
Wealth Enhancement Group Announces Acquisition of Levy Wealth Management Group, LLC, a Hybrid RIA With Over $1.3 Billion in Client Assets

Wealth Enhancement Group Announces Acquisition of Levy Wealth Management Group, LLC, a Hybrid RIA With Over $1.3 Billion in Client Assets

財富增值集團(Wealth Enhancement Group)宣佈收購Levy Wealth Management Group, LLC,一個擁有超過13億美元客戶資產的混合RIA公司。
PR Newswire ·  09/05 20:00

This partnership marks Wealth Enhancement Group's ninth location in Pennsylvania and brings the firm's total client assets to more than $90.5 billion.

這次合作標誌着Wealth Enhancement Group在賓夕法尼亞州的第九個地點,並將該公司的客戶總資產增至超過$905億。

MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Wealth Enhancement Group, a national independent wealth management firm with over $90.5 billion in client assets, has announced the acquisition of Levy Wealth Management Group, LLC, a hybrid RIA located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The team oversees more than $1.3 billion in client assets and is led by President, Victor Levy, CFP, Chief Operating Officer & Wealth Advisor, Michael Clatterbuck, CFP, ChFC, and Wealth Advisor, Joseph Robostello, CFP, ChSNC.

MINNEAPOLIS,2024年9月5日/ PRNewswire / - Wealth Enhancement Group是一家全國獨立的财富管理公司,客戶資產超過$905億,宣佈收購位於賓夕法尼亞州費城的Levy Wealth Management Group,LLC,一個混合型公司。 RIA. 該團隊管理着超過13億美元的客戶資產,並由總裁Victor Levy,CFP,首席運營官兼財富顧問Michael Clatterbuck,CFP,ChFC以及財富顧問Joseph Robostello,CFP,ChSNC領導。

Jeff Dekko, Chief Executive Officer of Wealth Enhancement Group, said, "We are incredibly pleased to welcome Levy Wealth Management Group to our firm. Victor, Michael, Joe, and their team have built a sophisticated practice rooted in personalized financial planning. They live their mission –We Show We Care—every day by building strong, sustainable client relationships."

Wealth Enhancement Group首席執行官Jeff Dekko表示:「我們非常高興歡迎Levy Wealth Management Group加入我們的公司。Victor,Michael,Joe及其團隊建立了一個以個性化財務規劃爲根基的複雜實踐。他們通過建立牢固可持續的客戶關係,踐行使命-我們展示我們關心-並將此使命貫徹到每一天。」

Levy Wealth Management Group was formed from Leon L. Levy and Associates, a nationally recognized life and disability insurance brokerage firm founded by Victor's father, Leon L. Levy, in 1972, and where Victor and his brother, David Levy, established their specialties in wealth management and group insurance, respectively. The firm helps its clients confidently navigate their financial journeys through comprehensive wealth management services. They specialize in working with health care professionals, business owners, and multiple generations of family members who are interested in wealth management, tax planning, estate planning, and holistic financial planning.

Levy Wealth Management Group是由Victor的父親Leon L. Levy於1972年創立的享有國際聲譽的人壽和殘疾保險經紀公司Leon L. Levy and Associates發展而來。其中Victor和他的兄弟David Levy分別在财富管理和團體保險方面建立了自己的專長。該公司通過提供全面的财富管理服務,幫助客戶自信地規劃他們的財務旅程。他們專注於與醫療保健專業人士、企業主和家族成員的多個世代一起合作,這些人對财富管理、稅務規劃、遺產規劃和整體財務規劃感興趣。

Victor Levy said, "We are excited to embark on this new journey with Wealth Enhancement Group. The comprehensive resources the firm provides will enable us to further our mission of helping clients more efficiently reach their financial goals. Furthermore, we look forward to working alongside a team that shares our commitment to technological innovation, investment efficiency, and client care."

Victor Levy表示:「我們對與Wealth Enhancement Group展開這個新的旅程感到興奮。公司提供的全面資源將使我們能夠更有效地幫助客戶實現財務目標。此外,我們期待與一個與我們在技術創新、投資效率和客戶關懷方面保持一致的團隊共同工作。」

Jim Cahn, Chief Strategy Officer of Wealth Enhancement Group, said, "As we continue to grow our east coast presence, we're excited to be joined by Victor and his team at Levy Wealth Management Group. With their mission of helping clients integrate aspects of their financial life to achieve their goals, we are confident this will be a mutually beneficial partnership."

