio的8號展位進行展示。Optikka與Eluvio合作,爲內容提供局部化和超個性化的圖形設計處理,Optikka的機器人驅動設計系統可以根據實時事件數據、目標受衆和目的地動態渲染內容的圖形設計處理,並充分利用Fabric提供的即時組合和交付多個版本的能力。

2G Digital Post, one of Hollywood's premier boutique post-production and localization companies, has delivered some of the most beloved movies and shows worldwide, such as "Despicable Me", "Fast & Furious" (Universal) and "Wheel of Fortune" (Sony Pictures). 2G will demonstrate an integration with Eluvio's Content Fabric that makes post-production and localization more accessible and affordable and can expand its services beyond Hollywood to user-generated content (UGC). The solution provides standardized MovieLabs 2030 Vision-compatible metadata and search services, enabling 2G users to fast-track curation of raw content into commercialization-ready Fabric content.

2G Digital Post是好萊塢一流的精品後期製作和本地化公司之一,其製作的電影和節目廣受全球喜愛,如《神偷奶爸》、《速度與激情》(環球)和《幸運輪盤》(索尼影業)。2G將展示與Eluvio的內容平台的集成,使後期製作和本地化更容易訪問和負擔得起,並將其服務擴展到用戶生成的內容(UGC)之外。該解決方案提供標準化的MovieLabs 2030 Vision兼容元數據和搜索服務,使2G用戶能夠快速將原始內容篩選爲商業化準備就緒的Fabric內容。

Eluvio Demonstrations at IBC 2024


In advance of IBC, Eluvio will exhibit at SVG Europe's Sports Production Summit on Thursday, September 12 at De Hallen Studios in Amsterdam from 10:00am-7:00pm. At IBC, Eluvio's co-founders will speak from 1pm-2pm on Friday, September 13 and Saturday, September 14 at Eluvio's stand in Hall 8, stand MS5. In addition, Eluvio will be showcased in the AI Tech Zone in Hall 14, and Michelle Munson will speak on the AI Tech Stage from 3:15 pm-3:45 pm on Saturday, September 14. On Sunday, September 15, Ms. Munson will participate in the IBC Accelerator Project Presentation: "Design Weapons Fight Against Disinformation" from 10:45-11:45 am on the Innovation Stage in Hall 3 to showcase Eluvio's news innovations in content authenticity, provenance, and authentication. Full details and registration information for Eluvio's activities at IBC can be found at: .

在IBC展會之前,Eluvio將在9月12日星期四參加SVG Europe的體育製作峯會,地點在阿姆斯特丹的De Hallen Studios,時間是上午10:00至下午7:00。在IBC展會上,Eluvio的創始人將於9月13日星期五和9月14日星期六下午1點至2點在Eluvio的展位8號展廳MS5演講。此外,Eluvio還將在14號展廳的AI技術區進行展示,Michelle Munson將於9月14日星期六下午3點15分至3點45分在AI技術舞臺上發表演講。在9月15日星期天,Munson女士將參加IBC加速器項目演示:「設計武器與對抗虛假信息」在3號展廳的創新舞臺上,展示Eluvio在內容真實性、來源和認證方面的新創新。關於Eluvio在IBC展會上的活動的詳細信息和註冊信息,請訪問:。

About Eluvio
Eluvio () is solving the generational problems of video over the Internet with its Content Fabric Protocol, a next-generation content distribution and storage protocol transforming the distribution and monetization of premium video and digital media–in contrast to legacy cloud workflows and CDNs. Companies and creators whose content experiences have been powered by Eluvio include Amazon Studios/MGM, Dolly Parton, European Professional Club Rugby, FOX, SONY Pictures, Telstra Broadcast Services, UEFA, Warner Bros., WWE, and many others. Eluvio is led by Michelle Munson and Serban Simu, founders and inventors of Aspera (Emmy Award winning, acquired by IBM in 2014). Based in Berkeley, California with a worldwide team of 40 engineers, scientists and commercial leaders, Eluvio has received the NAB Product of the Year in 2024, Seicon Grand prize, and the prestigious Engineering Excellence Award by the Hollywood Professional Association, and holds 13 issued US patents.

Eluvio()通過其內容織布協議解決了互聯網視頻的世代問題,該協議是一種下一代內容分發和存儲協議,改變了高級視頻和數字媒體的分發和貨幣化方式,與傳統的雲工作流程和CDN不同。曾有公司和創作者的內容體驗中使用Eluvio,包括亞馬遜影視/ MGM, Dolly Parton, 歐洲職業橄欖球俱樂部, 富士康, 索尼影視, 電信傳播服務, 歐洲足球協會, 華納兄弟, WWE以及其他許多公司。Eluvio由Michelle Munson和Serban Simu領導,他們是Aspera的創始人和發明者(獲得艾美獎,在2014年被IBM收購)。總部位於加利福尼亞州伯克利,擁有一個由40名工程師、科學家和商業領袖組成的全球團隊,Eluvio已獲得2024年NAB產品年度大獎、Seicon大獎以及好萊塢專業協會的傑出工程獎,並持有13項美國專利。



