
With EPS Growth And More, Navigator Holdings (NYSE:NVGS) Makes An Interesting Case

With EPS Growth And More, Navigator Holdings (NYSE:NVGS) Makes An Interesting Case

隨着每股收益增長和更多,紐交所(NYSE:NVGS)給Navigator Holdings帶來了一個有趣的案例
Simply Wall St ·  09/06 21:27

It's common for many investors, especially those who are inexperienced, to buy shares in companies with a good story even if these companies are loss-making. Unfortunately, these high risk investments often have little probability of ever paying off, and many investors pay a price to learn their lesson. While a well funded company may sustain losses for years, it will need to generate a profit eventually, or else investors will move on and the company will wither away.


In contrast to all that, many investors prefer to focus on companies like Navigator Holdings (NYSE:NVGS), which has not only revenues, but also profits. While this doesn't necessarily speak to whether it's undervalued, the profitability of the business is enough to warrant some appreciation - especially if its growing.

與此相反,許多投資者更喜歡關注像Navigator Holdings(紐交所:NVGS)這樣不僅有營業收入,而且有利潤的公司。儘管這未必能說明它是否被低估,但業務的盈利能力足以值得一些讚賞-特別是如果它正在增長。

How Fast Is Navigator Holdings Growing Its Earnings Per Share?

Navigator Holdings的盈餘每股增長速度有多快?

Over the last three years, Navigator Holdings has grown earnings per share (EPS) at as impressive rate from a relatively low point, resulting in a three year percentage growth rate that isn't particularly indicative of expected future performance. Thus, it makes sense to focus on more recent growth rates, instead. Navigator Holdings' EPS shot up from US$0.76 to US$1.19; a result that's bound to keep shareholders happy. That's a impressive gain of 56%.

過去三年中,Navigator Holdings的每股收益(EPS)以驚人的速度從一個相對較低的點增長,導致了一個在一定程度上並不特別表明未來預期表現的三年百分比增長率。因此,關注更近期的增長率是有道理的。Navigator Holdings的每股收益從0.76美元飆升至1.19美元;這一結果肯定會讓股東們開心。這是令人印象深刻的增長,達到了56%。

Top-line growth is a great indicator that growth is sustainable, and combined with a high earnings before interest and taxation (EBIT) margin, it's a great way for a company to maintain a competitive advantage in the market. The music to the ears of Navigator Holdings shareholders is that EBIT margins have grown from 17% to 26% in the last 12 months and revenues are on an upwards trend as well. Ticking those two boxes is a good sign of growth, in our book.

收入增長是一個很好的指標,表明增長是可持續的,再加上高利潤稅息折舊及攤銷前(EBIT)利潤率,這是公司在市場上保持競爭優勢的絕佳途徑。Navigator Holdings股東們聽到的好消息是,在過去12個月中,EBIT利潤率從17%增長到26%,營業收入也呈上升趨勢。在我們看來,滿足了這兩個條件是增長的一個良好跡象。

In the chart below, you can see how the company has grown earnings and revenue, over time. Click on the chart to see the exact numbers.


NYSE:NVGS Earnings and Revenue History September 6th 2024
紐交所:NVGS 收益和營業收入歷史 數據 2024年9月6日

The trick, as an investor, is to find companies that are going to perform well in the future, not just in the past. While crystal balls don't exist, you can check our visualization of consensus analyst forecasts for Navigator Holdings' future EPS 100% free.

作爲投資者,訣竅是找到未來表現良好的公司,而不僅僅是過去。雖然不存在水晶球,但您可以查看我們對Navigator Holdings未來EPS的共識分析師預測的可視化,完全免費。

Are Navigator Holdings Insiders Aligned With All Shareholders?

Navigator Holdings內部人員和所有股東保持一致嗎?

It's pleasing to see company leaders with putting their money on the line, so to speak, because it increases alignment of incentives between the people running the business, and its true owners. Navigator Holdings followers will find comfort in knowing that insiders have a significant amount of capital that aligns their best interests with the wider shareholder group. As a matter of fact, their holding is valued at US$13m. This considerable investment should help drive long-term value in the business. While their ownership only accounts for 1.2%, this is still a considerable amount at stake to encourage the business to maintain a strategy that will deliver value to shareholders.

看到公司領導人把自己的錢置於風險之中實在令人欣慰,因爲這增加了經營者和真正股東之間的獎勵一致性。Navigator Holdings的關注者將放心地知道,內部人員擁有大量的資本,使他們的最佳利益與更廣泛的股東群體一致。實際上,他們的持股市值達到了1300萬美元。這筆可觀的投資應當有助於推動長期價值的提升。儘管他們的股權僅佔1.2%,但這仍然是一筆相當可觀的利益,可以鼓勵企業保持一項能夠爲股東帶來價值的策略。

Should You Add Navigator Holdings To Your Watchlist?

您應該將Navigator Holdings添加到您的自選嗎?

For growth investors, Navigator Holdings' raw rate of earnings growth is a beacon in the night. With EPS growth rates like that, it's hardly surprising to see company higher-ups place confidence in the company through continuing to hold a significant investment. Fast growth and confident insiders should be enough to warrant further research, so it would seem that it's a good stock to follow. Before you take the next step you should know about the 1 warning sign for Navigator Holdings that we have uncovered.

對於成長型投資者來說,Navigator Holdings的每股收益增長率就像夜空中的燈塔。憑藉這樣的EPS增長率,看到高層管理人員對公司持續持有大量投資,並表達對公司的信心,是完全可以理解的。快速的增長和有信心的內部人員足以值得進一步研究,因此似乎這是一個值得關注的好股票。在進行下一步之前,您應該了解我們已經發現的Navigator Holdings的1個警示信號。

While opting for stocks without growing earnings and absent insider buying can yield results, for investors valuing these key metrics, here is a carefully selected list of companies in the US with promising growth potential and insider confidence.


Please note the insider transactions discussed in this article refer to reportable transactions in the relevant jurisdiction.


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