Wealth Enhancement Group的首席策略官Jim Cahn表示:「隨着我們在東海岸地區的業務不斷增長,我們很高興與Levy Wealth Management Group的Victor和他的團隊合作。憑藉他們幫助客戶整合財務生活各個方面以實現目標的使命,我們相信這將是一個互利的合作伙伴關係。」

Levy Wealth Management Group will operate as the Levy-Clatterbuck-Robostello Team at Wealth Enhancement Group, reflecting their many years of friendship, partnership, and teamwork.

Levy Wealth Management Group將作爲Wealth Enhancement Group的 Levy-Clatterbuck-Robostello團隊 在Wealth Enhancement Group擔任職務,體現了他們多年的友誼、合作和團隊合作。

David Selig of Advice Dynamics Partners, LLC served as M&A advisor for Levy Wealth Management Group.

Advice Dynamics Partners, LLC的David Selig擔任Levy Wealth Management Group的併購顧問。

About Wealth Enhancement Group
Wealth Enhancement Group is an independent wealth management firm with an endless passion for enriching the lives of our clients. We continually seek to perfect our craft of personalized financial planning with our team-based Roundtable and UniFi processes that go far beyond the standard approach. We proudly provide tailored financial plans and investment management services to serve the unique needs of over 61,000 households from our 115 offices - and growing - nationwide. Since 1997, Wealth Enhancement Group has tirelessly raised the standard of wealth management with specialized knowledge and more attentive service that helps every client craft their future. For more information, please visit .

關於Wealth Enhancement Group
Wealth Enhancement Group是一家獨立的财富管理公司,對爲客戶提供幫助的無限熱情。我們不斷尋求完善我們的個性化財務規劃,利用我們基於團隊和UniFi流程的圓桌會議,遠遠超越了標準的方法。我們自豪地提供量身定製的財務計劃和投資管理服務,以滿足超過61,000個家庭的獨特需求,我們在我們的 115個辦公室 - 而且在全國範圍內不斷增長。自1997年以來,Wealth Enhancement Group不知疲倦地提升财富管理標準,憑藉專業知識和更細緻的服務,幫助每位客戶打造自己的未來。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 .

Advisory services offered through Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services, LLC (WEAS), a registered investment advisor. Certain investment advisor representatives of WEAS are also registered representatives of and offer securities through LPL Financial, member FINRA/SIPC. Wealth Enhancement Group and WEAS are separate entities from LPL.

Wealth Enhancement Group通過註冊的投資顧問WEAS(Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services, LLC)提供諮詢服務。WEAS的某些投資顧問代表也是LPL Financial的註冊代表,並通過LPL提供證券。Wealth Enhancement Group和WEAS與LPL完全獨立。

Wealth Enhancement Group and its Registered Investment Advisor, Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services, had $89.2 billion in client assets, including $4 billion of brokerage assets held at LPL Financial, as of July 31, 2024. Levy Wealth Management Group, LLC, had approximately $1.3 billion in client assets as of August 13, 2024. With the addition of Levy Wealth Management Group, LLC, assets under management, Wealth Enhancement Group has more than $90.5 billion in client, advisory, trust, and brokerage assets.

Wealth Enhancement Group及其註冊投資顧問Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services截至2024年7月31日擁有892億美元的客戶資產,包括在LPL Financial持有的40億美元的券商資產。Levy Wealth Management Group, LLC,截至2024年8月13日,約有13億美元的客戶資產。隨着Levy Wealth Management Group, LLC的增加,Wealth Enhancement Group的管理資產包括客戶資產、諮詢、信託和券商資產總額超過905億美元。

Media Contacts
Marianne Gebhardt
Senior Marketing Communications Manager
[email protected]

Marianne Gebhardt
[email protected]

Prosek Partners, on behalf of Wealth Enhancement Group
[email protected]

Prosek Partners代表Wealth Enhancement Group
[email protected]

SOURCE Wealth Enhancement Group


