
Quantum Biopharma Receives Nasdaq Notification of Regaining Compliance With Nasdaq's Minimum Bid Price Requirement and Completes Debt Settlements

Quantum Biopharma Receives Nasdaq Notification of Regaining Compliance With Nasdaq's Minimum Bid Price Requirement and Completes Debt Settlements

Quantum Biopharma收到納斯達克重新符合納斯達克最低買盤價格要求通知,並完成債務結算。
Accesswire ·  09/07 07:30

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / September 6, 2024 / Quantum BioPharma Ltd. (formerly, FSD Pharma Inc.) (NASDAQ:QNTM)(CSE:QNTM)(FRA:0K91) ("Quantum BioPharma" or the "Company"), a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to building a portfolio of innovative assets and biotech solutions, is pleased to announce that it has received a formal notice from The Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC ("Nasdaq") stating that the Company has regained compliance with the minimum bid price requirement set forth in Rule 5550(a)(2) of the Nasdaq Listing Rules. Quantum BioPharma is now in compliance with all applicable listing standards and will continue to be listed and traded on the Nasdaq.

多倫多, 安大略省/ACCESSWIRE/2024年9月6日/Quantum BioPharma Ltd. (前身爲fsd pharma公司) (NASDAQ:QNTM)(CSE:QNTM)(FRA:0K91) ("Quantum BioPharma"或"公司"), 一家專注於打造創新資產和生物科技解決方案組合的生物製藥公司, 非常高興地宣佈收到了納斯達克股票市場有限責任公司("納斯達克")的正式通知, 通知顯示公司已經符合了納斯達克上市規則5550(a)(2)規定的最低買盤價格要求。Quantum BioPharma現已符合所有適用的上市標準, 將繼續在納斯達克上市和交易。

Debt Settlements


In addition, further to its press release dated August 23, 2024 (the "August 23 Release"), the Company has completed debt settlements in the amount of $450,000 with each of Anthony Durkacz, Zeeshan Saeed and Donal Carroll, officers of the Company, (together, the "Executives") to preserve the Company's cash through the issuance of 248,160 Class B Shares, at a deemed price of $5.44 per Class B Share (each, a "Debt Settlement").

此外, 根據其2024年8月23日的新聞稿("8月23日新聞稿"), 公司已完成與Anthony Durkacz, Zeeshan Saeed和Donal Carroll(公司高管)分別達成總額爲45萬美元的債務結算, 以每股5.44美元的價格發行248,160股B類股份, 以保存公司的現金(每筆"債務結算").

Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein have the meanings attributed to them in the August 23 Release.


The Class B Shares are subject to a four month and one day hold period pursuant to the policies of the CSE and applicable securities laws.

B類股份根據CSE政策和適用證券法規規定, 受到四個月零一天的持有期限限制。

Related Party Transaction


Each Debt Settlement constituted a "related party transaction", as such term is defined in MI 61-101 due to the involvement of each of the Executives, who are officers of the Company, and would have required the Company to receive minority shareholder approval for, and obtain a formal valuation for the subject matter of, the transaction in accordance with MI 61-101, prior to the completion of each such transaction. However, in completing the Debt Settlements, the Company relied on the exemptions contained in sections 5.5(a) and 5.7(1)(a) of MI 61-101, respectively, in respect of the participation of the Executives in the Debt Settlements as neither the fair market value (as determined under MI 61-101) of the subject matter of, nor the fair market value of the consideration for, the transaction, insofar as it involved the Executives, exceeds 25% of the Company's market capitalization (as determined under MI 61-101).

每項債務結算均構成"關聯方交易", 正如MI 61-101中對此類交易的定義一樣, 因爲關於每位執行董事(均爲公司高管)的參與, 公司本應先收到少數股東的批准並根據MI 61-101的規定在交易目標的情況下獲得正式估值後方可完成每筆交易。然而, 在完成債務結算時, 公司依照MI 61-101規定的5.5(a)和5.7(1)(a)兩條豁免規則, 針對執行董事在債務結算中的參與, 因爲無論是交易目標的公允市場價值(根據MI 61-101確定), 還是因其參與產生的交易的對價的公允市場價值, 都不超過公司市值(根據MI 61-101確定)的25%。

Further details will be included in a material change report to be filed by the Company. While the Company filed a material change report in respect of the Debt Settlements and the Executive's participation in the Debt Settlements on August 29, 2024, the Company did not file the material change report more than 21 days before the closing date of the Debt Settlements. In the Company's view, the shorter period was necessary to permit the Company to close the Debt Settlements in a timeframe consistent with usual market practice for a transaction of this nature and was reasonable and necessary to improve the Company's financial position in a timely manner in the circumstances. Further, the Executives indicated a desire to complete the Debt Settlements on an expedited basis.


