
Analysts Have Been Trimming Their Methode Electronics, Inc. (NYSE:MEI) Price Target After Its Latest Report

Analysts Have Been Trimming Their Methode Electronics, Inc. (NYSE:MEI) Price Target After Its Latest Report

紐交所公司Methode Electronics, Inc. (NYSE:MEI)在最新的報告後,分析師們紛紛削減了其股價目標
Simply Wall St ·  09/08 21:52

The analysts might have been a bit too bullish on Methode Electronics, Inc. (NYSE:MEI), given that the company fell short of expectations when it released its first-quarter results last week. Revenues missed expectations somewhat, coming in at US$259m, but statutory earnings fell catastrophically short, with a loss of US$0.52 some 68% larger than what the analysts had predicted. Earnings are an important time for investors, as they can track a company's performance, look at what the analysts are forecasting for next year, and see if there's been a change in sentiment towards the company. With this in mind, we've gathered the latest statutory forecasts to see what the analysts are expecting for next year.

鑑於Methode Electronics, Inc. (紐交所:MEI)在上週發佈第一季度業績報告時未能達到預期,分析師們可能對此過於看好。 營收略低於預期,爲2.59億美元,但法定收益則大幅低於預期,虧損0.52美元,比分析師預測的虧損大了68%。 企業業績公佈是投資者重要的時刻,他們可以追蹤公司的表現,了解分析師對明年的預測,以及公司市場情緒是否發生了變化。 出於這個目的,我們收集了最新的法定預測,以了解分析師對明年的預期。

NYSE:MEI Earnings and Revenue Growth September 8th 2024

Taking into account the latest results, Methode Electronics' four analysts currently expect revenues in 2025 to be US$1.09b, approximately in line with the last 12 months. The loss per share is expected to greatly reduce in the near future, narrowing 83% to US$0.70. Yet prior to the latest earnings, the analysts had been forecasting revenues of US$1.10b and losses of US$0.55 per share in 2025. While this year's revenue estimates held steady, there was also a regrettable increase in loss per share expectations, suggesting the consensus has a bit of a mixed view on the stock.

考慮到最新的業績報告,Methode Electronics的四個分析師預計2025年的營業收入將爲10.9億美元,與過去12個月相比大致相當。每股虧損預計在不久的將來會大幅減少,減少83%,至每股0.70美元。然而,在最新的業績公佈之前,分析師們曾預測2025年的營業收入爲11億美元,每股虧損爲0.55美元。雖然今年營收預期保持穩定,但每股虧損預期增加,表明市場對該股持觀望態度。

With the increase in forecast losses for next year, it's perhaps no surprise to see that the average price target dipped 9.5% to US$12.67, with the analysts signalling that growing losses would be a definite concern. There's another way to think about price targets though, and that's to look at the range of price targets put forward by analysts, because a wide range of estimates could suggest a diverse view on possible outcomes for the business. There are some variant perceptions on Methode Electronics, with the most bullish analyst valuing it at US$14.00 and the most bearish at US$11.00 per share. The narrow spread of estimates could suggest that the business' future is relatively easy to value, or thatthe analysts have a strong view on its prospects.

隨着明年預期虧損的增加,可以預見,平均價格目標下降了9.5%,降至12.67美元,分析師們表明日益增長的虧損將成爲一個明確的擔憂。然而,還有一種看待價格目標的方式,那就是看分析師對價格目標的範圍,因爲範圍廣泛的估計可能意味着對業務可能結果有着多樣化的看法。對於Methode Electronics,存在着一些不同的看法,最看好的分析師給出的估值爲14.00美元,而最看淡的則爲11.00美元每股。估值的窄幅範圍可能表明該企業的未來相對容易評估,或者分析師對其前景有着強烈的看法。

Of course, another way to look at these forecasts is to place them into context against the industry itself. We would highlight that Methode Electronics' revenue growth is expected to slow, with the forecast 1.1% annualised growth rate until the end of 2025 being well below the historical 2.7% p.a. growth over the last five years. Compare this against other companies (with analyst forecasts) in the industry, which are in aggregate expected to see revenue growth of 7.5% annually. So it's pretty clear that, while revenue growth is expected to slow down, the wider industry is also expected to grow faster than Methode Electronics.

當然,另一種觀察這些預測的方式是將其與整個行業進行對比。我們需要指出,Methode Electronics的營業收入增長預計將放緩,預測到2025年底的年化增長率爲1.1%,遠低於過去五年2.7%的歷史增長率。與行業內其他公司(擁有分析師預測的)進行比較,其預計年收入增長率爲7.5%。因此可以清楚地看到,雖然預計營業收入增長將放緩,但整個行業的增速也比Methode Electronics要快。

The Bottom Line


The most important thing to note is the forecast of increased losses next year, suggesting all may not be well at Methode Electronics. On the plus side, there were no major changes to revenue estimates; although forecasts imply they will perform worse than the wider industry. Furthermore, the analysts also cut their price targets, suggesting that the latest news has led to greater pessimism about the intrinsic value of the business.

最重要的是要注意的是,預計明年虧損增加,這表明Methode Electronics可能並不處於良好狀態。好的一面是,收入預測沒有發生重大變化;儘管預測表明其表現將會比整個行業差,此外,分析師還削減了他們的目標股價,這表明最新的消息使人們對該企業的內在價值更加悲觀。

Following on from that line of thought, we think that the long-term prospects of the business are much more relevant than next year's earnings. We have estimates - from multiple Methode Electronics analysts - going out to 2027, and you can see them free on our platform here.

因此,在這種思路的基礎上,我們認爲企業的長期前景比明年的收益更爲重要。我們有多位Methode Electronics的分析師預測數據,到2027年,您可以免費在我們的平台上查看。

You still need to take note of risks, for example - Methode Electronics has 2 warning signs we think you should be aware of.

您仍然需要注意風險,例如 - Methode Electronics有2個警示信號,我們認爲您應該了解。

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