
Xali Gold Options High Sulphidation Gold Project in Central Peru

Xali Gold Options High Sulphidation Gold Project in Central Peru

GlobeNewswire ·  09/05 19:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Xali Gold Corp. (TSXV:XGC) ("Xali Gold") or ("the Company") is pleased to announce that it has resumed exploration activities in Peru by optioning the Majo Project, located in South-Central Peru, from Alpha Mining S.A.C. ("Alpha").

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省,2024年9月5日(環球新聞)- Xali黃金公司(tsxv:xgc)(以下簡稱「Xali黃金」)或(以下簡稱「公司」)很高興地宣佈,公司已通過選擇從Alpha Mining S.A.C. (「Alpha」)獲得位於秘魯南部和中部的Majo項目,恢復了在秘魯的勘探活動。

"We are thrilled to be in the position to renew our focus on exploration within a proven high sulphidation epithermal belt in South-Central Peru. Our team's extensive experience in this area, coupled with such promising historical exploration results from the Majo Project, are the perfect opportunity to develop the untapped potential of the belt. With our Mexican assets progressing well in the hands of capable partners, we are eager to apply our expertise to advance the Majo Project and unlock its potential," states Matthew Melnyk, Director and Structural Geologist.

馬修·梅爾尼克(Matthew Melnyk),董事兼構造地質學家表示:「我們非常高興有機會在秘魯南中部的已經證明的高硫化熱液帶內重新聚焦勘探工作。我們團隊在這個領域擁有豐富的經驗,結合Majo項目令人興奮的歷史勘探結果,是開發該帶未開發潛力的絕佳機會。隨着我們墨西哥的資產在有能力的合作伙伴手中取得良好進展,我們迫切希望將我們的專業知識應用於推進Majo項目,並釋放其潛力。」

The Majo Project is located in a known gold and silver high sulphidation epithermal belt in South-Central Peru, where several major companies, including Teck, Sumitomo, Fresnillo, Rio Tinto and Pan American Silver, hold significant land packages and various deposits have been delineated, including Corihuarmi, Pico Machay, Breapampa, Minasnioc, San Genaro, Ccarhuaraso and Palla Palla.

Majo項目位於秘魯南中部的著名金銀高硫化熱液帶,包括Teck、Sumitomo、Fresnillo、力拓和泛美白銀在內的幾家主要公司持有大量土地包和不同礦牀,包括Corihuarmi、Pico Machay、Breapampa、Minasnioc、San Genaro、Ccarhuaraso和Palla Palla。

Previous work has identified anomalous levels of gold and silver across an area extending over 1.0 km in length and 0.5 km in width, associated with Miocene-Pliocene magmatic activity and NW-SE structural controls. Host rocks are part of a package of Oligocene and Pliocene volcanic rocks similar to those hosting the Yanacocha, Alto Chicama, Pierina, Poracota, Arasi and Aruntani deposits (see Figure 1 below).


Rock chip samples contain anomalous levels of gold ranging from 0.1 to 7.7 grams per tonne ("gpt") in hydrothermally altered rocks with vuggy silica, massive silica, silica - alunite alterations and hydrothermal breccias in outcrops within the gold-silver anomalous zone. No trenching or pitting has been conducted to date to explore areas where bedrock is hidden by alluvial cover.


Although the property has never been drilled, drill targets have been identified by third parties and some Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ("ESIA") work has been conducted towards drill permits. Xali Gold will conduct their own fieldwork to better refine drill targets already identified and potentially find additional targets.

儘管該物業從未鑽探過,但第三方已確定了鑽探目標,並進行了一些環境和社會影響評估("ESIA")工作以獲得鑽探許可證。Xali Gold將開展自己的現場工作,以進一步完善已經確定的鑽探目標,並可能找到其他目標。

Figure 1: Majo Project Location with Oligocene-Pliocene Epithermal Belt of Peru


Xali Gold and Alpha have entered into a binding Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with the following terms to acquire 100% interest in the Majo Project:

Xali Gold和Alpha已經簽署了具有以下條件的約束性諒解備忘錄("MOU"),以獲取Majo項目的100%權益:

1) Pay all Annual Mining Fees commencing with those due in June 2024 (paid);
2) Issue 50,000 shares in Xali Gold on signing the Definitive Agreement;
3) Issue 100,000 shares within 30 days of receiving the first drilling permit;
4) Pay $50,000 cash upon the closing of a financing by Xali Gold for the drill program (minimum financing of $1,000,000);
5) Execute a drill program of a minimum of 3,000 metres;
6) Deliver $100,000 in cash or shares 12 months after receiving drilling permits;
7) Deliver $150,000 in cash or shares 24 months after receiving drilling permits;
8) Deliver $200,000 in cash or shares 36 months after receiving drilling permits; and
9) Grant a 1.5% net smelter return to Alpha, with a buyout option of $1.5M in cash or shares.
A Definitive Agreement will replace the MOU.

