
Metro Bank's Gloria Joshua-Akor Lends a Helping Hand at Bexley Foodbank

Metro Bank's Gloria Joshua-Akor Lends a Helping Hand at Bexley Foodbank

Metro銀行的Gloria Joshua-Akor在Bexley食物銀行伸出援手
Metropolitan Bank ·  09/06 12:00

The UK's community bank, Metro Bank, gives every colleague a Day to Amaze – essentially a paid day off to support a local charity or good cause. Gloria Joshua-Akor, a Credit Analyst with Metro Bank's Asset Finance Team, recently volunteered a full day at the Bexley Foodbank, located in Erith.

英國社區銀行Metro Bank爲每位同事提供一天的 「Amaze日」 ——本質上是帶薪休假,以支持當地的慈善機構或公益事業。大都會銀行資產融資團隊的信貸分析師格洛麗亞·約書亞·阿科爾最近在位於埃里斯的貝克斯利食品銀行做了整整一天的志願者。


Bexley Foodbank Erith, is one of 4 Foodbank Centres in the London Borough of Bexley, part of The Trussell Trust's network of over 1,200 foodbanks across the UK; providing emergency food and support to local people in crisis on a weekly basis. The Foodbank relies on donations from the public, local businesses, and community groups, and plays a critical role in addressing the growing demand for emergency food supplies.

Bexley Foodbank Erith 是倫敦貝克斯利區的 4 個食物銀行中心之一,該中心是 Trussell Trust 在英國各地擁有 1,200 多家食物銀行的網絡的一部分;每週爲處於危機中的當地民衆提供緊急食物和支持。食物銀行依賴公衆、當地企業和社區團體的捐款,在滿足不斷增長的應急食品供應需求方面發揮着至關重要的作用。

The day started early, as Gloria joined Gill the Erith Foodbank Co-ordinator, and a group of committed volunteers to sort through generous donations, ensuring that the shelves and crates were well-stocked with fresh and nonperishable items before the doors opened at 10am; as well as receiving more donations, replenishing the stock and refilling the crates as more attendees came in throughout the day, to ensure a seamless and well-organised process.


It was a busy day of sorting, packing, organizing, and lending an ear to the customers who came through the doors on advisement from the Job Centre. Upon presenting their Vouchers from the Job Centre and being registered, they then had the goal of ensuring that everyone left with the items specifically indicated by themselves on the bespoke shopping list provided, so that they each had enough food items, groceries, beverages, snacks, toiletries and baby essentials (as required), to last them a full week!


Reflecting on her experience, Gloria shared, "It was surreal and emotional, yet uplifting. The reality of food insecurity was strong, but even stronger was the power of community. The highlight for me was seeing the smiles and witnessing the relief and gratitude from all the people we catered to, both young and old; individuals, couples and families as well. Volunteering at the Foodbank was more than just a day's work, it was a reminder that every little bit helps, and that together, we can make a world of difference. I hope to be back soon to continue the great work.''


To donate to Bexley Foodbank, please click here.

要向 Bexley Foodbank 捐款,請點擊此處。

