
G-III Apparel Group, Ltd. (GIII) Q2 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

G-III Apparel Group, Ltd. (GIII) Q2 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

G-III Apparel Group,Ltd.(GIII)2025年第二季度業績會議講話摘要
富途資訊 ·  09/05 23:59  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the G-III Apparel Group, Ltd. (GIII) Q2 2025 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • G-III Apparel Group reported Q2 2025 net sales of $645 million, meeting expectations.

  • Gross margin expanded by 90 basis points, driven by strong sell-throughs and higher margin-owned brands.

  • Non-GAAP earnings per diluted share significantly exceeded expectations at $0.52.

  • Inventory decreased 24% from last year, aligning well with future sales projections.

  • The financial outlook includes a full-year net sales guidance of $3.2 billion and raised EPS guidance of $3.95 to $4.05.

  • g-iii服裝集團報告2025年第二季度淨銷售額爲64500萬美元,符合預期。

  • 毛利率擴大了90個點子,得益於強勁的賣出和更高利潤的自有品牌。

  • 非通用會計準則每股攤薄收益大幅超出預期,達到0.52美元。

  • 庫存較去年減少24%,與未來的銷售預測相吻合。

  • 財務展望包括全年淨銷售指導爲32億美元,提高了每股收益指導至3.95至4.05美元。

Business Progress:


  • The company announced a new global licensing agreement with Converse for men's and women's apparel.

  • Strategic investment in AWWG increased G-III's ownership to just under 20%, aiding in the expansion across the Iberian market and global growth.

  • Significant portfolio growth with Donna Karan, DKNY, Karl Lagerfeld, and Vilebrequin delivering strong sales, particularly in North America.

  • Plans to further invest in marketing, technology, and operational capabilities to support brand engagement and expansion.

  • 該公司宣佈與Converse達成了男裝和女裝全球授權協議。

  • 對AWWG的戰略投資使g-iii的持股比例增至20%以下,有助於在伊比利亞市場和全球增長中擴張。

  • Donna Karan、DKNY、Karl Lagerfeld和Vilebrequin等品牌的顯著組合增長帶來了強勁的銷售,特別是在北美市場。

  • 計劃進一步投資於營銷、科技和運營能力,以支持品牌互動和擴張。



  • New licensing agreement with Converse to expand active lifestyle business and global distribution.

  • Partnership with AWWG expected to drive substantial growth in the European market mixed with opportunities in North America for brands like Pepe Jeans and Hackett.

  • Increased push into marketing and promotional activities to support brand launches and expansions, set to further market reach and consumer engagement.

  • 與Converse的新授權協議旨在擴大活躍生活方式業務和全球分銷。

  • 與AWWG的合作預計將推動歐洲市場的顯著增長,併爲Pepe Jeans和Hackett等品牌在北美市場的機遇注入活力。

  • 加大營銷和促銷活動力度,支持品牌的推出和擴張,旨在進一步擴大市場覆蓋範圍和消費者參與度。



  • Transition out of Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger licenses requires balancing resources, which could impact operational efficiency.

  • The economic environment in Europe presents challenges, affecting consumer spending and market dynamics.

  • 退出Calvin Klein和Tommy Hilfiger許可證需要平衡資源,這可能影響運營效率。

  • 歐洲的經濟環境帶來挑戰,影響消費支出和市場動態。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