Early Warning Disclosure


This press release is being issued in accordance with the requirements of National Instrument 62-103 - The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues ("NI 62-103"), in connection with the filing of the Early Warning Reports by Xorax Family Trust ("Xorax"), a trust of which Zeeshan Saeed, the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Chairman of Quantum BioPharma is a beneficiary, whose registered address is 3688 Stratton Woods Court, Mississauga, Ontario, L5L 4V2, and Fortius Research and Trading Corp. ("Fortius"), a corporation of which Anthony Durkacz, a Co-Chairman of Quantum BioPharma, is a director, whose registered address is 2045 Lakeshore Boulevard West, Suite 3006, Toronto, Ontario M6V 2Z6 in connection with Debt Settlements completed by each of Messrs. Saeed and Durkacz (collectively, the "Acquirors") and the Company, whose registered address is 199 Bay St., Suite 4000, Toronto, Ontario M5L 1A9.

根據《62-103號國家規範-早期警示系統和相關重大收購和內幕報告事宜》(「62-103號規範」)的要求,Quantum BioPharma的首席執行官兼聯合主席Zeeshan Saeed是Xorax Family Trust的受益人之一,其註冊地址爲加拿大安大略省密西沙加市3688 Stratton Woods Court, Mississauga, Ontario, L5L 4V2,Quantum BioPharma的聯合主席Anthony Durkacz是Fortius Research and Trading Corp.(「Fortius」)的董事之一,其註冊地址爲加拿大安大略省多倫多市2045 Lakeshore Boulevard West, Suite 3006, Toronto, Ontario M6V 2Z6。與Messrs. Saeed和Durkacz執行的債務結算有關的初步警示報告由Xorax和Fortius提交。Quantum BioPharma的註冊地址爲加拿大安大略省多倫多市199 Bay St., Suite 4000, Toronto, Ontario M5L 1A9。

On September 6, 2024, each of Messrs. Saeed and Durkacz settled debt in the amount of $450,000 with the Company and acquired 82,720 Class B Shares at a deemed price of $5.44 per Class B Share.

在2024年9月6日,Messrs. Saeed和Durkacz與公司結算了總金額爲450,000美元的債務,並以每股5.44美元的價格購買了82,720股b類股份。

Following the Debt Settlement, Xorax, along with its joint actor, Mr. Saeed, owns 3 Class A Shares and 117,201 Class B Shares representing 50% of the outstanding Class A Shares, 6.31% of the outstanding Class B Shares, and 26.93% of the voting rights attached to all of the Company's outstanding voting securities on a non-diluted basis. Prior to the Debt Settlement, Xorax, along with its joint actor, Mr. Saeed, owned 3 Class A Shares and 34,481 Class B Shares, which represented 50% of the outstanding Class A Shares, 2.14% of the outstanding Class B Shares, and 26.45% of the voting rights attached to all of the Company's outstanding voting securities on a non-diluted basis.

債務結算後,Xorax與其共同行動人Mr. Saeed共同持有3股A類股和117,201股b類股,代表公司已發行A類股50%的比例,b類股的已發行比例爲6.31%,在公司所有已發行投票證券上的投票權非攤薄基礎上佔比26.93%。在債務結算之前,Xorax與其共同行動人Mr. Saeed共同持有3股A類股和34,481股b類股,代表公司已發行A類股50%的比例,b類股的已發行比例爲2.14%,在公司所有已發行投票證券上的投票權非攤薄基礎上佔比26.45%。

Following the Debt Settlement, Fortius, along with its joint actor, Mr. Durkacz, owns 3 Class A Shares and 105,750 Class B Shares representing 50% of the outstanding Class A Shares, 5.69% of the outstanding Class B Shares, and 26.61% of the voting rights attached to all of the Company's outstanding voting securities on a non-diluted basis. Prior to the Debt Settlement, Fortius, along with its joint actor, Mr. Durkacz, owned 3 Class A Shares and 23,030 Class B Shares, which represented 50% of the outstanding Class A Shares, 1.24% of the outstanding Class B Shares, and 26.10% of the voting rights attached to all of the Company's outstanding voting securities on a non-diluted basis.


