
Marvell, Lumentum and Coherent Demonstrate Industry's First 800G ZR/ZR+ Pluggable Modules for 500km Data Center Interconnects

Marvell, Lumentum and Coherent Demonstrate Industry's First 800G ZR/ZR+ Pluggable Modules for 500km Data Center Interconnects

Marvell、Lumentum和Coherent展示了行業首個500公里數據中心互連的800G ZR/ZR+插拔模塊
邁威爾科技 ·  09/05 12:00

Ecosystem Enables Cloud Operators to Optimally Scale Regional Data Center Connectivity for the AI Era


SANTA CLARA, Calif., Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Marvell Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ: MRVL), a leader in data infrastructure semiconductor solutions, Lumentum Holdings Inc., a market-leading designer and manufacturer of innovative optical and photonic products, and Coherent Corp., a leader in compound semiconductors and high-speed optical networking technology today announced the successful interoperability demonstration of 800G ZR/ZR+ optical modules over transmission links up to 500km. This achievement demonstrates that multivendor standards-based pluggable modules can interoperate while achieving the performance required for data center interconnects between regional cloud data centers spanning distances up to 500km, an industry first for 800G.

加利福尼亞州聖克拉拉,2024年9月5日 / PRNewswire / - Marvell Technology, Inc. (納斯達克代碼:MRVL),數據基礎設施半導體解決方案領導者,Lumentum Holdings Inc.,創新光學和光子產品的市場領先設計和製造商,以及CompundCorp, 複合半導體和高速光網絡技術領域的領軍者,今天宣佈成功進行了高達500公里傳輸距離的800G ZR / ZR +光學模塊的互操作性演示。該成果表明,採用多廠商標準化的插拔式模塊可以實現相互操作,同時滿足跨越多達500公里的區域雲數據中心之間的數據中心相互連接所要求的性能,這在800G領域是行業首次。

Cloud operators are scaling their infrastructure for AI services by building more regional data centers, which require optimized power and cost to interconnect. Pluggable coherent modules and DSPs have increased bandwidth by 8X while reducing power consumption per bit by 30% with each new generation. The emergence of a standards-based, multi-vendor ecosystem has further accelerated innovation and minimized the risk of vendor lock-in.


The 800G ZR/ZR+ optical modules used in the demonstration are all based on the Marvell Orion 800G coherent optical DSP. Modules from the three companies were used to showcase interoperable metro-distance transmission using 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) over a 520km G.652 fiber link with more than 2dB margin.

演示中使用的800GZR / ZR +光學模塊都基於Marvell Orion 800G相干光學DSP。三家公司的模塊被用來展示使用16路正交幅度調製(QAM)在520km G.652光纖鏈路上進行互操作的市區距離傳輸,並具有超過2dB的餘量。

Marvell, Lumentum and Coherent were able to develop modules, each with their own optics and module technology that enabled the reach to be extended from the standard 120km up to 500km leveraging the capabilities of the Orion DSP while maintaining compliance with the OIF 800G ZR specification.

Marvell,Lumentum和Coherent能夠開發出各自具有光學和模塊技術的模塊,通過利用Orion DSP的能力,將傳輸距離從標準的120km擴展到500km,並同時符合OIF 800G ZR規範。

"At more than 100% CAGR since 2022, the deployment growth of pluggable coherent modules exceeds that of any other coherent technology in history," said Scott Wilkinson, lead analyst at Cignal AI. "Their performance increasingly rivals traditional embedded optics, and the interoperable test results with 800 Gbps ZR/ZR+ modules for long-distance DCI delivered by Marvell, Lumentum, and Coherent demonstrate that the application space for pluggables is expanding well beyond short-reach data center interconnect."

Cignal AI首席分析師Scott Wilkinson表示:「自2022年以來,插拔式相干模塊的部署增長率超過了任何其他相干技術,其性能與傳統的嵌入式光學器件越來越接近。Marvell,Lumentum和Coherent提供的800Gbps ZR/ZR +模塊在遠距離數據中心互聯方面的互操作性測試結果表明,插拔式應用領域的擴展已經遠遠超出了短距離數據中心互連。」

"Long-distance optical connectivity used to be the exclusive domain of embedded optical solutions but that's no longer the case," said Stephen Adolph, Vice President of Marketing at Marvell. "Interoperable ZR/ZR+ modules like the Marvell COLORZ 800 are now available from multiple vendors to address the longer data center interconnect distances of cloud operators as they scale their infrastructure for the AI era."

