
Highrock Resources Completes Acquisition of Liberty Uranium Corporation

Highrock Resources Completes Acquisition of Liberty Uranium Corporation

newsfile ·  09/07 05:15

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 6, 2024) - Highrock Resources Ltd. (CSE: HRK) ("Highrock" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that, further to its press release of August 20, 2024, it has acquired (the "Acquisition") all of the issued and outstanding shares of Liberty Uranium Corporation ("Liberty Uranium") from Atikokan Resources Ltd. (the "Vendor"). The Acquisition was completed in accordance with a share purchase agreement dated August 16, 2024, between the Company, Liberty Uranium and the Vendor. Liberty Uranium is a private company incorporated pursuant to the laws of the State of Nevada and owns 100% undivided interest in the Dry Creek uranium project (the "Property"), located in the Uravan mineral belt, one of the most prolific uranium producing districts in the U.S.A, accounting for about 77% of all uranium production in Colorado, according to the Colorado Geological Survey.

多倫多, 安大略- (新聞稿公司-2024年9月6日)- Highrock資源有限公司.(CSE: HRK) ("Highrock" or "the Company") 高興地宣佈,根據2024年8月20日的新聞稿,它已從Atikokan資源有限公司("Vendor")收購了Liberty Uranium公司("Liberty Uranium")所有已發行和未解決的股票。此次收購是根據公司,Liberty Uranium 和 Vendor 之間於2024年8月16日簽署的股份購買協議完成的. Liberty Uranium 是一家根據內華達州法律成立的私人公司,擁有Dry Creek鈾項目("Property")100%共有權益,該項目位於Uravan礦產帶中,該礦產帶是美國最著名的鈾生產地,據科羅拉多地質調查顯示,這裏佔了科羅拉多州77%的鈾產量。

Commenting on the closing of the Acquisition, Derrick Dao, CEO of Highrock notes: "The closing of the acquisition of Liberty Uranium and the Property officially positions Highrock as an American uranium company and sets the Company up for further activity in the region."

Highrock的首席執行官Derrick Dao在對收購的關閉發表的評論中指出:「收購Liberty Uranium和Property正式將Highrock定位爲美國鈾公司,併爲該公司在該地區進一步開展活動打下基礎。」

Strategic Rationale for the Acquisition:


  • The Acquisition advances Highrock's consolidation strategy and positions the Company in the strategically important Uravan mineral belt.

  • Mines in the Uravan have produced over 75 million pounds of uranium from ore averaging 0.24% and over 400 million pounds of vanadium[1].

  • Proximity to uranium mill infrastructure to process mine ore.

  • Colorado is an Agreement State of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, providing the state with nuclear regulatory authority, resulting in more efficient permitting.

  • Provides significant exploration upside.

  • 該收購推動了Highrock的整合戰略,將該公司定位於戰略重要的Uravan礦產帶。

  • Uravan地區的礦山從平均0.24%的礦石中產出了7500萬磅的鈾和40000萬磅的釩[1]。

  • 靠近鈾礦加工基礎設施以處理礦石。

  • 科羅拉多州是核能監管委員會的一項目標國家,擁有核能監管權限,從而提高了許可效率。

  • 提供了顯著的勘探潛力。

About the Property

關於物業, Axis Delray Beach 公寓提供獨特的一、二、三居室花園式和聯排別墅式公寓,坐落在湖濱度假村式環境中。居住者可容易地訪問即時零售選項,包括 Whole Foods 和 Trader Joe's, 以及 Delray Beach 市中心豐富的零售和餐飲選擇,距離公寓僅兩英里。Axis Delray Beach 距離I-95,佛羅里達州的 Turnpike 公路和 Delray Beach Tri-Rail 火車站僅數分鐘車程,所有這些均可提供對主要僱主和需求驅動器的快速訪問。社區設施包括兩個度假村式泳池、一個最新建的居民俱樂部、兩個全面翻新的健身中心和一個樹皮公園。在住宅內部,居民將發現高檔的裝飾,例如白色抽屜櫃、白色石英檯面、不鏽鋼底座水槽和不鏽鋼器具。

The Property is located approximately 60 miles northeast of the White Mesa Mill, located near Blanding in Utah.

該地塊位於美國猶他州布蘭丁附近的White Mesa Mill東北約60英里處。

The Property has all the characteristics of historic mines elsewhere in the region that are host to multi-million pound uranium-vanadium resources, including the Sunday Mine Complex, the Topaz Mine, the Burro Mine Complex amongst others. This assessment is based on the Property's location, favourable sandstone characteristics, and proximity to an inferred major redox boundary. The Company cautions investors that mineralization hosted on nearby or adjacent properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Property.

該地塊具備該地區其他歷史礦山的所有特徵,這些特徵包括擁有多百萬磅鈾-釩資源的Sunday Mine Complex、Topaz Mine、Burro Mine Complex等。這一評估基於該地塊的位置、有利的砂岩特徵以及鄰近推斷的重要氧化還原邊界。公司提醒投資者,鄰近或相鄰地塊上承載的礦化未必代表該地塊上也一定存在礦化。

Historic and 2008 exploration drilling confirm the presence of U-V mineralization and favourable channel sandstones. Several exceptionally high vanadium mineral intercepts (13-22% V2O5) exist in the area based on historical proprietary assay data from Homeland Uranium Inc.