The Acquirors acquired the above-noted Class B Shares for investment purposes. In the future, the Acquirors will evaluate their respective investment in the Company from time to time and may, based on such evaluation, market conditions and other circumstances, increase or decrease their respective shareholdings as circumstances require through market transactions, private agreements, or otherwise.


The Acquirors currently have no plans or intentions which would result in a corporate transaction, a sale or transfer of a material amount of the assets of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, a change in the board of directors or management of the Company, including any plans or intentions to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board, a material change in the Company's business or corporate structure, a change in the Company's charter, bylaws or similar instruments or another action which might impede the acquisition of control of Company by any person or company, a class of securities of the Company being delisted from, or ceasing to be authorized to be quoted on, a marketplace, the Company ceasing to be a reporting issuer in any jurisdiction of Canada, a solicitation of proxies from securityholders, or an action similar to any of those enumerated.


Copies of the Early Warning Reports being filed by the Acquirors may be obtained on the Company's SEDAR+ profile or by emailing or calling 416-786-6063 for Xorax's Early Warning Report, or by emailing adurkacz@quantumbiopharma.comor calling 416-720-4360 for Fortius' Early Warning.


Class A Share Offering

Class A Share Offering

In addition, as approved by the shareholders of the Company at the annual general and special meeting of shareholders held on July 22, 2024, the Company is also pleased to announce a non-brokered private placement (the "Offering") of class A multiple voting shares ("Class A Shares"). The Company expects to offer up to 6 Class A Shares at a price of $6.00 per Class A Share, and expects that the entirety of the Offering will be subscribed for by entities beneficially owned or controlled by Zeeshan Saeed and Anthony Durkacz, being the existing holders of Class A Shares. When the Company initially went public in 2018, the voting rights attached to the Class A Shares equalled 75.87% of the aggregate voting rights attached to the Class A Shares and and Class B Shares. As a result of issuances of Class B Shares over the intervening 6 years, that percentage has declined to 47.20%. The Company has determined that it would be in its best interests to proceed with the Offering, which, if fully subscribed, would result in the voting rights attached to the Class A Shares increasing to 64.13%, which returns those voting rights to nearly the same percentage as when the Company initially went public. The board of directors of the Company determined that the Offering was in the best interests of the Company and executed a board resolution approving the same on September 5, 2024. In its decision-making process, the board of directors had informal discussions excluding Messrs. Saeed and Durkacz to discuss the Offering, it reviewed the Company's articles, and it reviewed the implications of issuing additional Class A Shares. Zeeshan Saeed and Anthony Durkacz abstained from this vote with respect to their interest in the resolution, in accordance with section 132(5) of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) (the "OBCA"). In accordance with the OBCA, all the directors were required to sign the authorizing resolution in order for the Offering to be valid as if passed at a meeting of the directors of the Company, however, the signatures of each of Zeeshan Saeed and Anthony Durkacz do not constitute a vote by the insider as a director to approve the Offering. The Offering was unanimously approved by the directors of the Company entitled to vote thereon. All Class A Shares issued pursuant to the Offering will be subject to hold periods of four months and a day from the date of closing.

