
Peter Schiff Takes A Jab At Investors For Choosing Bitcoin ETF Over Gold ETF, Says They 'Bet On The Wrong Horse'

Peter Schiff Takes A Jab At Investors For Choosing Bitcoin ETF Over Gold ETF, Says They 'Bet On The Wrong Horse'

Peter Schiff批評投資者選擇比特幣etf而不是黃金etf,表示他們「下錯了賭注」。
Benzinga ·  09/06 11:33

Peter Schiff, a renowned economist and a fierce Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) skeptic, highlighted the underperformance of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the cryptocurrency's price against those of gold.

著名經濟學家彼得·希夫特(Peter Schiff)是一位堅決的比特幣(CRYPTO: BTC)懷疑論者,他強調跟蹤加密貨幣價格的交易所交易基金(ETFs)的表現低於黃金。

What Happened: In an X post on Thursday, Schiff pointed out that despite substantial inflows, the new Bitcoin ETFs have gained less than 17% since their launch in January. In contrast, he pointed out how the largest gold ETF, SPDR Gold Trust ETF (NYSE:GLD), has risen 24% despite massive outflows.

事件經過:在上週四的一篇X發帖中,希夫特指出,儘管有大量資金流入,自1月份推出以來,新的比特幣ETF的漲幅不到17%。相比之下,他指出,儘管大規模資金流出,但最大的黃金ETF,SPDR金etf (NYSE:GLD),漲幅達24%。

Schiff then took a jibe at investors' strategy, saying, "It's clear that despite all the hype, ETF investors bet on the wrong horse."


But how far were these claims correct?


iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF (NASDAQ:IBIT), currently the world's largest Bitcoin fund, has grown 19.6% since launch, while the ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF (BATS:ARKB) has spiked 19.74%. Similarly, the Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund (BATS:FBTC) was up 19.84% since the Jan. 10 listing.

iShares比特幣信託ETF(納斯達克:IBIT),目前是全球最大的比特幣基金,自推出以來增長了19.6%,而ARk 21Shares比特幣ETF(BATS:ARKB)飆升了19.74%。同樣,富達Wise Origin比特幣基金(BATS:FBTC)自1月10日上市以來漲幅達到19.84%。

His claim of the SPDR Gold Trust gaining 24% since the Bitcoin ETFs, however, was correct.


Since they first launched in January of this year, despite massive inflows, the new #Bitcoin ETFs are up less than 17%. In contrast, $GLD, the largest #gold ETF, despite massive outflows, is up over 24%. It's clear that despite all the hype, ETF investors bet on the wrong horse.

— Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) September 5, 2024

自今年1月首次推出以來,儘管有大規模資金流入,新的#比特幣 ETF上漲不到17%。相比之下,最大的#黃金 ETF $GLD,儘管有大規模資金流出,上漲超過24%。顯然,儘管所有炒作,ETF投資者押錯了賽馬。

—— 彼得·希夫特(@PeterSchiff)2024年9月5日

Even then, cryptocurrency enthusiasts countered Schiff's argument. One X user, Tiger Trades, said, "So you are comparing 17% vs. 24%? They seem very correlated considering from January."

即便如此,數字貨幣愛好者也駁斥了Schiff的論點。一位名叫Tiger Trades的X用戶表示:「你在比較17%和24%?從一月份看來它們似乎非常相關。」

Why It Matters: The latest observation aligned with Schiff's previous remarks on the performance divergence between Bitcoin and gold over the past six months. He has consistently highlighted Bitcoin's underwhelming performance against gold, suggesting a shift in momentum.


It should be remembered that Schiff is known for coming up with small timeframe windows as per his liking to highlight Bitcoin's weaknesses and exaggerate the performance of assets he supports, most notably gold.


Schiff, a longtime skeptic, previously stated that he is 'open-minded' but has yet to find a sufficient justification to shift his view on Bitcoin.


Price Action: At the time of writing, Bitcoin was exchanging hands at $56,743.41, down 1.50% in the last 24 hours, according to data from Benzinga Pro.

價格行情:截至撰寫本文時,根據Benzinga Pro的數據,比特幣的交易價格爲$56,743.41,過去24小時下降了1.50%。

Photo Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

圖片提供:Wikimedia Commons

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