「長距離光連接以前是嵌入式光解決方案的專屬領域,但情況已不再如此,」 Marvell營銷副總裁Stephen Adolph說道。「像Marvell COLORZ 800這樣的可互操作的ZR/ZR+模塊現在可以從多家供應商處獲得,以滿足雲運營商對AI時代擴展其基礎設施的更長idc概念互連距離的需求。」

"The demand for greater bandwidth and longer distances continues to grow rapidly across all parts of the network, from data center interconnect to submarine cables," said Wupen Yuen, President of Cloud and Networking at Lumentum. "We're excited to collaborate with Marvell on developing this latest generation of high-performance optics and pluggable modules. Our partnership demonstrates how pluggable modules can scale even the largest networks to meet future challenges, offering cost-effective, space-efficient and power-efficient solutions."

「無論是idc概念互連還是海底光纜,對更大帶寬和更長距離的需求仍在網絡的各個部分迅速增長,」 Lumentum雲和網絡總裁Wupen Yuen表示。「我們很高興與Marvell合作開發這一代最新高性能光學元件和可插拔模塊。我們的合作展示了可插拔模塊如何可以擴展甚至最大的網絡來滿足未來挑戰,提供成本效益、節省空間和節約功率的解決方案。」

"Pluggability everywhere is a critical inflection point in the transmission space," said Pranay Aiya, Vice President, Product Line Management for Transmission Solutions at Coherent. "Each generation of pluggable coherent modules further expands network coverage, enabling 800G services beyond data center interconnects to metro and regional applications. These results demonstrate interoperability at optimal performance for 800G pluggables and support a cost-efficient supplier ecosystem for both cloud and traditional network operators."

「可插拔技術在傳輸領域的應用無處不在,並且是一個關鍵的轉折點,」 Coherent傳輸解決方案產品線管理副總裁Pranay Aiya表示。「每一代可插拔相干模塊都進一步擴大了網絡覆蓋範圍,使800G服務能夠超出idc概念互連,覆蓋到地區和區域型應用。這些結果展示了800G可插拔的最佳性能和成本效益的支持,爲雲和傳統網絡運營商提供了能源高效的供應商生態系統。」

About Marvell
To deliver the data infrastructure technology that connects the world, we're building solutions on the most powerful foundation: our partnerships with our customers. Trusted by the world's leading technology companies for over 25 years, we move, store, process and secure the world's data with semiconductor solutions designed for our customers' current needs and future ambitions. Through a process of deep collaboration and transparency, we're ultimately changing the way tomorrow's enterprise, cloud, automotive, and carrier architectures transform—for the better.


About Lumentum
Lumentum is a market-leading designer and manufacturer of innovative optical and photonic products enabling optical networking and laser applications worldwide. Lumentum optical components and subsystems are part of virtually every type of telecom, enterprise, and data center network. Lumentum lasers enable advanced manufacturing techniques and diverse applications, including next-generation 3D sensing capabilities. Lumentum is headquartered in San Jose, California, with R&D, manufacturing, and sales offices worldwide. For more information, visit .

Lumentum是全球領先的創新光學和光子產品設計和製造商,爲光網絡和激光應用提供解決方案。Lumentum的光學元件和子系統幾乎應用於每種類型的電信、企業和數據中心網絡。Lumentum的激光器支持先進的製造技術和各種應用,包括下一代3D感應技術。Lumentum總部位於加利福尼亞州聖何塞,設有全球研發、製造和銷售辦事處。獲取更多信息,請訪問 。

About Coherent Corp.
Coherent empowers market innovators to define the future through breakthrough technologies, from materials to systems. We deliver innovations that resonate with our customers in diversified applications for the industrial, communications, electronics, and instrumentation markets. Headquartered in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, Coherent has research and development, manufacturing, sales, service, and distribution facilities worldwide. For more information, please visit us at

關於Coherent Corp。

Marvell and the M logo are trademarks of Marvell or its affiliates. Please visit  for a complete list of Marvell trademarks. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Marvell和m標誌是Marvell或其關聯公司的商標。請訪問 了解Marvell商標的完整列表。其他名稱和品牌可能歸他人所有。

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For further information, contact:
Kim Markle

Kim Markle

SOURCE  Marvell