In addition, as approved by the shareholders of the Company at the annual general and special meeting of shareholders held on July 22, 2024, the Company is also pleased to announce a non-brokered private placement (the "Offering") of class A multiple voting shares ("Class A Shares"). The Company expects to offer up to 6 Class A Shares at a price of $6.00 per Class A Share, and expects that the entirety of the Offering will be subscribed for by entities beneficially owned or controlled by Zeeshan Saeed and Anthony Durkacz, being the existing holders of Class A Shares. When the Company initially went public in 2018, the voting rights attached to the Class A Shares equalled 75.87% of the aggregate voting rights attached to the Class A Shares and and Class b Shares. As a result of issuances of Class b Shares over the intervening 6 years, that percentage has declined to 47.20%. The Company has determined that it would be in its best interests to proceed with the Offering, which, if fully subscribed, would result in the voting rights attached to the Class A Shares increasing to 64.13%, which returns those voting rights to nearly the same percentage as when the Company initially went public. The board of directors of the Company determined that the Offering was in the best interests of the Company and executed a board resolution approving the same on September 5, 2024. In its decision-making process, the board of directors had informal discussions excluding Messrs. Saeed and Durkacz to discuss the Offering, it reviewed the Company's articles, and it reviewed the implications of issuing additional Class A Shares. Zeeshan Saeed and Anthony Durkacz abstained from this vote with respect to their interest in the resolution, in accordance with section 132(5) of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) (the "OBCA"). In accordance with the OBCA, all the directors were required to sign the authorizing resolution in order for the Offering to be valid as if passed at a meeting of the directors of the Company, however, the signatures of each of Zeeshan Saeed and Anthony Durkacz do not constitute a vote by the insider as a director to approve the Offering. The Offering was unanimously approved by the directors of the Company entitled to vote thereon. All Class A Shares issued pursuant to the Offering will be subject to hold periods of four months and a day from the date of closing.

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any of the securities to, or for the account or benefit of, persons in the United States or U.S. persons. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold to, or for the account or benefit of, persons in the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.


The Company expects Zeeshan Saeed and Anthony Durkacz, being related parties as defined in MI 61-101, to participate in the Offering. The Company expects that any such resulting related party transaction will be exempt from the formal valuation requirement and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 based on the exemptions under sections 5.5(a) and 5.7(1)(a) of MI 61-101 as the fair market value of the Class A Shares being purchased will not exceed 25% of the Company's market capitalization. The Company expects that the closing of the Offering will occur within 21 days of this announcement and that it will not file a material change report in respect of the related party transaction at least 21 days before the closing date. The Company deems this circumstance reasonable and necessary in order to complete the Offering in an expeditious manner.

公司預計Zeeshan Saeed和Anthony Durkacz將參與本次發行,他們被定義爲MI 61-101中的關聯方。公司預計基於MI 61-101第5.5(a)和5.7(1)(a)條的豁免規定,任何由此產生的關聯方交易將豁免正式估值要求和少數股東批准要求,因爲購買的A類股股票的公允市值不會超過公司市值的25%。公司預計發行交割將在公告發布後的21天內完成,且在交割日期前至少21天內,公司將不會對該關聯方交易提交重大變更報告。公司認爲以上情況是合理且必要的,以便以加快的方式完成本次發行。

Option and RSU Grants


The Company is also pleased to announce the grant of stock options (each, an "Option") and restricted share units (each, an "RSU"). The Company granted an aggregate of 12,500 Options and an aggregate of 7,500 RSUs to a director and certain consultants of the Company. Each Option is exercisable at a price of $5.60 per Class B Share, expires two years from the date of grant and vest in one-third increments with the first batch being released immediately and the remaining two thirds vesting equally on the 6 month and 12-month anniversary of the date of grant. Each Option is exercisable to purchase one Class A Share. Each RSU granted vested immediately.


Warrant Cancellation


Effective today, the Company has cancelled an aggregate of 7,692 warrants ("Warrants") to purchase Class B Shares, which were previously granted to a board member. Management reviewed the Company's outstanding Warrants and determined that the Warrants granted to such individual at an exercise price of $97.50 per Class B Share, no longer represented a realistic incentive to motivate such individual.


