
Systech's SysAIU Teams Up With Pinetop For Advanced AI Data Centres

Systech's SysAIU Teams Up With Pinetop For Advanced AI Data Centres

Business Today ·  09/05 18:57

Systech Bhd (Systech), a prominent digital corporate solutions provider, is thrilled to announce a significant new development. Its wholly-owned subsidiary, SysAIU Sdn. Bhd. (SysAIU), has entered into a Collaboration Agreement (Agreement) with Pinetop Technology Venture Sdn. Bhd. (Pinetop). This partnership marks a major step forward in establishing advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) Data Centres in Malaysia.

馬來西亞的傑出數字企業解決方案提供商Systech Bhd (Systech)很高興宣佈一個重大的新進展。其全資子公司SysAIU Sdn. Bhd. (SysAIU)已與Pinetop Technology Venture Sdn. Bhd. (Pinetop)簽署了一項合作協議 (Agreement)。此次合作標誌着在馬來西亞建立先進的人工智能(AI)數據中心邁出了重要的一步。

According to the terms of the Agreement, SysAIU will be tasked with sourcing and managing essential equipment and infrastructure for the project. This includes high-performance graphics processing units (GPUs), servers, storage systems, networking equipment, cooling systems, and power supply units. SysAIU will also handle the installation, configuration, and maintenance of these systems, ensuring they meet top industry standards for performance, reliability, and compliance. Additionally, SysAIU will offer technical support, training, and resources to facilitate the efficient use of the infrastructure by data centre staff and stakeholders.


On the other hand, Pinetop will bring its extensive experience in AI Data Centre operations and development to the table. The company will provide server and GPU services and technical support for these critical components. Furthermore, Pinetop will develop the necessary applications and software required for the data centre operations, including designing, coding, testing, and deploying software to optimise the data centres' functionality and efficiency. Pinetop's role is crucial in ensuring that the data centres not only meet current technological demands but are also adaptable to future advancements in AI and data processing technologies.


Pinetop is a dynamic Malaysian firm known for its expertise in AI Data Centre development and IT software solutions. The company is recognised for designing and building web and mobile applications, as well as developing Large Language Modules (LLMs). Pinetop is also a channel partner of a leading global data centre operator, with a notable presence in Johor, Malaysia.


Dato' Derrick Hooi, Managing Director of Systech Bhd, remarked, "This collaboration with Pinetop Technology Venture is a significant step forward in our strategic plan to expand into the AI and data centre sectors. By integrating our strengths in AI and cybersecurity with Pinetop's expertise in data centre operations and AI software applications, we are poised to deliver state-of-the-art data centres that will meet the evolving needs of businesses in Malaysia and beyond. This partnership not only reinforces our commitment to innovation but also positions us to capitalise on emerging opportunities in the digital economy."

Systech Bhd董事總經理Dato' Derrick Hooi表示:「與Pinetop Technology Venture的合作是我們擴展人工智能和數據中心領域戰略計劃的重要一步。通過整合我們在人工智能和網絡安全概念方面的優勢與Pinetop在數據中心運營和人工智能軟件應用方面的專業知識,我們將能夠提供符合馬來西亞及其他地區不斷髮展需求的最先進數據中心。這一合作關係不僅加強了我們對創新的承諾,也使我們能夠把握數字經濟中新興機遇。」

Eizaz Azhar, Chief Executive Officer of Pinetop Technology Venture Sdn. Bhd., added, "Our partnership with SysAIU marks a significant milestone in our journey to advance AI and data centre technologies in Malaysia. By combining our deep expertise in AI-driven operations with SysAIU's cutting-edge solutions and high-performance GPU servicing, we are confident that this collaboration will lead to the development of world-class data centres capable of meeting the evolving needs of the digital landscape. We are excited about the potential this partnership holds and look forward to delivering innovative solutions that will drive growth and technological progress in the region."

Pinetop Technology Venture的首席執行官Eizaz Azhar補充道:「與SysAIU的合作標誌着我們在推進馬來西亞人工智能和數據中心技術方面的重要里程碑。通過將我們在人工智能驅動運營方面的深厚專業知識與SysAIU的尖端解決方案和高性能gpu芯片-雲計算服務相結合,我們相信這一合作將帶來發展世界級數據中心的可能,以滿足數字領域不斷髮展的需求。我們對這一合作的潛力充滿期待,並期待提供能夠推動該地區增長和技術進步的創新解決方案。」

Both SysAIU and Pinetop will collaborate closely on all aspects of the project, from budgeting and financial planning to marketing strategies and operational execution. The partnership aims to ensure a seamless integration of their respective technologies and expertise, ultimately providing a robust and scalable data centre solution to meet the growing demand in Malaysia.


As of 5:00 P.M. on 5 September 2024, Systech Bhd's share price closed at RM0.33, reflecting a market capitalisation of RM212.70 million.

截至2024年9月5日下午5:00,Systech Bhd的股價報收於0.33令吉,反映出2,127萬令吉的市值。

