
3 Great Canadian Dividend Stocks to Build Retirement Wealth

3 Great Canadian Dividend Stocks to Build Retirement Wealth

The Motley Fool ·  09/06 08:00

Canadians are using their self-directed Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) and Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) to build portfolios of investments that will provide retirement income to complement The Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, and company pensions.


One popular strategy involves buying top TSX dividend stocks and using the distributions to acquire new shares until it is time to start spending the proceeds of the investments.

一種流行的策略是購買頂級 TSX 股息股票,並利用分紅派息來獲得新股份,直到開始使用投資收益。



Enbridge (TSX:ENB) raised its dividend in each of the past 29 years and more gains should be on the way. The energy infrastructure giant continues to drive growth through a combination of strategic acquisitions and development projects. Enbridge is in the process of completing its US$14 billion takeover of three natural gas distribution utilities in the United States. The purchases will make Enbridge the largest natural gas utility operator in North America. The bet is driven by anticipated demand growth for natural gas as new gas-fired power generation facilities are built to provide electricity for AI data centres and other needs, including electric vehicles.

恩橋(TSX:ENB)在過去的 29 年裏每年都增加了股息,未來應該會有更多收益。這家能源基礎設施巨頭繼續通過戰略收購和開發項目推動增長。恩橋正在完成對美國三家天然氣配氣公用事業的 140 億美元收購。這些收購將使恩橋成爲北美最大的天然氣公用事業運營商。這一舉措是基於對天然氣需求增長的預期,因爲新的燃氣發電廠將爲人工智能數據中心和其他需求(包括新能源車輛)提供電力。

Looking ahead, Enbridge's extensive natural gas transmission network of pipelines and storage facilities combined with the distribution assets position the company to benefit from the anticipated use of hydrogen as a fuel that could be delivered through natural gas infrastructure.


Enbridge's oil pipelines and export facilities are still strategically important, and the company is expanding its renewable energy group.


Distributable cash flow is expected to grow at a steady pace, supported by the addition of new assets. Investors who buy ENB stock at the current price can get a dividend yield of 6.6%.

可分配現金流預計將穩步增長,新增資產的增加將提供支持。以當前價格購買 ENB 股票的投資者可以獲得 6.6% 的股息。

Enbridge trades near $55 per share at the time of writing. It was as high as $59 in 2022 before pulling back when the central banks started to aggressively raise interest rates.

恩橋的股價於撰寫時接近 55 美元每股。在 2022 年曾高達 59 美元,隨着央行開始積極提高利率而出現回落。



Telus (TSX:T) trades near $22.50 at the time of writing compared to $34 at the high point in 2022. The stock is finally picking up some momentum after a rough couple of years caused by rising debt expenses and weaker revenue in the Telus International subsidiary.

泰勒斯(TSX:T) 在撰寫本文時的交易價格約爲22.50美元,而在2022年的高點爲34美元。受到不斷上升的債務支出和泰勒斯國際子公司營收疲軟的影響,該股票終於開始了一些勢頭。

The stock is probably still oversold. Telus delivered adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) growth in 2023 and is targeting another gain in 2024 despite the headwinds. Falling interest rates will reduce borrowing costs, and the extensive staff reductions that occurred over the past year have trimmed expenses.


Investors who buy Telus at the current level can get a dividend yield of 6.8%.


Bank of Montreal


Bank of Montreal (TSX:BMO) is arguably a contrarian pick right now. The stock is out of favour due to high provisions for credit losses largely caused by a few bad client loans in its American operations. Investors are also upset that Bank of Montreal made a large U.S. acquisition at an elevated price right before regional American banks took a beating in early 2023.

蒙特利爾銀行 (TSX:BMO) 目前可以說是一個逆勢選擇。該股票因爲在其美國業務中幾筆壞賬貸款導致的高額信貸損失準備金而不受歡迎。投資者也對蒙特利爾銀行以高價在2023年年初的區域性美國銀行遭受重創之前進行的一筆大型美國收購表示不滿。

The US$16.3 billion purchase of Bank of the West was negotiated near the end of 2021 at the peak of the post-pandemic rally in bank stocks, but the deal didn't close until the start of February 2023, just before chaos hit the regional banks in the United States.

蒙特利爾銀行以163億美元的價格於2021年底進行了對西部銀行(Bank of the West)的收購,當時正值銀行股的後疫情反彈高峰期,但該交易直到2023年2月初才結束,正好在美國區域性銀行遭受混亂之前。

Near-term headwinds are expected, but the Bank of the West deal should prove to be beneficial over the long run. In the meantime, investors can get a 5.5% yield from BMO stock while they wait for the recovery. Bank of Montreal has paid a dividend annually for nearly two centuries.


The bottom line on stocks for retirement


Enbridge, Telus, and Bank of Montreal pay attractive dividends that should continue to grow. If you have some cash to put to work in a TFSA or RRSP, these stocks deserve to be on your radar.