About Quantum BioPharma


Quantum BioPharma is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to building a portfolio of innovative assets and biotech solutions for the treatment of challenging neurodegenerative and metabolic disorders and alcohol misuse disorders with drug candidates in different stages of development. Through its wholly owned subsidiary, Lucid Psycheceuticals Inc. ("Lucid"), Quantum BioPharma is focused on the research and development of its lead compound, Lucid-MS (formerly Lucid-21-302) ("Lucid-MS"). Lucid-MS is a patented new chemical entity shown to prevent and reverse myelin degradation, the underlying mechanism of multiple sclerosis, in preclinical models. Quantum BioPharma invented unbuzzd and spun it out its OTC version to a company, Celly Nutrition Corp. ("Celly Nutrition"), led by industry veterans. Quantum BioPharma retains ownership of 25.71% (as of March 31, 2024) of Celly Nutrition at . The agreement with Celly Nutrition also includes royalty payments of 7% of sales from unbuzzd until payments to Quantum BioPharma total $250 million. Once $250 million is reached, the royalty drops to 3% in perpetuity. Additionally, Quantum BioPharma retains a large tax loss carry forward of approximately C$130 million and could be utilized in the future to offset tax payable obligations against future profits. Quantum BioPharma retains 100% of the rights to develop similar product or alternative formulations specifically for pharmaceutical and medical uses. Quantum BioPharma maintains a portfolio of strategic investments through its wholly owned subsidiary, FSD Strategic Investments Inc., which represents loans secured by residential or commercial property.

量子生物製藥是一家致力於打造創新資產和生物技術解決方案組合的生物製藥公司,用於治療具有挑戰性的神經退行性、代謝性疾病和酗酒疾病,其候選藥物處於不同的開發階段。通過其全資子公司Lucid Psycheceuticals Inc.(「Lucid」),量子生物製藥專注於其主要化合物Lucid-MS(原名Lucid-21-302)(「Lucid-MS」)的研究和開發。Lucid-MS是一種已獲得專利的新的化學實體,在臨床前模型中顯示出能夠防止和逆轉髓鞘降解,這是多發性硬化的潛在機制。量子生物製藥發明了unbuzzd並將其OTC版本轉讓給一家由行業資深人士領導的公司Celly Nutrition Corp.(「Celly Nutrition」)。量子生物製藥截至2024年3月31日仍持有Celly Nutrition的25.71%的股權。與Celly Nutrition的協議還包括從unbuzzd的銷售額中支付7%的版稅,直到支付給量子生物製藥的款項達到25000萬美元爲止。一旦達到25000萬美元,版稅將永久增加至3%。此外,量子生物製藥還持有大約1.3億加元的巨額稅損結轉,可在未來抵消稅務義務。量子生物製藥保留了開發類似產品或針對製藥和醫療用途的其他配方的全部權利。量子生物製藥通過全資子公司FSD Strategic Investments Inc.擁有一系列戰略投資,這些投資以住宅或商業地產爲抵押。

Forward Looking Information


This press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities law. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, identified by words or phrases such as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "is expected", "scheduled", "estimates", "pending", "intends", "plans", "forecasts", "targets", or "hopes", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "will", "should" "might", "will be taken", or "occur" and similar expressions) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking statements. The forward-looking information and forward-looking statements contained herein include, but are not limited to, statements regarding: the Company's focus on the research and development of Lucid-MS to prevent and reverse myelin degradation; the Company's intention to utilize its large tax loss to offset future tax payable obligations against future profits; the Company's intention to retain 100% of the rights to develop products for pharmaceutical and medical uses; the Company's intention to complete the Offering on the terms, timeline and with the subscribers indicated herein; the Company's intention to rely on the exemptions set out in MI 61-101; and the Company's intention to maintain a portfolio of strategic investments through FSD Strategic Investments Inc.

本新聞稿包含適用於加拿大證券法的某些"前瞻性陳述"。任何表達或涉及有關預測、預期、信念、計劃、投影、目標、假設或未來事件或業績的討論(通常,但並非總是通過諸如"相信"、"預測"、"期望"、"預計"、"計劃"、"估計"、"待定"、"打算"、"規劃"、"預測"、"目標"或"希望"等詞語或短語來辨認)均不屬於歷史事實陳述,並可能構成前瞻性陳述。本文所載的前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述包括但不限於如下陳述:公司專注於研究和開發Lucid-MS以防止和逆轉髓鞘降解;公司打算利用其大額稅收損失抵消未來利潤應納稅款的義務;公司打算保留100%的權利開發藥品和醫療用途產品;公司打算按照此處提及的條款、時間表和訂閱用戶指定完成發行;公司打算依賴於MI 61-101中規定的豁免權;公司打算通過FSD Strategic Investments Inc.維持一份戰略投資組合。

