
ロジザード Research Memo(6):自己資本比率が85.3%と高水準。流動比率と固定比率も健全

Logizard Research Memo (6): The equity ratio is high at 85.3%. The current ratio and fixed ratio are also healthy.

Fisco Japan ·  Sep 6 13:06

■Performance trends for Logizard (4391)

2. Financial Status and Management Indicators

Looking at the financial situation at the end of the 2024/6 fiscal year, total assets were 2,256 million yen, an increase of 291 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal year. Of these, current assets increased by 139 million yen to 1,860 million yen. This is mainly due to an increase in sales accounts receivable of 50 million yen, and an increase of 83 million yen in cash and deposits due to the collection of funds, respectively. Fixed assets increased 151 million yen from the same period to 396 million yen. This is mainly due to an increase of 87 million yen in software due to the addition of basic functions and version upgrade functions of “Logizard ZERO.”

Total liabilities increased 60 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal year to 331 million yen. This is mainly due to the fact that unpaid corporate taxes, etc. increased by 66 million yen in response to the fact that the interim payment amount based on the fixed corporate tax for the previous fiscal year was small. Net assets increased by 230 million yen from the same period to 1,924 million yen. This is mainly due to the fact that while net income was recorded, retained earnings increased by 211 million yen due to payment of dividends.

Looking at management indicators, the current ratio was 560.6% and the fixed ratio was 20.6%. Although the current ratio was minus 73.5 points from the end of the previous fiscal year and the fixed ratio was plus 6.2 points compared to the end of the previous fiscal year, both the current ratio and the fixed ratio are still healthy figures, and we believe that there is no problem with the long and short cash flow. Although the capital adequacy ratio also declined by 0.9 points, it remains at a high level of 85.3%. It can be seen from the financial statements that corporate management is carried out while considering financial soundness and liquidity of funds.

(Written by FISCO Visiting Analyst Yoichiro Shimizu)

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