
FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCEL) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCEL) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

FuelCell Energy, Inc.(FCEL)2024年第三季度業績會議呼叫記錄摘要
富途資訊 ·  09/06 02:55  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCEL) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • FuelCell Energy reported total revenues of $23.7 million for Q3 2024, a slight decrease from $25.5 million in the prior year quarter.

  • Net loss was reported at $35.1 million, compared to a net loss of $23.6 million in the same quarter of the previous year.

  • Adjusted EBITDA was reported at negative $20.1 million, an improvement from negative $31.6 million in Q3 of the previous fiscal year.

  • 燃料電池能源報告2024年第三季度總收入爲2370萬美元,略低於去年同期的2550萬美元。

  • 淨損失爲報告3510萬美元,相較於上一年同期的淨損失2360萬美元。

  • 調整後的EBITDA報告爲負2010萬美元,相較於上一財年第三季度的負3160萬美元有所改善。

Business Progress:


  • FuelCell Energy signed a long-term service agreement to provide Gyeonggi Green Energy (GGE) in South Korea with 42 upgraded replacement fuel cell modules over the next two years, alongside long-term operations and maintenance services.

  • Progress continues on the carbon capture project with ExxonMobil at the Esso refinery in Rotterdam, as well as the bio-generation project for the Sacramento Area Sewer District with Ameresco.

  • 燃料電池能源簽署了一份長期服務協議,將在未來兩年內爲韓國京畿綠色能源(GGE)提供42個升級更換的燃料電池模塊,並提供長期的運營和維護服務。

  • 與埃克森美孚在鹿特丹埃索煉油廠的碳捕捉項目以及與阿梅雷斯克爲薩克拉門托地區污水處理區的生物發電項目繼續取得進展。



  • The order from GGE represents an important growth opportunity in the South Korean market, where the government has embraced fuel cell technology as essential to its energy infrastructure.

  • Expansion into production of renewable green hydrogen and integrated carbon capture solutions presents significant market opportunities.

  • GGE的訂單代表了韓國市場上一個重要的增長機會,在這個市場上,政府將燃料電池技術視爲其能源基礎設施的必要組成部分。

  • 擴展到可再生綠氫和綜合碳捕獲解決方案的生產提供了重要的市場機遇。



  • The variations in financial results, especially the increase in net losses despite increasing sales, indicate potential financial stability risks and pressures from rising operational costs.

  • 財務結果的變化,尤其是儘管銷售增加,淨虧損仍然增加,表明潛在的財務穩定風險和來自運營成本上升的壓力。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


