
Jim Cramer: Oklo Is Losing Money 'Hand-Over-Fist,' But This Private Equity Stock Is A Buy

Jim Cramer: Oklo Is Losing Money 'Hand-Over-Fist,' But This Private Equity Stock Is A Buy

Benzinga ·  09/05 21:03

On CNBC's "Mad Money Lightning Round," Jim Cramer said KKR & Co. Inc. (NYSE:KKR) is a buy, adding that it is an "excellent firm, I've known them for years and years and years, and they have delivered time and time again."

在CNBC的「瘋狂金錢閃電輪」的節目中,吉姆·克拉默表示KKR & Co. Inc. (NYSE:KKR)值得買入,並補充說它是「一家優秀的公司,我認識他們多年了,他們一次又一次地交付成果。」

KKR said it will launch its tender offer for the common shares and share options of Fuji Soft.

KKR表示將發起對Fuji Soft普通股和股票期權的要約收購。

Moderna, Inc. (NASDAQ:MRNA) is a "problem," Cramer said. "They should be making money. They should have been able to do more with the money they had. They have not succeeded, they are losing money hand-over-fist. They have got to clean that up, or that stock is not going to rally."

克拉默表示Moderna, Inc. (NASDAQ:MRNA)是一個「問題」,他說:「他們應該賺錢。他們本來可以用他們手頭的資金做更多事情。他們沒有成功,他們虧損嚴重。他們必須解決這個問題,否則股票不會上漲。」

On Tuesday, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved Moderna's updated COVID-19 vaccine, which targets the JN.1 variant of SARS-CoV-2.


"Give it a chance to come down," Cramer said when asked about Lumen Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:LUMN). "It's a parabolic move, parabolic moves always destined to come down."

當被問到Lumen Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:LUMN)時,克拉默說:「給它一個下降的機會。這是一個拋物線運動,拋物線運動總是註定會下降。」

On Sept. 3, Lumen announced exchange offers for unsecured notes of Lumen and Level 3.

在9月3日,Lumen宣佈爲Lumen和Level 3的無擔保票據進行交換提議。

The "Mad Money" host said Oklo Inc. (NYSE:OKLO) is a company that is again losing so much money "hand-over-fist I can't even look at it."

「瘋狂金錢」主持人說Oklo Inc. (NYSE:OKLO)是一個再次嚴重虧損的公司,「我甚至不能看它。」

On Aug. 13, Oklo reported a quarterly loss of $5.17 per share, versus a year-ago loss of 6 cents per share.


"Here's the problem with Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO): Straight up, way too far, way too fast," Cramer said. "Doesn't work for me, let it come in."

"可口可樂(紐交所:KO)的問題在於:漲幅太大,太快了。" Cramer說道。"對我來說不行,讓它回落吧。"

On Aug. 27, Morgan Stanley analyst Dara Mohsenian maintained Coca-Cola with an Overweight rating and raised the price target from $70 to $78.

8月27日,摩根士丹利的分析師Dara Mohsenian維持可口可樂股票爲超配評級,並將目標股價從70美元上調到78美元。

Price Action:


  • Moderna shares fell 0.6% to settle at $72.49 on Wednesday.
  • Oklo shares gained 4.1% to close at $5.82.
  • KKR shares fell 0.5% to close at $117.67 during Wednesday's session.
  • Lumen Technologies shares rose 14.2% to settle at $5.38 on Wednesday.
  • Coca-Cola shares fell 0.6% to settle at $72.56 during the session.
  • Moderna股票在週三下跌0.6%,收於72.49美元。
  • Oklo股票上漲4.1%,收於5.82美元。
  • KKR股票在週三的交易中下跌0.5%,收於117.67美元。
  • Lumen Technologies股票在週三上漲14.2%,收於5.38美元。
  • 可口可樂股票在交易中下跌0.6%,收於72.56美元。
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Image Courtesy of Oklo, Inc.

圖片由Oklo, Inc.提供。

