
Movado Group, Inc. (MOV) Q2 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Movado Group, Inc. (MOV) Q2 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Movado Group, Inc. (MOV) 2025年第二季度業績會議通話摘要
富途資訊 ·  09/06 01:22  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Movado Group, Inc. (MOV) Q2 2025 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是摩凡陀集團(Movado Group, Inc.)2025財年第二季度業績會交易摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Movado reported nearly flat net sales on a constant dollar basis compared to last year, with a noted decline in operating profit to $3 million due to increased marketing investments.

  • Gross margin remained healthy, although there was a slight decline compared to the previous year due to product mix.

  • Inventory levels increased to support anticipated second-half sales; however, net profit for the quarter was lower at $3.7 million, or $0.16 per diluted share, due to the increased investments and challenging market conditions.

  • 摩凡陀稱,淨銷售額按固定匯率計算與去年持平,營業利潤出現下降,達到300萬美元,這是由於增加了市場營銷投資。

  • 毛利率保持健康,儘管與上一年相比略有下降,這是由於產品組合的原因。

  • 庫存水平增加,以支持預期下半年的銷售;然而,由於增加投資和市場的挑戰,本季度的淨利潤降至370萬美元,每股稀釋股份爲0.16美元。

Business Progress:


  • Introduced an extensive new advertising campaign featuring celebrities like Ludacris and Jessica Alba to enhance Movado brand equity and introduce it to new consumers.

  • Launched several new products and lines, including BOLD Evolution tank collection and innovative offerings across licensed brands like Coach and Tommy Hilfiger.

  • saw a 21% increase, reflecting strong direct-to-consumer performance.

  • 推出了一個廣泛的新廣告活動,以名人如Ludacris和Jessica Alba作爲代言人,以增強摩凡陀品牌的權益,並向新消費者介紹。

  • 推出了幾款新產品和系列,包括BOLD Evolution水箱系列和其他許可品牌,如Coach和Tommy Hilfiger的創新產品。

  • Movado.com的銷售額增加了21%,反映出強勁的直銷業績。



  • The new icons advertising campaign and increased marketing efforts are expected to drive higher consumer engagement and potentially increase market share.

  • Expansion in the Indian market presents a significant growth opportunity for the Movado brand.

  • 新的廣告宣傳活動和增加的營銷努力預計將推動更高的消費者參與,並有可能增加市場份額。

  • 在印度市場的擴張爲Movado品牌帶來了重大的增長機遇。



  • The global retail and watch category remains challenging with a heightened level of uncertainty; large customers are maintaining lower inventory levels, impacting sales.

  • 全球零售和手錶類別仍然面臨挑戰,不確定性水平升高;大客戶保持較低的庫存水平,影響銷售。

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