2)在簽署最終協議時向Xali Gold發行50,000股股份;
4)在Xali Gold完成鑽探項目融資(最低融資額1,000,000美元)的交割時支付50,000美元現金;

About Xali Gold

關於Xali Gold

Xali Gold holds gold and silver exploration and development projects in Peru and Mexico. The Mexican projects all have partners investing in and developing them. Xali Gold maintains 100% of the rights to new discoveries at El Oro and plans to drill there as soon as underground access is developed.

Xali Gold在秘魯和墨西哥持有黃金和白銀勘探及開發項目。這些墨西哥項目都有合作伙伴進行投資和開發。Xali Gold保留了對El Oro新發現的100%權益,並計劃在地下通道開發完畢後在那裏進行鑽探。

Xali Gold's flagship project is El Oro, which is a district scale gold project encompassing a well-known prolific high-grade gold dominant gold-silver low-sulphidation epithermal vein system in Central Mexico. Approximately 6.4M ozs of gold and 74M ozs of silver were reported to have been produced from just two veins (Ref. Mexico Geological Service Bulletin Nr. 37, Mining of the El Oro and Tlapujahua Districts, 1920, T. Flores). Xali Gold has identified the potential for a stacked boiling system which may have precipitated gold and silver over vertical extents much greater than the historic workings of the veins mined to date at El Oro. This indicates that several of the El Oro district's veins hold excellent discovery potential, particularly below and adjacent to the historic workings.

Xali Gold的旗艦項目是El Oro,它是一個覆蓋着墨西哥中央地區的一個著名的豐富高品位的金型金-銀型低硫化物淺成熱液脈系統的大區規模的金礦項目。據報道,光是從兩個脈礦(參考資料墨西哥地質服務局第37號公報,關於對El Oro和Tlapujahua地區的礦產開採,1920年. Flores)開採出640萬盎司的黃金和7400萬盎司的白銀。Xali Gold已發現這種地區具有堆疊的沸騰系統的潛力,該系統可能在垂直方向上沉澱了比迄今所開採的脈礦更多的黃金和白銀。這表明El Oro地區的幾個脈礦具有很好的發現潛力,特別是在歷史開採工程的下方和相鄰位置。

Xali Gold is dedicated to being a responsible Community partner.

Xali Gold致力於成爲負責任的社區合作伙伴。

Joanne C. Freeze, P.Geo., President and CEO is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 for the projects discussed above. Ms. Freeze has reviewed and approved the contents of this release. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Joanne C. Freeze,P.Geo.,總裁兼CEO是上述項目的定義人,根據43-101國家工具的規定。 Freeze女士已經審查並批准了本發佈的內容。 TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商不承擔本發佈的充分性或準確性。

On behalf of the Board of Xali Gold Corp.

代表Xali Gold Corp.董事會

"Joanne Freeze" P.Geo.
President, CEO and Director

「Joanne Freeze」 P.Geo。

For further information please contact:
Joanne Freeze, President & CEO
Tel: + 1 (604) 512 3359

Joanne Freeze,董事長兼首席執行官
電話:+1(604)512 3359

Forward-looking Information
This news release may contain forward-looking information (as such term is defined under Canadian securities laws), including, but not limited to, historical production records. While such forward-looking information is expressed by Xali Gold in good faith and believed by Xali Gold to have a reasonable basis, they may address future events and conditions and are therefore subject to inherent risks and uncertainties including those set out in Xali Gold's MD&A. Factors that cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking information include, without limitation, gold prices, results of exploration and development activities, regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of materials and equipment, timeliness of government approvals, potential environmental issues, availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. Xali Gold expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

本新聞發佈可能包含前瞻性信息(根據加拿大證券法的定義),包括但不限於歷史生產記錄。雖然Xali Gold以善意並且Xali Gold相信其具備合理的基礎發表此前瞻性信息,但它們可能涉及未來事件和情況,因此受到固有的風險和不確定性的影響,包括在Xali Gold的MD&A中提出的那些風險和不確定性。導致實際結果與前瞻性信息不符的因素包括但不限於黃金價格、勘探和開發活動的結果、監管變化、資產所有權缺陷、材料和設備的可用性、政府批准的及時性、潛在的環境問題、資本和融資的可用性以及一般的經濟、市場或商業條件。Xali Gold明確聲明不打算或沒有義務根據適用的證券法更新或修訂任何前瞻性信息,無論是根據新信息、未來事件或其他原因。

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