
National Grid Renewables Begins Construction on Dodson Creek Solar Project

National Grid Renewables Begins Construction on Dodson Creek Solar Project

英國國家電網公司開始在Dodson Creek太陽能項目上進行施工
PR Newswire ·  09/05 22:15

117 MW Project located in Highland County, Ohio is fourth project in OH solar portfolio


MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, National Grid Renewables announced the start of onsite construction at its Dodson Creek Solar Project (Dodson Creek) in Highland County, Ohio. Once operational, the Dodson Creek project, located within the PJM market, will deliver 117 megawatts (MW) of clean solar power and generate an estimated $49 million in direct economic benefit for the local community.

明尼阿波利斯,2024年9月5日 / PRNewswire / - 今天,國家電網可再生能源宣佈,在俄亥俄州海蘭德縣的Dodson Creek太陽能項目(Dodson Creek)現場施工已經開始。Dodson Creek項目位於PJm市場內,項目一旦運營,將提供117兆瓦(MW)的清潔太陽能發電,併爲當地社區創造約4900萬美元的直接經濟收益。

"Dodson Creek is our fourth project to begin construction in Ohio and the second in Highland County," said Joe Ibrahim, Vice President of Construction and Engineering. "This project is the next chapter in our commitment to helping communities across Ohio realize the economic benefits of the clean energy transition."

「Dodson Creek是我們在俄亥俄州開始施工的第四個項目,也是海蘭德縣的第二個項目,」建築和工程副總裁喬·易卜拉欣表示。「這個項目是我們承諾幫助俄亥俄州各社區實現清潔能源過渡的下一個篇章。」

Dodson Creek follows National Grid Renewables' operational Yellowbud Solar project - the first and largest project in their Ohio portfolio, as well as its current construction projects, Ross County Solar and Fayette Solar. In total, and in addition to a robust development portfolio, the four projects represent a 558.5 MW portfolio of construction and operating projects throughout the Buckeye state.

Dodson Creek是國家電網可再生能源的運營Yellowbud太陽能項目的後續,Yellowbud是他們在俄亥俄州投資組合中第一個也是最大的項目,以及目前施工中的Ross County太陽能和Fayette太陽能項目。總體而言,除了龐大的開發投資組合外,這四個項目代表着俄亥俄州全境558.5兆瓦的施工和運營項目投資組合。

Dodson Creek will positively impact the local community in many ways. Throughout the construction phase, the 1,300-acre project will create and sustain approximately 200 construction jobs. Dodson Creek is contracted with Kiewit as the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) partner.

Dodson Creek將在許多方面對當地社區產生積極影響。在施工階段,這個佔地1300英畝的項目將創造並維持大約200個建築崗位。Dodson Creek與Kiewit公司簽訂了工程、採購和施工(EPC)合作伙伴關係。

"Our fourth collaboration with NG Renewables on the Dodson Creek Solar Project exemplifies our enduring partnership and commitment to renewable energy," said Brian Koller, vice president, Kiewit Power Constructors Co. "We value the strong relationships we have built with the local union craft and the Highland County community. Kiewit is proud to contribute to a sustainable future through the Dodson Creek Solar Project."

「我們與NG Renewables在Dodson Creek太陽能項目上的第四次合作彰顯了我們持久的合作伙伴關係和對可再生能源的承諾,」 Kiewit電力施工公司副總裁布萊恩·科勒表示。「我們珍視與當地工會和海蘭德縣社區建立起的穩固關係。Kiewit公司爲通過Dodson Creek太陽能項目爲可持續未來做出貢獻感到自豪。」

In continuing its longstanding partnership with First Solar, the Dodson Creek project will utilize next generation Series 7 modules developed and produced by First Solar, Inc (Nasdaq: FSLR) at their Toledo, Ohio manufacturing facility.

在與第一太陽能公司長期合作的基礎上,Dodson Creek項目將利用第一太陽能公司在俄亥俄托萊多製造廠開發和生產的下一代7系列模塊。

"There is real momentum driving the growth of solar in Ohio today, First Solar's home state," stated Darin Green, Senior Director at First Solar. "We are proud to be supporting National Grid Renewables with American-made Series 7 modules, manufactured about 3.5 hours away from the Dodson Creek site, as they continue to prominently contribute to Ohio's sustainable energy future. We are certain Dodson Creek will be a great addition to the state."

「今天,太陽能在俄亥俄州的增長勢頭非常強勁,第一太陽能的故鄉,」第一太陽能的高級董事戴林·格林表示。 「我們很自豪地支持英國國家電網公司利用美國製造的Series 7模塊,這些模塊在距離Dodson Creek項目約3.5小時車程的地方製造,因爲他們繼續爲俄亥俄州可持續能源未來做出重要貢獻。 我們確信Dodson Creek將成爲州的重要補充。」

Once operational, the project is anticipated to produce approximately $21 million in new tax revenue for Highland County and local townships, school districts and emergency (fire/EMS/mental health) districts. Additionally, National Grid Renewables has pledged to contribute $585,000 to Highland County charities and organizations through a dedicated charitable fund. This follows a previous pledge of over $1 million to the Ohio communities of Ross and Pickaway Counties through its Yellowbud Solar project. These charitable funds are unique to National Grid Renewables and exemplify how they commit to being good neighbors within the communities in which their projects are built.

在項目投入運營後,預計爲海蘭德縣和當地城鎮、學區以及緊急事務(消防/急救/心理健康)區域創造約2100萬美元的新稅收。此外,英國國家電網公司承諾通過專門的慈善基金爲海蘭德縣的慈善機構和組織捐贈585,000美元。 這是該公司早前向俄亥俄州羅斯和皮卡維縣的Yellowbud Solar項目捐贈超過100萬美元后的一項承諾。 這些慈善基金是英國國家電網公司獨有的,展示了他們致力於成爲所建設項目所在社區的好鄰居。

Estimated to begin operations in mid-2025, the Dodson Creek project is anticipated to avoid an estimated 198,400 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions every year during operation— the equivalent of taking an estimated 44,000 cars off the road for a year.

預計2025年中期開始運營的Dodson Creek項目預計在運營期間每年可避免約198,400公噸二氧化碳(CO2)排放,相當於將約44,000輛汽車從路上撤下一年。

About National Grid Renewables
National Grid Renewables develops, owns and operates large-scale renewable energy assets across the United States, including solar, wind, and energy storage. As a farmer-founded and community-focused business, National Grid Renewables repowers America's electricity grid by reigniting local economies and reinvesting in a sustainable, clean energy future. National Grid Renewables supports National Grid's vision of being at the heart of a clean, fair, and affordable energy future for all. To learn more about National Grid Renewables, visit or follow the company on LinkedIn.

英國國家電網公司負責全美範圍內的大型可再生能源資產的開發、擁有和運營,包括太陽能、風能和儲能。 作爲一個由農場主創立並以社區爲重點的企業,英國國家電網公司通過重啓當地經濟並再投資於可持續、清潔能源未來來重新供電美國的電網。 英國國家電網公司支持英國國家電網邁向爲所有人實現清潔、公平和負擔得起的能源未來的願景。 要了解更多有關英國國家電網公司的信息,請訪問 或在LinkedIn上關注該公司。

Media Inquiries
Contact: Emily Morissette
Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications
National Grid Renewables
[email protected]

聯繫人:Emily Morissette
National Grid Renewables
[email protected]

SOURCE National Grid Renewables

來源:National Grid Renewables