歷史和2008年的勘探鑽井證實了鈾-釩礦化和有利的河道砂岩的存在。根據Homeland Uranium Inc.的歷史專有化驗數據,該地區存在多處高釩礦石的截獲(V2O5含量爲13-22%)。

Historic drill hole data within the Property includes over 20 holes drilled by Petro Nuclear and Union Carbide Corporation in the 1970s and early 1980s, and an additional 30 holes nearby. There are numerous historical small mines and prospects along the nearby faulted ridgeline to the south-southwest. The Dry Creek claims area, especially the northern part near the redox boundary, remains relatively underexplored, presenting significant exploration upside.

該地塊內的歷史鑽孔數據包括20多口由Petro Nuclear和Union Carbide Corporation在1970年代和1980年代初鑽探的鑽孔,以及附近30多口鑽孔。在附近南南西方向的斷層山脊沿線有衆多歷史小型礦山和礦脈。Dry Creek礦權區,特別是靠近氧化還原邊界的北部,仍然存在相對未經深入開發的可能,呈現出重大的勘探潛力。

Two holes drilled by Union Carbide each intersected almost 1 foot of uranium mineralization that was accompanied by very high-grade vanadium mineralization between 13% and 20%. In 2008, a further drill program was completed by Homeland Uranium Inc.[2]

Union Carbide鑽探的兩口鑽孔分別交叉了近1英尺的鈾礦化,伴隨的是13%至20%極高品位的釩礦化。2008年,Homeland Uranium Inc.完成了進一步的鑽探計劃[2]。

Terms of the Acquisition


As consideration for Liberty Uranium, the Company: (i) issued the Vendor an aggregate of 6,000,000 common shares (each, a "Common Share") in the capital of the Company; and (ii) made a cash payment of $100,000 evidenced by an unsecured promissory note in the amount of $100,000 in favour of the Vendor.

作爲對Liberty Uranium的考慮,公司:(i)向供方發行了600萬股普通股(每股「普通股」);(ii)支付給供方10萬美元,並以一張面值爲10萬美元的無擔保本票作爲證明。

All securities issued pursuant to the Acquisition are subject to a statutory hold period of four months and one day from the issuance thereof, as applicable, in accordance with applicable securities laws.


Qualified Person Review


The technical and scientific information contained within this news release have been reviewed and approved by James Pirie, P.Eng, a director of the Company and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The Qualified Person has not completed sufficient work to verify the historic information on the Property. The information provides an indication of the exploration potential of the Property but may not be representative of expected results.

本新聞稿中所包含的技術和科學信息已經得到公司董事兼符合《43-101號國家儀器-礦產項目披露標準》所定義的合格人士James Pirie, P.Eng的審查和批准。合格人士尚未完成足夠的工作來驗證該土地的歷史信息。這些信息表明了該土地的勘探潛力,但可能不代表預期結果。

About Highrock Resources Ltd.

關於Highrock Resources Ltd.

Highrock Resources Ltd. (CSE: HRK) is advancing uranium assets in the USA and supporting North American nuclear energy security for a sustainable energy economy and a more technologically advanced tomorrow.

Highrock Resources Ltd.(CSE: HRK)正在推進美國的鈾資產,以支持北美核能安全,爲可持續能源經濟和更加技術先進的未來做出貢獻。

For further information, please contact:

如需更多信息,請聯繫:丹·努恩(Dan Noone)

Derrick Dao
Chief Executive Officer

Derrick Dao

This news release contains forward-looking information which is not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking information is characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking information involves risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events, results, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, changes in the state of equity and debt markets, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in obtaining required regulatory or governmental approvals, and other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, including those risks set out in the Company's management's discussion and analysis as filed under the Company's profile at . Forward-looking information in this news release is based on the opinions and assumptions of management considered reasonable as of the date hereof, including that all necessary governmental and regulatory approvals will be received as and when expected. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, other than as required by applicable securities laws. We caution investors that any such forward-looking information and statements are based on certain assumptions and analysis made by the Company in light of the experience of the Company and its perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, and other factors management believes are appropriate.


[1] Chenoweth, William L., US Department of Energy. The Uranium-Vanadium Deposits of the Uravan Mineral Belt and Adjacent Areas, Colorado and Utah, New Mexico GS Guidebook, 1991, p.165.

[1] 陳諾維斯,美國能源部。鈾-釩礦牀及其鄰近地區的烏拉萬礦帶,科羅拉多和猶他州,新墨西哥州GS指南,1991年,p.165。

[2] Technical Report on the Montrose and San Miguel Counties, Colorado and San Juan County, Utah, Holdings of Homeland Uranium, Inc. Feb 2008 SEDAR filings.

[2] 有關蒙特羅斯縣,科羅拉多州,聖胡安縣,猶他州,家園鈾公司持有的技術報告。2008年2月SEDA註冊文件。

