


PR Newswire ·  09/05 20:02

Industry veteran Wanda Williams tapped to lead operations and franchise success during brand expansion

行業資深人士Wanda Williams獲選爲品牌擴張期間的運營和特許經營成功的領導者

DALLAS, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nothing Bundt Cakes, the nation's largest specialty cake company and a rapidly expanding franchisor, continues to build out its senior leadership team with the appointment of new Chief Operations Officer Wanda Williams.

2024年9月5日達拉斯/PRNewswire-全美最大的特色蛋糕公司和快速擴張的特許經營商Nothing Bundt Cakes繼續完善其高層領導團隊,任命新任首席運營官Wanda Williams。

Wanda Williams
Wanda Williams

Williams joins Nothing Bundt Cakes from Yum! Brands, where she served as head of global franchising. In that role, she led overall franchise system management and franchisee relations across four major brands, working with over 1,500 franchisees. Prior to that, she was vice president of operations at Pizza Hut, responsible for enhancing the restaurant and delivery experience through innovative technology and contactless operating procedures.

Williams加入Nothing Bundt Cakes之前,曾在Yum! Brands擔任全球特許經營主管。在這個職位上,她負責管理整個特許經營系統和與四個重要品牌的特許經營商關係,與1500多名特許經營商合作。在此之前,她曾擔任必勝客(Pizza Hut)的運營副總裁,負責通過創新技術和無接觸運營程序改善餐廳和外賣體驗。

At Nothing Bundt Cakes, Williams will oversee operations, team development and communications for more than 600 bakeries operating throughout the U.S. and Canada. Her appointment comes at a key time in Nothing Bundt Cakes' aggressive growth initiative, which aims to open its 1,000th location by 2027. The company was recently named Yelp's 2024 No. 26 Fastest Growing Brand.

在Nothing Bundt Cakes,Williams將監督美國和加拿大境內600多家烘焙店的運營、團隊發展和溝通工作。她的任命是在Nothing Bundt Cakes積極增長計劃中的關鍵時刻進行的,該計劃旨在於2027年開設第1000家門店。該公司最近被評爲Yelp 2024年增長最快的第26個品牌。

"Nothing Bundt Cakes has doubled in size over the past five years, and Wanda is a proven leader who will help seamlessly manage operations and franchise success for our continually growing system," said Nothing Bundt Cakes CEO Dolf Berle. "Her expertise in franchisee relations, strategic operations and sustainable innovation will be invaluable as we continue to expand our brand and support our Bakery Owners."

Nothing Bundt Cakes首席執行官Dolf Berle表示:“在過去五年中,Nothing Bundt Cakes的規模翻了一番,Wanda是一位經過驗證的領導者,她將幫助我們無縫管理運營和特許經營的成功,爲我們不斷增長的系統提供支持。她在特許經營商關係、戰略運營和可持續創新方面的專業知識將在我們繼續擴大品牌並支持我們的烘焙店業主方面發揮重要作用。

Through her leadership roles with brands like Waste Management, HBO and Yum! Brands, Williams has extensive expertise spearheading franchise recruitment programs, managing operations strategies and driving substantial revenue growth.

通過她在廢物管理、HBO和Yum! Brands等品牌的領導職務,Williams在推動特許經營招募計劃、管理運營戰略和推動大量收入增長方面擁有廣泛的專業知識。

"Joining this vibrant brand at such a pivotal moment presents an incredible opportunity to be part of a remarkable success story. Nothing Bundt Cakes is not only a beloved, fast-growing brand but also has a strong commitment to product innovation, quality and delighting our guests with every visit," said Williams. "By working closely with our Bakery Owners, we will continue to drive profitable growth, develop team members and enhance our bakery-level financials and performance."

Williams表示:「在如此重要的時刻加入這個充滿活力的品牌爲我提供了一個難得的機會,成爲一段非凡成功故事的一部分。Nothing Bundt Cakes不僅是一個備受喜愛且快速增長的品牌,還堅持產品創新、質量和讓每次光顧都讓客人滿意的承諾。通過與我們的烘焙店業主密切合作,我們將繼續推動盈利增長,培養團隊成員,提升我們在烘焙店層面的財務和業績。」

Nothing Bundt Cakes is on track to become one of the highest-growth companies in the industry over the next few years. To learn more about franchising opportunities, visit .

在未來幾年內,Nothing Bundt Cakes有望成爲行業內增長最快的公司之一。要了解更多關於特許經營機會的信息,請訪問。

About Nothing Bundt Cakes

Nothing Bundt Cakes成立於1997年,總部位於達拉斯,是全國最大的專業蛋糕公司,在40多個州和加拿大擁有600多家特許和公司經營的烘焙店。由於Bakeries Bring the Joy,爲顧客提供各種口味和規格的手工Bundt Cake,如Bundtinis(像杯子蛋糕一樣的Bundt Cakes),個人大小的Bundtlets和8英寸,10英寸的Bundt Cakes,並提供裝飾和生日禮品準備以及節日的「真正因爲」時刻和特殊場所。Nothing Bundt Cakes最近被評爲Yelp 2023年第2名最受喜愛的品牌,也獲得了Entrepreneur的Franchise 500 List和Franchise Business Review的Franchise Hall of Fame這些行業認可。有關Nothing Bundt Cakes的更多信息,請訪問。有關特許經營機會的更多信息,請訪問。

Founded in 1997, Dallas-based Nothing Bundt Cakes is the nation's largest specialty cake company, with more than 600 franchised and corporate bakeries in 40-plus states and Canada and growing. Bakeries Bring the Joy by offering handcrafted Bundt Cakes for pickup or delivery in a variety of flavors and sizes, such as Bundtinis, the brand's cupcake-sized Bundt Cakes, personal-sized Bundtlets and 8- and 10-inch Bundt Cakes, plus decorations and gift options for life's "just because" moments and special celebrations. Named Yelp's 2023 No. 2 Most Loved Brand, Nothing Bundt Cakes has also earned industry recognition that includes Entrepreneur's Franchise 500 ranking and Franchise Business Review's Franchise Hall of Fame.

成立於1997年,總部位於達拉斯的Nothing Bundt Cakes是美國最大的特色蛋糕公司,在40多個州和加拿大擁有600多家特許經營和公司烘焙店,並且還在不斷擴張。麪包店通過提供手工製作的Bundt蛋糕進行自取或外送,味道和大小多樣,包括Bundtinis(杯子大小的Bundt蛋糕)、個人大小的Bundtlets和8英寸和10英寸的Bundt蛋糕,還提供裝飾和禮品選項,適用於生活中的一些「隨便因爲」時刻和特殊慶祝活動。Nothing Bundt Cakes還被評爲Yelp 2023年度第二受歡迎品牌,並獲得了Entrepreneur的特許經營500強排名和Franchise Business Review的特許經營名人堂的業界認可。

For more information about Nothing Bundt Cakes, visit . To learn more about franchising opportunities, visit .

有關Nothing Bundt Cakes的更多信息,請訪問。要了解更多關於特許經營機會的信息,請訪問。

Media Contact:
Danielle Bramley
[email protected]

Danielle Bramley
[email protected]

SOURCE Nothing Bundt Cakes

SOURCE Nothing Bundt Cakes

