
Bradford Store Manager Joins Forces With Yorkshire Air Ambulance to Raise Awareness and Funds

Bradford Store Manager Joins Forces With Yorkshire Air Ambulance to Raise Awareness and Funds

Metropolitan Bank ·  09/06 12:00

Denis Charlette, Store Manager at Bradford Metro Bank, recently teamed up with Yorkshire Air Ambulance volunteers to raise awareness and collect vital donations for the life-saving charity. The event, held at the bustling Broadway Shopping Centre, was a buzzing success, drawing shoppers and supporters alike to learn more about the charity.

Bradford Metro Bank的店經理Denis Charlette最近與Yorkshire Air Ambulance的志願者合作,提高對這個救生慈善機構的認識,並收集重要的捐款。在熱鬧的Broadway購物中心舉辦的活動取得了巨大成功,吸引了購物者和支持者,讓他們更多了解這個慈善機構。


Yorkshire Air Ambulance is an independent charity providing a rapid response emergency service to over five million people across Yorkshire. With its state-of-the-art helicopters, the charity operates 365 days a year, attending life-threatening emergencies and transporting patients quickly to the most appropriate medical facilities.

Yorkshire Air Ambulance是一家獨立的慈善機構,爲約克郡超過500萬人提供快速的緊急救援服務。憑藉其先進的直升機,該慈善機構每天全年無休,應對危及生命的緊急情況,並將患者迅速轉運到最合適的醫療設施。

Their stall featured a range of merchandise for sale, lively tombola games, and collection buckets for donations. Denis and the Yorkshire Air Ambulance volunteers were thrilled with the positive response, with many visitors inquiring about the charity and where they could continue to support.

他們的攤位展示了各種可售商品、熱鬧的抽彩遊戲和捐贈桶。Denis和Yorkshire Air Ambulance的志願者對積極的回應感到非常高興,許多訪客都詢問了該慈善機構的情況以及他們如何繼續支持。

By the end of the event, an impressive £150 in cash donations had been raised for the charity. This adds to the £200 collected throughout August, thanks to the generous contributions of Bradford Metro Bank clients.

活動結束時,爲該慈善機構籌集了令人印象深刻的150英鎊現金捐款。這是繼8月份籌集的200英鎊之後,得益於Bradford Metro Bank客戶的慷慨捐贈。

"We're proud to support such a vital charity that works tirelessly to save lives across Yorkshire," says Denis Charlette, Store Manager at Bradford Metro Bank. "A massive thank you to everyone who contributed to raise funds. It's incredible to see the community rally together for such an important cause. Every penny raised helps keep helicopters in the air and the team ready to respond at a moment's notice."

Bradford Metro Bank的店經理Denis Charlette表示:「我們很自豪能夠支持這樣一家在整個約克郡不知疲倦地拯救生命的慈善機構。非常感謝每個爲籌集資金作出貢獻的人。看到社區爲如此重要的事業而團結一致真是令人難以置信。籌集到的每一分錢都有助於直升機在空中飛行並確保團隊隨時做出回應。」

The team will return to the Broadway Shopping Centre on the 24th of October and again on the 6th of December, encouraging everyone to stop by, get involved, and contribute to Yorkshire Air Ambulance's critical work.

團隊將於10月24日和12月6日回到Broadway購物中心,鼓勵每個人駐足參與,爲Yorkshire Air Ambulance的重要工作做出貢獻。

