
Short Seller Sets Sights On Five9 Stock: 'Company Is A Major AI Loser Racing Towards Irrelevance'

Short Seller Sets Sights On Five9 Stock: 'Company Is A Major AI Loser Racing Towards Irrelevance'

Benzinga ·  09/06 02:03

Five9 Inc (NASDAQ:FIVN) shares are on watch Thursday after The Bear Cave released a bearish report on the software company.

五九公司(NASDAQ:FIVN)的股票在週四受到「 Bear Cave」發佈的看淡報告的關注。

What Happened: Short-selling firm the Bear Cave has targeted contact center software company Five9 in its latest short report.

發生了什麼事:做空公司 Bear Cave 在最新的做空報告中把焦點對準了聯繫中心軟件公司 Five9。

The short seller highlighted recent conversations with management in which executives told investors that AI is "great" for Five9. The Bear Cave claims that management has intentionally misled investors about how AI will impact its business.

做空機構強調了近期與管理層的對話,其中高層告訴投資者AI對Five9來說是「很好的」。Bear Cave 聲稱管理層故意誤導投資者,關於AI將如何影響其業務。

"The Bear Cave believes Five9 management is lying to investors and the company is a major AI loser racing towards irrelevance," the short seller said.

「 Bear Cave 相信 Five9 管理層向投資者撒謊,該公司是一個重大的AI失敗者,正迅速走向無關緊要,」做空機構說。

Benzinga has reached out to Five9 for comment on the report.


The Bear Cave noted that Five9 has not posted an annual profit in any year dating back to its initial public offering in 2014. The weak bottom-line results have been overshadowed by strong revenue growth, but the company lowered its revenue guidance in its most recent quarter, the short seller said.

Bear Cave 注意到Five9在2014年首次公開募股以來,每年都沒有實現淨利潤。做空機構說,強勁的營業收入增長抵消了疲軟的底線業績,但該公司在最近一個季度的營收指引中降低了收入預期。

"Five9's slowing revenue growth and recent guidance reduction have left investors worried that AI might be negatively affecting the company," The Bear Cave said, citing questions surrounding AI concerns at an investing conference last month.

「Five9的減緩的營收增長和最近的指導降低讓投資者擔心AI可能對公司產生負面影響,」 Bear Cave表示,引用上個月投資會議上關於AI擔憂的問題。

The short seller further highlighted management's response to AI concerns, noting that CEO Mike Burkland stressed that AI is a "great thing" for Five9 and expects only about 5% to 15% automation due to AI.

做空機構進一步強調了管理層對AI擔憂的回應,指出首席執行官Mike Burkland強調AI對Five9來說是一件「大好事」,並預計只有約5% 到 15% 的自動化由於AI而發生。

The Bear Cave cited previous research suggesting several call center companies are under pressure due to AI as many large companies are aggressively cutting call center spend. The short seller further noted that Five9 recently cut its revenue guidance and announced it was cutting its workforce by about 7%.


"The layoffs may also be a sign management doesn't believe in its own optimism around AI," the short seller said.


FIVN Price Action: Five9 shares rebounded and were up 2.72% at $76.57 at the time of publication, according to Benzinga Pro.

FIVN價格走勢:根據Benzinga Pro的數據,Five9股票回升,並且在發表時上漲了2.72%,達到76.57美元。

Photo: courtesy of Five9.


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