
Canvas Medical Appoints Adam Farren as CEO and Accelerates AI Capabilities

Canvas Medical Appoints Adam Farren as CEO and Accelerates AI Capabilities

Canvas Medical任命Adam Farren爲首席執行官,加快人工智能能力
PR Newswire ·  09/05 22:00

Company also announces launch of Backplane, its AI product to accelerate implementation of protocols, care pathways and agents


SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Canvas Medical, the EMR company accelerating everyday medicine, today announced the appointment of Adam Farren as Chief Executive Officer. Farren has served the company since April 2023 as President and Chief Operating Officer. Andrew Hines, the visionary data scientist who founded Canvas in 2015, will transition to the role of Chief Technology Officer. Hines will spearhead applications of artificial intelligence (AI) across Canvas, starting with BackplaneTM that will accelerate implementation of protocols, pathways, and agents. Backplane is available now for beta testing.

舊金山,2024年9月5日/美通社/-Canvas,這家加速日常醫療的EMR公司,今天宣佈任命Adam Farren爲首席執行官。自2023年4月以來,Farren一直擔任公司總裁和首席運營官。2015年創立Canvas的願景數據科學家Andrew Hines將轉任首席技術官。 Hines將率先在Canvas上應用人工智能(AI),首先使用Backplane加速協議、路徑和代理人的實施。 Backplane現已開放beta測試。 醫療Farren在金融服務、媒體、教育和醫療保健領域擁有近20年的創業和領導經驗。加入Canvas之前,Farren在專注於特色領域的EMR公司Elation Health和Osmind擔任首席增長官共計八年時間,在這期間,他實現了高效的市場推廣和快速客戶增長。在這兩家公司中,他帶領企業擴張到全國範圍的醫生擁有的診所市場,並在EMR旁邊引入新的收入來源,加速銷售成功和營收增長。 現在可以使用。 進行beta測試。

"Over the last year and a half, Adam has transformed the company's growth trajectory and operating efficiency," said Hines. "We are deeply aligned on mission and strategy, and there is no one I trust more to scale our impact on ambulatory care in America."

"在過去的一年半中,Adam改變了公司的增長軌跡和運營效率," Hines說。"我們在使命和戰略上高度一致,沒有人比我更值得信任,可以擴大我們在美國門診護理方面的影響力。"

Farren has nearly two decades of experience building and leading venture-scale companies in financial services, media, education, and healthcare. Prior to joining Canvas, Farren spent a combined eight years as Chief Growth Officer at specialty-focused EMR companies Elation Health and Osmind, where he delivered highly efficient go-to-market success and oversaw rapid customer growth. In both companies, he led the company's expansion into national markets of physician-owned clinics and introduced new revenue lines alongside the EMR to accelerate sales success and revenue growth.

Farren在金融服務、媒體、教育和醫療保健領域擁有近20年的創業和領導經驗。加入Canvas之前,Farren在專注於特色領域的EMR公司Elation Health和Osmind擔任首席增長官共計八年時間,在這期間,他實現了高效的市場推廣和快速客戶增長。在這兩家公司中,他帶領企業擴張到全國範圍的醫生擁有的診所市場,並在EMR旁邊引入新的收入來源,加速銷售成功和營收增長。

"Our team has made relentless progress solving fundamental problems in EMR usability, safety, and automation," Farren said. "The Canvas EMR platform and developer tools now represent the leading solution for innovative care delivery, trusted by thousands of users across all ambulatory specialties and payment models." In light of rapid advancements in large language model (LLM) technology, Farren added, "More than 75% of our customers, prospects, and partners have prioritized AI agents to improve care team experience and effectiveness. Canvas is far and away the best platform to implement agents with the context and supervision they need to function safely."

我們的團隊在EMR的可用性、安全性和自動化方面取得了持續的進展," Farren說。" Canvas EMR平台和開發者工具現在代表了創新護理交付的領先解決方案,得到了所有門診專科和支付模型的數千名用戶的信任。" 鑑於大型語言模型(LLM)技術的快速進步,Farren補充說,"超過75%的客戶、前景和夥伴都將AI代理列爲優先,以改善護理團隊的體驗和效果。Canvas是遠遠優於其他平台的,可以爲代理提供安全運行所需的上下文和監督。"

Latif Peracha, General Partner at M13 and an early investor in Canvas Medical, agreed with the new possibilities unlocked with the company's progress in AI. "When I first invested in Canvas, I believed the company could redefine what's possible in healthcare software. That belief has only strengthened over time, and with the rise of LLMs, Canvas has a massive tailwind at its back. No other platform has the foundational capabilities to safely and effectively integrate AI the way Canvas can — allowing for specialized EMRs that truly improve clinical care across the US. Adam and Andrew and the entire Canvas team have the combination of audacious vision and ruthless attention to detail that you need to win at scale and build a generational company in healthcare."

M13的總合夥人Latif Peracha是Canvas Medical的早期投資者,他對該公司在人工智能方面取得的新進展表示認同。"我最初投資Canvas時,我就相信該公司可以重新定義醫療軟件的可能性。隨着時間的推移,這種信念只變得更加堅定,而且隨着LLM的興起,Canvas在背後有着巨大的推動力。沒有其他平台具備Canvas所擁有的安全有效集成AI的基本能力,這允許我們實現真正改善美國臨床護理的專門EMR。亞當、安德魯和整個Canvas團隊具備大膽的願景和對細節的嚴謹關注,這是你需要以規模獲勝並在醫療健康領域建立一家有影響力的公司的優勢。"

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About Canvas Medical
Canvas Medical, founded in 2015, is an EMR software company accelerating everyday medicine at the speed of science. With Canvas, customers optimize the clinician experience using its deep unified architecture, plugins SDK, and bidirectional FHIR API. The combination of these capabilities empower customers to deploy optimized clinician workflows, connected patient experiences, and integrated healthcare data to drive better outcomes and financial performance. Canvas works with customers across all care models and verticals, from direct-to-consumer virtual care to at-risk complex care and everything in between. For more information about Canvas Medical, visit

關於Canvas Medical
Canvas Medical成立於2015年,是一家加速科學進展的EMR軟件公司。通過Canvas,客戶可以使用其深度統一結構、插件SDK和雙向的FHIR API來優化臨床醫生的體驗。這些功能的結合使客戶能夠部署優化的臨床醫生工作流、連接的患者體驗和整合的醫療保健數據,從而實現更好的結果和財務表現。Canvas與各種護理模型和垂直領域的客戶合作,包括面向消費者的虛擬護理和承擔風險的複雜護理等各種護理模型和垂直領域。有關Canvas Medical的更多信息,請訪問

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SOURCE Canvas Medical

數據來源:Canvas Medical