Forward-looking information in this news release are based on certain assumptions and expected future events, namely: the Company will complete the Offering on the terms, timeline and with the subscribers indicated herein; the Company will be able to rely on the exemptions set out in MI 61-101; the Company's assessment of market conditions, its ability to gain market share, and its potential competitive edge are accurate; the Company will have the ability to carry out its plans with respect to its new innovation and offerings, including its ability to conduct research and development of Lucid-MS; the Company will retain 100% of the rights to develop similar product or alternative formulations specifically for pharmaceutical and medical uses; the Company will seek new business opportunities; the Company will increase efficiency in its processes and partnerships; and the Company will have the ability to carry out its other goals and objectives.

本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息基於某些假設和預期未來事件,具體包括:公司將按照此處指定的條款、時間表和訂閱用戶完成發行;公司將能夠依賴於MI 61-101中規定的豁免權;公司對市場狀況的評估、獲得市場份額的能力和潛在競爭優勢的準確性;公司將有能力執行其關於新創新和產品的計劃,包括進行Lucid-MS的研發;公司將保留100%的權利開發類似產品或專爲藥品和醫療用途的替代配方;公司將尋求新的業務機會;公司將提高其流程和合作夥伴關係的效率;公司將能夠實現其其他目標和目的。

These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements, including but not limited to: the Company's inability to complete the Offering on the terms, timeline and/or with the subscribers indicated herein or at all; the Company's inability to rely on the exemptions set out in MI 61-101; the Company's inability to carry out its plans with respect to its new innovation and offerings; the Company's inability to utilize its tax loss; the Company's inability to retain 100% of the rights to develop products for pharmaceutical or medical uses; and the Company's inability to enhance its product development capabilities and/or maintain a portfolio of strategic investments;and the risks discussed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, final short form base shelf prospectus dated December 22, 2023 and registration statement on Form F-3 containing a base shelf prospectus, each under the heading "Risk Factors". These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this press release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement and reflect the Company's expectations as of the date hereof and are subject to change thereafter. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, estimates or opinions, future events, or results or otherwise or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking information, except as required by applicable law.

這些聲明涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,可能導致實際結果、業績或成就與此類聲明所述的相差甚遠,包括但不限於:公司無法按照本文中或在此處指示的條款、時間表和/或訂閱人的意願完成發行;公司無法依賴於MI 61-101中規定的豁免權;公司無法按照其新創新和提供的計劃進行;公司無法利用其稅務虧損;公司無法保留100%的開發藥品或醫療用途使用的產品權利;公司無法提高其產品開發能力和/或保持戰略投資組合;並且公司的2023財年年度報告,於2023年12月31日結束的最終簡式基本發行文件及包含基本發行文件的F-3表格註冊聲明,每個條款下的"風險因素"所討論的風險。這些因素應該仔細考慮,讀者不應過多依賴前瞻性聲明。讀者應該注意,上述清單並非詳盡無遺。雖然本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性聲明是基於管理層認爲的合理假設,但公司不能保證實際結果與這些前瞻性聲明保持一致。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性聲明受到此警示聲明的明確限制,並反映了公司在此日期後的期望,並可能隨後發生變化。公司無義務更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明,無論是基於新信息、估計或意見,還是未來事件、結果或其他,以及解釋隨後實際事件與該前瞻性信息之間的任何重大差異,除非適用法律要求。

The reader is urged to refer to additional information relating to Quantum BioPharma, including its annual information form, can be located on the SEDAR+ website at and on the EDGAR section of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission's website at for a more complete discussion of such risk factors and their potential effects.

讀者被敦促參考有關Quantum BioPharma的其他信息,包括其年度信息表,可以在SEDAR+網站上找到,在美國證券交易委員會的EDGAR部分的網站(上找到,以獲得更完整的風險因素討論以及其潛在影響。



Quantum BioPharma Ltd.
Zeeshan Saeed, Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Co-Chairman of the Board
Telephone: (416) 854-8884

Quantum BioPharma有限公司。
董事會創始人,首席執行官和執行聯席主席Zeeshan Saeed
電話:(416) 854-8884

SOURCE: Quantum Biopharma Ltd.

來源:Quantum Biopharma Ltd.

